The importance of sport – keeping your body healthy  

   Would you like to live a longer life? To live longer, you must keep your body healthy, and I have some suggestions for you. First you must eat healthy foods that will provide necessary protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates. You should not eat food that contains fats and cholesterol because they clog your arteries and cause heart attacks. Proper diet can help to keep your body healthy.                                                                            

The second important requirement is regular exercise. You should exercise every day. You might jog or lift weights to keep your body healthy and active. The third and most important point is, not to take illegal drugs. Drugs can ruin your life and the lives of your family. You should not smoke, and you should not take heroin. By keeping your body healthy now while you are young, you could live longer, and you might enjoy life more. ( 144 words )

"Great projects carried out in Egypt " " The project of the new Suez Canal "

In fact Egypt has started to carry out many useful projects to improve our economy and to achieve high rate of growth and investment. Digging the new Suez Canal is one of the greatest projects which will attract many investors to invest their money in Egypt. This project will change the balance of power in the Middle East area and will double our income .This is in an attempt to create new jobs for our youth and overcome unemployment problem. It will also help to establish an industrial area which will attract global trade. Setting up power stations will solve the problem of electricity in Egypt. Building new cities like the new capital will solve many problems such as over population. Reclaiming wide areas in the desert will also solve the problem of food shortage, farming and over population and this will also provide opportunities of jobs for our youth. (150 words)

"How to encourage businessmen to invest their money in the projects carried out in Egypt nowadays"

It is known that Egypt is in need of improving and developing economy. Therefore Egypt tries hard to encourage businessmen to invest their money in carrying out many useful projects in all fields nowadays. These projects will help to provide opportunities of work for a lot of unemployed young people, so it can solve many problems such as unemployment. Thanks to all Egyptians who shared in investing their money, Egypt could start carrying out the project of the new Suez canal which is one of its greatest projects. This project will benefit all Egyptians because it will attract many investors to invest their money in Egypt. This project will also increase our income and hard currency. In fact there are many projects will be set up which aim to improve our standard of living. Finally I can say that If all of us invest our money in Egypt ,it will be an advanced country.( 152 words ).

"How youth serve and develop their home " “The role of youth in making their country better “

   We all agree that youth are the backbone of any country. As they play the main role in developing our country .They have the power and determination to do any thing for the sake of their country. If we want to make any progress, we must depend on them to do that. They can share in developing and saving their countries in time of war and in time of peace. In Egypt, their role became clear during the 25th revolution and they played the main role. They also have the duty of rebuilding their country, so we should help them to set up useful projects that help to build our country. This can be done by giving   them loans with low interests. Moreover, the government should employ the youth and solve the unemployment problem as an unemployed youth is like a timing bomb that can explode in all our faces causing terror and destruction. To sum up, I'd like to say that no progress and prosperity can be done in the absence of the youth. (175 words )

"The importance of tourism "" How to attract tourists to come to Egypt"

No one can deny that tourism is one of the most important things in Egypt. Because it has great role in its economy. The importance of tourism lies in providing hard currency for Egypt. It also provides job opportunities for all people. From here the government should pay great attention to this field. We must do our best to attract more tourists to Egypt. It can build new hotels with all means of facilities. We as citizens have a role; we must treat tourists in a friendly way and make them love Egypt to come again. Finally we can sum up by saying that tourism for Egypt is like water and air, so we must do our best to benefit from it.( 122 words )

“The necessity of consumption rationalization of water and electricity”" How to save energy"

Energy and water are the artery of life. All living things and machines can’t live or work without them, however energy and water are about to run out ,so we mustn’t ignore these problems otherwise we will lead hard life .The Nile is the only source of water in Egypt. So we must keep it clean and use its water only when necessary. We mustn’t be wasteful at using its water. We mustn’t forget to rationalize using electricity. From my point of view, there are many simple ways to reduce using electricity for example we can switch off electric sets after using them. We must spread the awareness of the importance of rationalization among citizens to avoid this serious problem .We can use natural light by day. At last not at least we can say that consumption rationalization of water and electricity need great interest from us.( 147 words )

“Education Reform in Egypt” “Developing education is the basic of progress

The Egyptian government is working hard to develop Education. In fact, the government had launched a reform policy to respond to domestic and international markets needs, There is no doubt that work in this field requires lots of efforts. Therefore, the government is doing its best to develop education in all stages and at all levels. In every school, primary prep or secondary there are computers for the pupils to work on. There is the internet in which school can have a site, so the pupils, teachers need not leave school to attend training programmes .They can do it while in school through the video conference. All modern equipment such as television, computers, and all other devices are based on the highest technology. ( 123 words )

Economic Development Conference (EEDC) المؤتمر الاقتصادي

   The economic Development conference held in sharm Elsheikh was a very good  and positive step in the right direction .After  years of political turmoil that have negatively affected Egypt's economy, the summit aims to show the world that Egypt is on a new track, and to present it as a country full of investment opportunities in many different sectors. It is high time  to create a positive change in Egypt and develop our economy. Developing our economy is our only way to build up our country, all of us must be responsible for our new Egypt  . Egypt hosted the Egypt Economic Development Conference in Sharm El Sheikh which will put the economy on the right path of growth.We hope that all the world countries put their hands with the Egyptian government and invest in Egypt. ( 136 words )

The new Suez Canal project
There is no doubt that the new Suez Canal project is the most important project done in Egypt in the twenty first century. This project is a good step on the road to modernization in our country. It is a proof that the Egyptian people are able to achieve what's impossible .. The new Suez Canal project will provide a lot of job opportunities for our unemployed young men . It will create new cities which will reduce the crowded population around the Nile Valley . We will build new factories and set up new industries . It will bring us hard currency as the ships which pass through the canal , will pay a lot of money .It will contribute to improving our economy and raising our standard of living . It is a project financed by the Egyptians.

.The Suez Canal project is a step on the road to developing our country , improving its economy and creating a motivation for its people to work and produce . It's a project that will unite the Egyptians and encourage them to support other projects . To sum up , it is an inspiring project that will help us to make the best use of our human power . ( 209 words )

Some important Translations

1- Translate into Arabic:

Education is the base of any progress and civilization . People have to continue learning new skills throughout their lives. Never too old to learn . 

B) Translate into English:

1- أحد أهداف مشروع محور قناة السويس تحويل مصر إلى مركز اقتصادي وتجاري عالمي آما انه يجلب عملة صعبة لخزينة الدولة .

2- قررت الحكومة منع استيراد بعض المنتجات الصينية لتشجيع المنتجات المحلية.

2- The countdown of opening ( inaugurating ) "New Suez Canal" started .The new Suez Canal is the dream of the Egyptian people, the artery of the prosperity ( flourish ) of Egypt and the world ,and the hope of the Egyptian people to upgrade Egypt to the ranks of economically promising and developed countries .

B) Translate into English:

1- اخترع العلماء جهازا جديدا يمكنه التنبؤ بالزلازل قبل حدوثها.

2- يجب تطوير التعليم الحكومي في مصر لكي يواكب التطور الهائل الحادث في العالم اليوم

3- The main source of noise pollution is from transportation. In urban areas, automobiles and motorcycles can cause sleep disruption, hearing loss and heart diseases. For this reason, most developed countries have tried to prevent noise pollution.

B) Translate into English:

1- لقد تعهدت كثير من الدول الغنية بتقديم مساعدات مالية لمصر لمساعدتها في بناء اقتصادها.

2- تبذل الحكومة قصارى جهدها لتحسين علاقات مصر مع دول حوض النيل.

4-The New Suez Canal Project involves digging a canal parallel to the Suez Canal. The project will transfer the canal cities into globally trading centers. New centers for logistics and ship services will be built.

1- تصدر مصر العديد من المحاصيل إلي الدول الأخرى ولكنها تستورد الكثير من القمح

-2  لكي نتجنب انقطاع الكهرباء يجب علينا أن نرشد من استهلاك الطاقة

1- ان مؤتمر دعم وتنمیة الاقتصاد المصري حدث عالمي عقد تحت شعار " مستقبل مصر "

-Egypt Economic Development Conference (EEDC) is a global event held under the slogan "Egypt's future".

2- إن قناة السویس ملك لمصر فقط وستكون اسھم تمویل المشروع بالجنیة المصري .

- The Suez Canal belongs to Egypt only, and the financing shares of the project will be by the Egyptian pound.

3- أحد اھداف مشروع محور قناة السویس ھو تحویل مصر الي مركز اقتصادي وتجاري عالمي

One of the aims of the Suez Canal project is that Egypt will convert to a global, economic and trade center .

4- إن تنفیذ الحكومةھ المصریھ لمشروع قناة السویس الجديدة خیر دلیل على إصرار المصریین على بناء بلدھم

The new Suez Canal Project, carried by the Egyptian government is the best evidence that the Egyptians insist on building their country

5- إن المجتمع الذي یحظى بقدر اكبر من حریة الفكر ھو الغالب لا محالة .

The society which enjoys more freedom of thought will inevitably win.

6- تفرض الأمم المتحدة عقوبات اقتصادیة على أي دولة تنتھك حقوق الإنسان .

United Nations imposes economic sanctions on any country violates human rights.

7- حریة الفكر والتعبیر ھى حریة أساسیة، لا تستطیع أمة من الأمم أن تتقدم بدونھا ونحن فى ھذة الاَونة أحوج ما نكون للحفاظ علیھا .

Freedom of thought and expression is essential. No nation can achieve progress without it. Nowadays, we are in a bad need to protect it.

8- للصحافة دوراً كبیراً فى تنمیة الوعى العام تجاه القضایا الاقتصادیة والاجتماعیة .

Press has a great role in developing the public awareness concerning economic and social issues.

9- تعمل الدولة على تحقیق العدالة الاجتماعیة وتكافؤ الفرص بین المواطنین والمساواة بین الرجل والمرأة في جمیع الحقوق .

The state is exerting efforts to achieve social justice, ensure equal opportunities for all citizens, and achieve equality between man and woman in all rights.

10- إن استخدمت أسلحة الدمار الشامل فى حرب من الحروب ستتم إبادة الغالبیة العظمى من الكائنات الحیة

If weapons of mass destruction are used in a war, the extreme majority of living creatures will be exterminated.

11- لقد شھدت الشھور القلیلة الماضیة تحول عمیق في سیاسیة مصر تجاه قضیة میاه حوض النیل .

There has been a deep change in the past few months in Egypt's policy towards Nile Basin water issue.

12- أقامت الحكومة المصریة مؤتمر دولي یوم أمس لمناقشة مستقبل الاقتصاد فى مصر .

An international conference was held by the Egyptian government yesterday to discuss the future of economy in Egypt.

13- تلعب وسائل الإعلامية دورا حیویا في تنمیة الوعي بین المواطنین .

Media plays a vital role in forming awareness among citizens.

14- تعتبر مصر مھد الحضارة فلھا دور رائد في منطقة الشرق الأوسط و العالم العربي

Egypt is considered the cradle of civilization; Egypt has a leading role in the Middle East as well as the Arab World.

15- تعد السیاحة مصدر ھام للدخل القومي فھى وسیلة للاطلاع على ماضي وحاضر البلد

Tourism is a very important source of national income. It is also a means of giving information about the past and the present of the country.

16- ھل تعتقد إن العولمة یمكن إن تضیق الفجوة بین الحضارات والثقافات؟

Do you think that globalization could narrow the gap among civilizations and cultures?

17- یھدف مشروع محور قناة السویس الي تحویل المنطقة لكیان اقتصادي ھائل .

The Suez Canal Corridor project aims to transform the area into a huge economic entity.

18- یجب ان نتحلى بالصبر والصمود في مواجھة مشاكلنا الاقتصادیة الحالیة .

We should have patience and withstand to face our current economic problems.

19- لقد أصبحت السیاحة العمود الفقري لتطویر الاقتصاد المصري .

Tourism has become the backbone of the development of the Egyptian economy.

20- تھدف قوانین المرور الجدیدة الي تحقیق انسیاب المرور والحد من حوادث السیارات .

New traffic laws aim at achieving the flow of traffic and reducing car accidents. stability for all its residents.

21- یجب علي المواطنین معرفة واجباتھم قبل المطالبة بحقوقھم .

Citizens must know their duties before asking for their rights

22- ان حریة العقیدة وحق المواطنة والعدالة والمساواة ھي ركائز المجتمع الحدیث .

The freedom of doctrine and the right of citizenship, justice and equality are the pillars of modern society.

23- تحثنا الأديان السماویة علي التسامح و الأخوة ونبذ العنف والارھاب .

Divine religions urge us on tolerance, brotherhood and rejecting violence and terrorism.

24- لقد أصبحت میاه الشرب مشكلة عالمیة یمكن ان تؤدي للحروب بین كثیرا من الدول .

Drinking water has become a global problem which can lead to wars among lots of countries.

25-  ان مصر ھي مھد الحضارة والأديان ولن تكون أبدا منبعا للعنف والارھاب والتطرف .

Egypt is the cradle of civilization and religions and it won't be a source of violence, terrorism and extremism.

26- ینبغي علینا خلق مجتمع منتج ومتعاون یسوده السلام والحب وانكار الذات .

We should create co-operative and productive society, prevailed by peace, love and self-denial.

27- ان ارتفاع درجة الحرارة والفیضانات والأمطار الغزیرة والأعاصير ھي نتائج سیئھ للتلوث البیئي .

A rise in temperature, floods, heavy rains and hurricanes are bad consequences for environmental pollution.


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