When Johnny Fontane appeared in the garden, Kay Adams recognized him

immediately. She was truly surprised. "You never told me your family knew

Johnny Fontane," she said. "Now I'm sure I'll marry you."

2 "Do you want to meet him?" Michael asked.


3 "Not now," Kay said. She sighed. "I was in love with him for three years. I used

To come down to New York whenever he sang at the Capitol and scream my head

off. He was so wonderful."

4 "We'll meet him later," Michael said.

When Johnny finished singing and vanished into the house with Don Corleone,

Kay said archly to Michael, "Don't tell me a big movie star like Johnny Fontane

has to ask your father for a favor?"

6 "He's my father's godson," Michael said. "And if it wasn't for my father he

might not be a big movie star today."

7 Kay Adams laughed with delight. "That sounds like another great story."

8 Michael shook his head. "I can't tell that one," he said.

9 "Trust me," she said.

He told her. He told her without being funny. He told it without pride. He told it

Without any sort of explanation except that eight years before his father had been

More impetuous, and because the matter concerned his godson, the Don

Considered it an affair of personal honor.

The story was quickly told. Eight years ago Johnny Fontane had made an

Extraordinary success singing with a popular dance band. He had become a top

Radio attraction. Unfortunately the band leader, a well-known show business

Personality named Les Halley, had signed Johnny to a five-year personal services

Contract. It was a common show business practice. Les Halley could now loan

Johnny out and pocket most of the money.

Don Corleone entered the negotiations personally. He offered Les Halley

Twenty thousand dollars to release Johnny Fontane from the personal services

Contract. Halley offered to take only fifty percent of Johnny's earnings. Don

Corleone was amused. He dropped his offer from twenty thousand dollars to ten

Thousand dollars. The band leader, obviously not a man of the world outside his

Beloved show business, completely missed the significance of this lower offer.

He refused.

The next day Don Corleone went to see the band leader personally. He

Brought with him his two best friends, Genco Abbandando, who was his





Consigliori , and Luca Brasi. With no other witnesses Don Corleone persuaded

Les Halley to sign a document giving up all rights to all services from Johnny


Fontane upon payment of a certified check to the amount of ten thousand dollars.

Don Corleone did this by putting a pistol to the forehead of the band leader and

Assuring him with the utmost seriousness that either his signature or his brains

Would rest on that document in exactly one minute. Les Halley signed. Don

Corleone pocketed his pistol and handed over the certified check.

The rest was history. Johnny Fontane went on to become the greatest

Singing sensation in the country. He made Hollywood musicals that earned a

Fortune for his studio. His records made millions of dollars. Then he divorced his

Childhood-sweetheart wife and left his two children, to marry the most glamorous

blond star in motion pictures. He soon learned that she was a "whore." He drank,

He gambled, he chased other women. He lost his singing voice. His records

Stopped selling. The studio did not renew his contract. And so now he had come

Back to his Godfather.

15 Kay said thoughtfully, "Are you sure you're not jealous of your father?

Everything you've told me about him shows him doing something for other

people. He must be good-hearted." She smiled wryly. "Of course his methods are

not exactly constitutional."

16 Michael sighed. "I guess that's the way it sounds, but let me tell you this. You

Know those Arctic explorers who leave caches of food scattered on the route to

The North Pole? Just in case they may need them someday? That's my father's

Favors. Someday he'll be at each one of those people's houses and they had

better come across."



1 It was nearly twilight (почти сумерки) before the wedding cake was shown (прежде

был подан: «показан» свадебный пирог), exclaimed over (принят восторженными

возгласами; to exclaim [ıks’kleım] – восклицать) and eaten. Specially baked by

Nazorine, it was cleverly decorated with shells of cream (искусно украшен кремовыми

ракушками) so dizzyingly delicious (настолько головокружительно вкусными; dizzy –

испытывающий головокружение; delicious [dı’lı∫∂s] – восхитительный; очень

вкусный) that the bride greedily plucked them from the corpse of the cake (жадно

сорвала их с «корпуса» пирога) before she whizzed away (умчалась; to whizz –

проноситься со свистом) on her honeymoon (медовый месяц) with her blond groom.

The Don politely sped his guests' departure (вежливо ускорил отъезд своих гостей: to




speed), noting meanwhile (отметив про себя между тем) that the black sedan with its

FBI men was no longer visible (больше не был видим = его больше не было видно).

2 Finally the only car left in the driveway (на дороге, в проезде) was the long black

Cadillac with Freddie at the wheel (за рулем), The Don got into the front seat (сел на

переднее сиденье), moving with quick coordination for his age and bulk (для своего

возраста и веса: «массы»). Sonny, Michael and Johnny Fontane got into the back seat.

Don Corleone said to his son Michael, "Your girl friend, she'll get back to the city by

herself all right (доберется сама без проблем)?"

3 Michael nodded. "Tom said he'd take care of it (позаботится об этом)," Don

Corleone nodded with satisfaction at Hagen's efficiency (удовлетворенный

расторопностью Хагена; efficient [ı’fı∫nt] – действенный, эффективный).

4 Because of the gas rationing still in effect (из-за того, что бензин все еще

выдавался по карточкам; rationing [‘rж∫nıŋ] – нормирование продуктов; продажа по

карточкам), there was little traffic (мало движения транспорта) on the Belt Parkway to

Manhattan. In less than an hour the Cadillac rolled into the street of French Hospital.

During the ride Don Corleone asked his youngest son if he was doing well in school

(хорошо ли он учится, все ли в порядке с учебой). Michael nodded. Then Sonny in

the back seat asked his father, "Johnny says you're getting him squared away

(уладишь; to square [skwε∂] – придавать квадратную форму, обтесывать;

улаживать, приводить в порядок; square – квадрат) with that Hollywood business. Do

you want me to go out there and help?"

5 Don Corleone was curt (короткий, лаконичный; отрывисто-грубый), "Tom is going

tonight. He won't need any help, it's a simple affair."

6 Sonny Corleone laughed. "Johnny thinks you can't fix it (уладить; to fix –

устанавливать, прикреплять; приводить в порядок), that's why I thought you might

want me to go out there."

7 Don Corleone turned his head. "Why do you doubt me (сомневаешься во мне

[daut])?" he asked Johnny Fontane. "Hasn't your Godfather always done what he said

he would do? Have I ever been taken for a fool (разве когда-либо меня принимали за

дурачка, обдуривали)?"

8 Johnny apologized nervously. "Godfather, the man who runs it (кто ведет /этот

бизнес/) is a real .90 caliber pezzonovante (настоящий 90-ый калибер = крупная

шишка). You can't budge him (пошевельнуть, сдвинуть с места), not even with

money. He has big connections (связи). And he hates me. I just don't know how you

can swing it (это обделать: to swing – качнуть; успешно обделать дельце)."





9 The Don spoke with affectionate amusement. "I say to you: you shall have it." He


nudged Michael with his elbow (подтолкнул локтем). "We won't disappoint my godson

(не разочаруем), eh, Michael?"

10 Michael, who never doubted his father for a moment, shook his head.

11 As they walked toward the hospital entrance (ко входу), Don Corleone put his hand

on Michael's arm so that the others forged ahead (медленно продвигались вперед).

"When you get through with college (когда разделаешься, покончишь с колледжем),

come and talk to me," the Don said. "I have some plans you will like."

12 Michael didn't say anything. Don Corleone grunted in exasperation (промычал,

проворчал; to grunt – хрюкать; ворчать). "I now how you are. I won't ask you to do

anything you don't approve of (то, что ты не одобряешь). This is something special

(нечто особое). Go your own way now, you're a man after all (в конце концов). But

come to me as a son should when you have finished with your schooling."



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