Read the quotations and answer the questions.

"Tell your soldiers to ride ahead of me. I don't need them or you. You can wait here until I've continued through the old town alone."

I. Who says this to whom?. Rassendyll says this to Marshal Strakencz.

2. Where are they and when is this?. They are in the streets of Strelsau, going from the station to the coronation. This is before the coronation.

Why does the speaker say this?

. He wants to act as a king. He wants the people to know that he trusts them.

"You mustn't try too hard. I'm not sure it was a good idea to ride alone through the old town. Duke Michael won't like it if you become too popular with his people, you know. "

1. Who says this to whom?. Fritz says this to Rassendyll.

2. Where and when is this said?. They are in the King’s bedroom after the coronation.

Why did the person ride alone through the old town and why won't Duke Michael like it if the person becomes too popular?

. Rassendyll wanted to act like a real king and show that he wasn’t afraid of the people/show that he trusted the people. Duke Michael won’t like it because if he tries to become King, the people will probably support him. But if the King/Rassendyll becomes popular, it will be harder for Michael to get the support of the people.

"If all's well, why go there? And if all isn't well, I fear there 'Il be a trap. "

1. Who says this to whom?. Max Holt says this to Duke Michael.

2. Where are they?. They are on the road between Strelsau and Zenda./On the way to Zenda.

3. What is "there"? What do you think he means by "all's well"?

. “There” means the hunting lodge. “All’s well” probably means that the Duke’s plan has gone ahead and that the King is kidnapped.

"We'll go back to Strelsau. The King will be back in the capital again tomorrow!"

1. Who says this to whom?. Sapt says this to Rassendyll.

2. Where are they and what has happened? They are in the hunting lodge near Zenda. They have found Josef dead and the King is gone.

3. How will the King be back in the capital tomorrow?. Rassendyll will continue to pretend to be the King. / Sapt wants Rassendyll to continue to pretend to be the King.

Chapter 4

A. Answer these questions.

32. What does Sapt plan to do if the real King is dead?

He plans that Rassendyllwill remain as King.

33. Why do Michael's men have spades? What does it mean that they were going to "hide their evil work"?

They are going to bury Josef’s body so no one will know about his murder.

34. What does Rassendyll mean that some of those evil men should join Josef?

Rassendyll means that some of them should be killed. They should join Josef in death.

35. Why does Sapt say to the servant at the secret door "All young men like to ride their horses now and then, so why not the King?"

He wants the servant to think that the King was just out riding for fun. He doesn’t want him to know anything about where they were. Sapt says it’s best not to trust people too much.

36. Why does Rassendyll use a new servant who has never met the real King? Who is the servant replacing?

The new servant would be less likely to realise that Rassendyll is not the real King. The servant is replacing Josef, who was killed by Michael’s men.

37. Who are the Six Men? Where are they from? Why are only three in Strelsau?

They are six special soldiers that Duke Michael keeps in his house all the time. Three are from Ruritania, one is French, one is Belgian, one is English. Sapt and Fritz assume that if only three are in Strelsau, the other three must be guarding the King.

38. Rassendyll decides to keep some of his plans secret from Sapt and Fritz. What are those plans?

He plans to make himself as popular as he can, and to not say anything bad about Michael. This way, if there were a fight, some of the people would support him (the King) and not Michael. Michael would not become stronger this way.

39. Why does he visit the Princess? What does he do on the way? How do these things make him more popular?.

 He wants to get the support of the Princess (for the King). On the way he buys some flowers from a poor girl and pays with a gold coin. Giving the coin makes him look generous to the people. The people like the Princess and seem to want the King to marry her, so visiting her will make the people happy.

40. Why can't Michael come into the room when the King is there? What mistake does Rassendyll make? How does he cover up his mistake?

because the King is royal and higher than Michael. Rassendyll does not know this rule, and he makes the mistake of asking why Michael will be angry (that he isn’t asked to enter the room). He covers his mistake by saying that he keeps forgetting all the rules.

41. Rassendyll says that his hand was hurt from an animal bite and that he's waiting to see if the bite is poisonous. He also says that he is sure the animal will try to bite again. Who is he really talking about, and who understands this?

He is really talking about Michael (his poisoning and kidnapping of the King, and his men’s shooting at Rassendyll), and Michael understands this.

42. How does Rassendyll know that the Six Men also know his secret?

He knows because of the way Detchard (the Englishman) smiles at him when he is presented to him. Rassendyll knows that if one of the Six Men knows, they will all know.

Дата добавления: 2018-10-27; просмотров: 230; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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