IV. Without translating the sentences into English, write down which English grammar tense must be used for translation.

Model : Я не люблю кататься на лыжах. – The past Simple Tense

1. Это случается время от времени.

2. Мы возьмем такси.

3. Мальчик бегает во дворе.

4. Мы не играли в теннис вчера.

5. Ты прочитал эту книгу? –Да.


V. Choose the correct variant of translation and write down the chosen English sentence.

1. Он уехал, не оставив нам адреса.

a) Не did not leave us his address as he did not know he would go away.

b) He could neither leave our place that day nor leave us his address.

c) He left without leaving us his address.

2. Тебе следовало бы сесть на диету еще полгода назад.

a) You must go on a diet half a year ago.

b) You should have gone on a diet half a year ago.

c) You must have gone on a diet half a year ago.

3. Пусть она отошлет письмо своему брату.

a) Let’s send her her brother’s letter.

b) Let her send a letter to her brother

c) Let them send her the letter

4.  В нaшей библиoтеке мaлo aнглийских книг.

a) Thеrе is fеw Еnglіsh books іn our lіbrary.

b) Thеrе arе fеw Еnglіsh books іn our lіbrary.

c) Thеrе were fеw Еnglіsh books іn our lіbrary.


VI. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct grammar tense.

1.   Now I am in my class. I... (to sit) at my desk. I always ... (to sit) at the same desk.

2.   When you_____ (know) your examination results?

3.   Kathy_____ (travel) to Caracas next month to attend a conference.

4.   Do you have any plans for lunch today? — I _____ (meet) Shannon at the Sham Cafe in an hour. Do you want to join us?

5.   I ____ (buy) a bicycle for my son for his birthday next month. Do you know anything about bikes for kids? — Sure. What do you want to know?

VII. Put questions to the underlined parts of the sentences.

1. She has never been at a big railway station.

2. We buy railway ticketsat the booking-office.

3. Some children go to school by bus.



The English Language


Variant VI


I. Read the text and translate it into Russian in writing.

What Is the Difference Between a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist?

The work of psychologists and psychiatrists has much in common. Both psychologists and psychiatrists can provide psychotherapy and counseling services. Both psychologists and psychiatrists are trained to diagnose neuropsychological disorders and dysfunctions plus psychotic, neurotic and personality disorders and dysfunctions. Both professionals are granted the right to make such diagnoses by law while other doctors cannot. Both psychologists and psychiatrists help people maintain and enhance their physical, intellectual, emotional, social and interpersonal functioning.

However, there are some important differences in training and special skills. Psychiatrists, as medical doctors, can prescribe medications for psychological distress. Psychologists do not prescribe medications, instead focusing their treatment on psychotherapy. In addition, psychologists are the only mental health professionals who are fully trained and qualified to use psychological tests.

The education of psychologists provides knowledge of psychological and emotional problems, personality, and human development, integrated with specialized training in how to apply this knowledge to helping people with emotional distress and other problems in living. The psychologist's training in research allows them to evaluate the best ways to help people and to make decisions on what helps and what doesn't help different people with various situations.

Psychologists also specialize in psychological testing. Psychological tests are used in situations where there are questions about what a person's particular problem is. Psychologists also use psychological tests in legal cases or any time there is uncertainty about what is troubling an individual Psychological tests can include assessments of personality styles, tests of emotional well-being, intellectual (or "IQ") tests, tests of academic achievement and tests for possible brain damage.

II.Put five questions to the text in writing.


III.Fill in the gap with the correct form of the verb.

1)The children have ______ a pizza. (a)eat b)ate c)eating d)eaten)

2)We ______ to the circus yesterday. (a)going b)gone c)go d)went)

3)She didn’t ______ us anything. (a)gave b)give c)given d)giving)

4)He can ______ English. (a)speaks b)speak c)spoken d)to speak)

5)I haven't ______ to her yet. (a)speak b)spoke c)spoken d)speaking)

6)They ______ here yesterday. (a)come b)is coming c)came d)have come)

7)The boy ______ hungry. (a)has b)is c)were d)are)

8)Paul ______ a beautiful poem. (a)has written b)are writing c)have written d)were writing)


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