Ex.6.Answer the following questions.

1.As you may know K. Vonnegut is a famous writer. For what reasons do you think he failed as a student?

2.What do you think about your will to learn? Is it great enough?


Ex.7. Answer the questions:

1.Did you go to nursery school?

2.Do most children start primary school at the age of five?

3.Is the secondary school system similar or different?

4.How many subjects did/do you study at secondary school?

5.Did/do you study any subjects which are not included opposite?

6.What was/is your favorite subject?

7.How many lessons did/do you have every day?

8.Is/was your school a state school o public school?

9.At what age can you leave school?

10.How many terms are there in a school year?


Ex.8. How do you understand the following proverbs? Explain their meanings and write down a short report on them.

1. Better untaught than ill taught.

2. To know every thing is to know nothing.

Learning recommendations:

Class activity: In this unit of the course book students are supposed to get introduced with the new material: read the text, translate into their native language, summarize in English, complete post-reading tasks and grammar exercises, discuss new speech topics, compose monologues and dialogues in the class.

Home task: Students are assigned to find out additional short information about specific topic of the unit, complete grammar exercises, prepare reports given by the teacher.


1. Учебно-методический комплекс для студентов 1 курса неязыковых специальностей, М.Ж. Тусупбекова, А.М. Мухтарханова, 2008, Астана, _____стр.


Unit 5


Text: Education in the USA.

Grammar: The Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

Практические цели: ознакомление с лексическим материалом по теме « Education in USA», развитие умений и навыков разговорной речи по теме «Education», закрепление и тренировка грамматической темы The Past Perfect Continuous Tense, развитие навыков монологической речи по теме.

Education in the USA.

Over 57 mln students are enrolled in American schools. Americans place a high value on education for themselves and for their children. Universal access to high quality education has been one of the nation’s historic goals.

More than 100 years before signing the Declaration of Independence, European settlers in Massachusetts passed laws requiring all communities to hire school masters. American’s first college, Harvard was founded in Massachusetts in 1636 and in 1865 education was becoming available to all.

There are the varieties of schools in America now: public and private, large and small, urban and rural, traditional and experimental, academic, vocational and comprehensive. Educational system of the USA consists of : Preschool education, Elementary school, Secondary school and Higher education. Preschool education : The school year is usually nine months, from early September to mid – June. A child’s introduction to formal education is usually in kindergarten classes operated in most public school systems. Many systems also provide nursery schools. The age group is commonly four and five years. These preschool education programs maintain a close relationship with the home and parents, and aim to give children useful experiences which will prepare them for elementary school. Elementary school: The main purpose of elementary school is the general intellectual and social development of the child from 6 to 12 or 15 years of age. Carricula vary with the organization and educational aims of individual schools and communities. Promotion from one grade to the next is based on the pupil’s achievement of specified skills in reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, history, geography, music and art. Secondary school: Most pupils follow a course that includes English, science, social studies, mathematics and physical education. Elective subjects may be chosen in the fields of foreign languages, fine arts and vocational training. Most young Americans graduate from school with a high school diploma upon satisfactory completion of a specified number of courses. Students are usually graded from A (excellent) to F (failing) in each course they take on the basis of performance in tests given at intervals throughout the year, participation in class discussions and completion of written and oral assignments. Locally developed end-of-the-year examinations are given in many schools. Some states, as New York, give statewide examinations which are prepared by the state department of education. After graduating from secondary schools a growing number of Americans go on to higher education. American institutions of higher education include: technical training schools, community colleges, colleges offering four-year bachelor degree programmes and universities which contain one or more colleges and graduate schools offering master’s or doctoral degree programmes. The factors determining an institution’s prestige are the quality of the teaching faculty, quality of research facilities, the number and competence of applicants for admission.


Topical vocabulary.

1.to enroll                                                зачислять                              

2. value                                                    оценка   

3.access                                                    доступ      

4.law                                                        закон, право

5.to hire                                                   нанимать

6.to found                                                основывать

7. urban                                                   городской

8.rural                                                      сельский

9.to consist (of)                                       состоять (из)

10.kindergarten                                       детский сад

11.social                                                  общественный

12.to vary                                                меняться

13.promotion                                          продвижение

14.achievement                                       достижение

15.throughout                                         везде

16.assignment                                         задание

17.to determine                                       решать

18.applicant                                             абитуриент

19.admission                                           зачисление

20.purpose                                              цель 

21.bachelior’s degree                              степень бакалавра

22.master’s degree                                 степень магистра


Ex.1. Suggest the Russian for:


1.to enroll                                    

2. vary

3. promotion from one grade

4. law                                                           

5. rural

6. pupil’ achievement

7. urban                                                         

8. to hire

9.to consist (of)

10.in kindergarten classes


12. a high value

13. universal access

14.to found

15. admission

16.the main purpose


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