Раздел 2. Подготовительные упражнения.

1.Упражнения на распознавание словообразовательных элементов.

1.1.Распределите слова на 4 группы. Заполните таблицу.

play, early, house, disadvantage, mixture, misunderstanding, captainship, dependence, curiosity, body, impossible, disapproval, intergalactic, careless, government, undo, sensibility, overload, wonderful.

The word has a suffix The word has a prefix The word has a suffix and a prefix The word has neither a suffix nor a prefix


1.2.Заполните таблицу. Какие слова имеют этот же корень (wordroot).

disorganize, recollection, misbehave, misrule, reconstruction, immovable, immigration

Prefix Word root Suffix Translation Other words
Ab norm al ненормальный normal normalize normality abnormity


1.3. Найдите существительные, прилагательные , наречия . Подчеркните в них суффиксы.

· completedecisionproposalpressstudentdeparturemagiciantacticsilentequalityfreerelationship

· deliciousflowerbeautifuldirectordynamiccolorfullilacinvisiblephoneticspolitenessheroicdisable

· immediatelyequalrarelykindlyorallyterriblepolitetragicallypracticalsimplyheartyoriginallyweekly

2. Упражнения на построение словообразовательных цепочек.

2.1. Заполните таблицу недостающими словами , используя правила словообразования.

Noun Adjective Verb
success successful succeed
day   -
  high -


2.2.Распределите слова по частям речи.

unhappiness, unexpectedly, unpack, undrinkable, unvoice, unbelievable,undo, unwillingly, unsteadiness, unreliable, unwater, unrestrictedly, unsymmetry, unsuccessfully, unsafety, unkind, unreliability, unforgettable, unpark, unnaturally.

Noun Adjective Verb Adverb


3. Упражненияна определение временных форм глаголов.

3.1. Выберите нужную грамматическую структуру, воспользуясь подсказкой.

1. We … television every night.

a/ watched b/ are watching c/ watch d/ have watched

Подсказка –ключевое выражение everynight означает , что действие происходит регулярно в настоящем времени.

2. Look! John … the street.

a/ is crossing b/ crosses c/ crossed d/ will cross

Look! означает , что действие происходит в данный момент.

3. They … to a new flat two years ago.

a/ have moved b/ had moved c/ will move d/ moved

Подсказка twoyearsago означает, что действие произошло в прошлом в определенное время.

4. He … out his car when he heard a whistle.

a/ got b/ was getting c/ has got    d/ had got

Выражение whenheheardawhistle означает , что одно действие в прошлом прерывает другое действие в прошлом.

5. He looks tired. He … for 5 hours without any breaks.

a/ has been working b/ has worked c/ worked d/ works

Helookstiredозначает , что это настоящий результат предыдущего действия в прошлом;

for 5 hours – действие в прошлом было длительным.

6. When we arrived , the play already … .

a/ starts b/ started c/ has started d/ had started

arrived означает , что ситуация относится к прошлому;already– действие началось раньше другого действия, упомянутого в первой части предложения.

7. If I … in a lottery, I would help people withserious deseases.

a/ won b/ had won c/ have won d/ would won

Союз if относит это предложение к категории условных. wouldhelp – действие нереальное и относится к настоящему или будущему времени.

3.2. В предложениях найдите ключевые слова- подсказки, помогающие определить употребление выделенной грамматической структуры.

1.A number of accidents on roads were caused by heavy snowfall.

2.Iwould sleep longer hours if I had more time.

3.When I was four, I could ride a tricycle.

4.I usually read a book before going to bed.

5.Iwas doing my homework at 5 o’clock yesterday.

6.Ihave read the book. You can borrow it.

7.My foreign friend is staying with us now.

8.Theyhad run 3 miles when I met them.

9.My parents are going to have a party next weekend.

Раздел 3. Задания в формате ЕГЭ.

3.1. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски словами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

В11. ______ Women’s Day is marked on March, 8 every year.                                            NATION

B12. In ______ regions the focus of the _______ ranges                                                      DIFFER , CELEBRATE

B13.from parties to mass demonstrations in support of women’s economic,

B14. ______ and social achievements.In some regions the day lost its                              POLITICS

B15. ______ flavor and became _______ an occasion for men to express                        ORIGIN

B16. their love for women.                                                                                                          SIMPLE

3.2. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски словами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

B11. Priestley’s discovery of oxygen sparked a _______ revolution.                                  CHEMISTRY

B12. He was the first person to isolate a single _______ element in the mixture           GAS

of gasses we call “air”. Before Priestley’s discovery, scientific study had focused

B13. on metals. Because oxygen is a _______ element of combustion.                           CENTER

Priestley’s discovery also led to an understanding of what it means to burn

B14. something and to an understanding of the _______ of matter into energy           CONVERSE

B15. during different _______ . Finally, Priestley established a simple but elegant       REACT

B16. and _______ process for conducting analysis of new gases.                                      EFFECT

3.3. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски словами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

B11. A person who receives an ________ to a costume party has the perfect                INVITE

B12. _______ to find an outfit that will be the hit of the occasion.Some people           OPPORTUNE

B13. choose costumes that reflect their _______ . For example, a man who’s               PERSONAL

B14. an ______ type may rese the selection of pirate costumes. Other people             ADVENTURE

prefer to dress up as someone or something that is completely unexpected.

B15. Regardless of a person’s costume _______ , you can choose whatever                  PREFER

B16. you want. A teen is sure to find a costume in that catches the ______                   ATTENTIVE

of fellow partiers.




Раздел 2.



The word has a suffix The word has a prefix The word has a suffix and a prefix The word has neither a suffix nor a prefix
early disadvantage misunderstanding play
mixture impossible disapproval house
captainship undo intergalactic body
dependence overload unfortunately job
curiosity disappoint misleading life



dis-organ-ize, re-collect-ion, mis-behave, mis-rule, re-construct-ion, im-mov-able, im-migrat-ion


· decision, proposal, press, student, departure,magician, tactic, equality, relationship

· delicious, beautiful, dynamic, colourful, invisible, heroic, disable

· immediately, rarely, kindly, orally, tragically, simply, originally, weekly


Noun Adjective Verb
success successful succeed
day daily -
annoyance annoying annoy
behaviour behaving behave
final final finalise
information informative inform
height high -
competition competitive compete
strength strong strengthen
solution solving solve
addition additional add
speciality special specialise
help helpful help
shop shopping shop
suggestion suggestive suggest
part partial part/ depart
invention inventive invent



Noun Adjective Verb Adverb
unhappiness undrinkable unpack unexpectedly
unreliability unbelievable undo unwillingly
unsteadiness unreliable unwater unrestrictedly
unsymmetry unkind unpark unsuccessfully
unsafety unforgettable unvoice unnaturally



1c 2a 3d 4b 5a 6d 7a


1by 2if I had 3was 4usually 5at 5 o’clock yesterday 6can borrow (now) 7now 8when I met 9next weekend

Раздел 3.

3.1. B11 international, B12 different, B13 celebrations, B14 political, B15 original, B16 simply

3.2. B11 chemical, B12 gaseous, B13 central, B14 conversion, B15 reactions, B16 effective

3.3. B11 invitation, B12 opportunity, B13 personality, B14 adventurous, B15 preferences, B16 attention



Список использованной литературы

1.Н.И.Кузеванова, Л.В.Талзи. ExamDrive.Обнинск.Титул. 2003.

2. Е.А.Фоменко. Английский язык. Лексика и чтение. Легион. Ростов-на-Дону. 2014.

3. М.А.Бодоньи. Английский язык.Словообразование. Легион. Ростов-на-Дону. 2013.

4.Е.А.Фоменко. Английский язык.Подготовка к ГИА-2012. Легион. Ростов-на-Дону. 2011.

5.Е.С.Музланова. Грамматика и лексика.тестовые задания. Астрель.М. 2011.

6.В.А.Миловидов.Сборник упражнений и тестовых заданий с ответами и грамматическими правилами для подготовки к ЕГЭ. АСТ Астрель. М.2009.


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