C: Can I look at that calendar, please?

A: Which one?


C: How much is that box of drawing clips?

A: 25 cents. Anything else?


C: How much will it be all in all?

A: Let us see. That will come 40.53.


Ex. 11. Dramatize the situation.

a) Husband and wife in the supermarket shopping for a a week's supply of food.

b) At the butcher's, the customer wants to buy various kinds of meat, but can not afford to spend too much money.

c) Advise your new neighbor on the best food stores in the area.

a) Advise your newly-wed daughter on the clever spending of the housekeeping money.


Topics for oral composition.

11.Do you remember your first purchase? Talk about it.

12.Speak about your most successful and satisfying shopping outing.

13.Do you prefer to go shopping in supermarkets or in small shops? Why?

14.Describe your favorite food store/department store.

15.Describe the shopping centers in your vicinity.

16.Describe a disastrous shopping tour in your life.

  • When did you buy your first present for your father/mother?
  • Tell how you bought your favorite shoes.
  • What is the best place for shopping foods and goods in your city? Why?
  • What is the best time for shopping? Why?

Learning recommendations:

Class activity: In this unit of the course book students are supposed to get introduced with the new material: read the text, translate into their native language, summarize in English, complete post-reading tasks and grammar exercises, discuss new speech topics, compose monologues and dialogues in the class.

Home task: Students are assigned to find out additional short information about specific topic of the unit, complete grammar exercises, prepare reports given by the teacher.


1. Учебно-методический комплекс для студентов 1 курса неязыковых специальностей, М.Ж. Тусупбекова, А.М. Мухтарханова, 2008, Астана, _____стр.


Unit 1.


Text: Education in Kazakhstan.

Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense.

Практические цели: ознакомление с лексическим материалом по теме «Education in Kazakhstan.» развитие умений и навыков разговорной речи по теме урока, введение и тренировка грамматической темы The Present Perfect Tense, развитие навыков монологической речи по теме.


Education in Kazakhstan.

The educational system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages - Kazakh and Russian and consists of several levels of state and private educational establishments: infant schools, elementary (or primary) schools, comprehensive schools, colleges and academies. The constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan fixes the right of citizens of the republic on free-of-charge secondary education which is obligatory. The constitution prohibits any discrimination on the basis of language or ethnicity and guaran­tees equal rights in education regardless of nationality. Children start school at the age of 7 and finish at 17. As a rule a child attends the school, located in the neighbourhood. However, in big cities there are so-called special schools, offering more in depth studies of the major European languages (English, French, German) or the advanced courses in physics and math­ematics and children, attending one of this may have to com­mute from home. The first stage of education in Kazakhstan is elementary (or primary) school for grades one through four. The second is sec­ondary school for middle grades from five through nine. Upon graduation from secondary school students are given the choice of either continuing to attend the same school (high school -senior grades 10-11) or entering a vocational or technical school. Both of these schools are meant to provide one, along with the certificate of secondary education with a number of useful skills (e.g. those of an electrician, technical or computer oper­ators.) Having completed one's secondary education, one can either become a part of work force or go on college (institution of higher learning-Institute).

To be admitted to the institute one has to pass a series of oral or written tests. Students may get free-of-charge higher education in the higher educational institution and the limited number of the state grants is given each academic year on a competitive basis. Some college departments (law, journalism, foreign language-especially English) have dozens of applicants for one prospective student's position. The system of higher education prepares highly - skilled experts on economy, trans­port, agriculture, medicine, languages and others. Today the young people of Kazakhstan have the opportunity to choose and acquire various types of education and build their lives according to their ambitions.

Studying of foreign languages and development of computer skills of pupils is of a special importance. More opportunities appear for the interested persons to be trained abroad on the basis of local and state grants, scholarships and the student’s exchange programs.


Topical vocabulary

1. establishment (syn. institution)   учреждение

2. infant school         дошкольное учреждение

3.comprehensive school       общеобразовательная школа

4. citizen                                    гражданин

5. free of - charge                     бесплатный

6. obligatory                              обязательный

7. to locate                   устраиваться, находиться

8. to prohibit                           запрещать

9. choice                                      выбор

10. development                          развитие

11.to provide                          обеспечивать

12. skill                                  умение,мастерство

13.to attend                            посещать

14.especially                          особенно

15.according to                           согласно  

16.to carry out                       выполнять

17.abroad                       за границей, за рубежом

18.opportunity                       возможность

19.to appear                          появляться

20.importance                       важность


Ex.1. Suggest the Russian for:

educational establishments; comprehension school; the right of citizens; on the competitive basis; regardless of nationality; highly - skilled experts; according to;  equal rights; it is carried out on the basis; the same school; special importance; for the interested persons;  the student’s; exchange program; obligatory; to locate; higher educational institution; to be trained abroad;  the limited number


 Ex.2. Match the words having the same meaning:


1. to educate                              

2. obligatory

3. grant

4. establishment

5. elementary school

a) institution; b) stipend; c) primary school; d) to teach; e) compulsory


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