General peculiarities of MnE structure. (Навчальный посибник з теории англ мови. – Д.: ДонНУ) – P . 39-42.

C м. -файл на столе и внутри Transcend (теорграмматика +)

Theoretical grammar, 3-rd year

List of references

Словари и энциклопедии

1.Ахманова О.С. Словарь лингвистических терминов. –М., 1969.

2.Ярцева. Лингвистическая энциклопедия. (=Языкознание). – M.,  


1.Александрова О.В., Комова Т.А. Современный английский язык: морфология и синтаксис.- М.: Академия, 2007. – 224 с.

2.Бархударов Л.С. Структура простого предложения современного англ языка. – М., 1966.

3. Блох М. Я. Теоретические основы грамматики.- М., 2005.

4.Воронцова Г.Н. Очерки по грамматике английского языка. – М., 1960.

8. И.П. Иванова, В.В. Бурлакова, Г.Г. Почепцов. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка.– М., 1981.

9. Н.А. Кобрина, Н.Н. Болдырев, А.А. Худяков. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка.– М., 2007.

10.Корнеева Е.А. и др. Пособие по морфологии английского языка. – М., 1974.

11.Смирницкий А.И. Морфология английского языка. –М., 1959.

12. Смирницкий А.И. Синтаксис английского языка. –М., 1957.

13.Харитонов И.К. Теоретична граматика англ мови. – Винница, 2008.

14. Худяков А.А. – Теоретическ.грамматика английского языка. - М., приблизительно 2007. – 256 с.

15. Alexeyeva I. Theoretical English grammar Course.- Vinnitsa, 2007.

16.Blokh M.Y. A Course in the theoretical English Grammar. – M., 1983.

17.Ilyish B.A. The structure of Modern English.L., 1971.


18. Аракин В.Д. Сравнительная типология английского и русского языков. – М., 1989.

19. Бархударов Л.С. Очерки по морфологии современного английского языка.- М., 1975.

20. Стеблин-Каменский. К вопросу о частях речи. – Л., 1954

21.Хаймович Б.С., Роговская Б.И. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. –М., 1967.


Второй  вопрос билета Neutralization of opposition.+ Grammatical category (2 -1=0) Grammatical opposition (Blokh, p.28) Binary privative, gradual & equipolent oppositions (Blokh, p.28, 29) the un/marked member (Blokh, p.28) categorial  grammatical form The Notion of a paradigm The language and speech in grammar. paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations in gr. Analytical and synthetical languages Analytical form 1.the plane of content (=ПС) +  the plane of form (=ПВ) make an overt / explicit category in grammar 2.the plane of content (=ПС) + no plane of form (=ПВ) make a covert / implicit lexico-grammatical(=semantical) category in grammar 3.The implicit lexico-grammatical (= semantic) category 4.Morpheme & allomorph (Ad-: ammunition, assume, advise; IN-: illegal, irregular, impossible, inconsistent) 5.explicit and implicit grammatical categories 6.Grammeme (=word-form) (Хлебникова, с. 6 ) 7.Language and speech (=allo-emic approach)

Lecture 1

The purpose and tasks of theoretical grammar.

1.According to B.A.Ilyish:

The purpose of a theoretical grammar course is to present a systematic study of the grammatical structure (строй) of modern English. It goes without saying that a student should have a sufficient knowledge of the practical rules of English syntax and morphology. It is our task to give an analysis of English grammatical structure in the light of general principles of linguistics.

This will involve consideration of moot points (спорный) on which differing views have been expressed by different scholars. It will be our task to consider the main arguments put forward to sustain ( поддержать ) the various views and to find out the most convincing way of solving the particular problem involved.

The main purpose of a theoretical grammar course is meant to encourage the students to think on the essential problems of English language structure and to form their own views and judgments on the relevant questions and on the respective merits of the various solutions proposed. The student is meant toacquire as a result of his studies an insight into the structure of the language and an ability to form his own ideas on this or that question. This will be a necessary accomplishment (=skill) for a teacher of English, who is aptto find differing or contradictory treatment of the grammatical phenomena he has to mention in his teaching.

The purpose of practical grammar is to describe the grammatical system of English and to prescribe certain grammatical rules (e.g. formation and rules of the Past Ind. tense).

3.According to Kharitonov:

The purpose of theoretical grammar is to give a scientific description of the system of a language without giving any prescriptions i.e. only to scientifically analyse and define its grammatical categories and study the mechanisms of grammatical formation of utterances out of words in the process of speechmaking.

Its purpose is also to develop in the student an ability to form his own ideas and opinions on this or that question, an ability to analyse language facts (p.5-6).

     1.According to Gak Vladimir Grigoryevich:

In the limelight of theoretical grammar course, not the descriptive outline of facts is to be given but their theoretical interpretation. In this connection a theoretical grammar course shows complicated, vexed (горячо дебатируемый , спорный) and moot ( спорный ) points of grammar and gives existing viewpoints of their interpretation by different scholars ( ученые ; person with much knowledge (usually of a particular subject). But the facts of language should be limelighted from the viewpoint of a clearly-cut idea. That is why the main problem when giving an outline of theoretical grammar is the relation of critical and positive material.


Lecture ½

General peculiarities of MnE structure. (Навчальный посибник з теории англ мови. – Д.: ДонНУ) – P . 39-42.

Lecture 2

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