Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования






на заседании кафедры

иностранных языков

29 мая 2012 г.



Методические указания

По развитию грамматических навыков

По теме «Модальные глаголы»

В устной и письменной речи

(для магистрантов)





УДК 803.03 = (088.8)+(07)

Методические указания по развитию грамматических навыков по теме «Модальные глаголы» в устной и письменной речи (для магистрантов). – Ростов н/Д: Рост.гос.строит.ун-т, 2012. – 25 с.


Содержится обзорный грамматический материал по теме «Модальные глаголы», таблицы, тренировочные и коммуникативные упражнения творческого характера на базе научно-технических текстов, ключи для контроля при самостоятельной работе.


                                                                     УДК 803.03 = (088.8)+(07)


                          Составитель: канд.филол.наук, ст.преп. Г.В. Басенко

                             Рецензент:   доктор филол.наук, проф. О.П. Рябко                                                                         



Редактор Н.Е. Гладких

Темплан 2012 г., поз. 75

Подписано в печать 09.06.11. Формат 60х84/16.

Бумага писчая. Ризограф. Уч.-изд.л.1,1.

Тираж 50 экз. Заказ

Редакционно-издательский центр

Ростовского государственного строительного университета

344022, Ростов-на-Дону, ул. Социалистическая, 162


                                                                     © Ростовский государственный

                  строительный университет, 2012




   Общая характеристика модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов……..4

Unit I “Tunnels”………………………………………………………………..6

   Changes to engineering……………………………………………………6

   Tunnel portals……………………………………………………………...7

   Emergency egress………………………………………………………….8

   Emergency ventilation, lighting and communication……………………...9

Unit II “Water supply and sewage”……………………………………………10

   Quantity of water and sewage…………………………………………….11

   Consumption for various purposes………………………………………..11

Relation to water consumption……………………………………………12

Unit III “Construction materials”……………………………………………….14

    Floor for installations……………………………………………………...14

    Evaluation of construction materials and corrosion……………..………..15

Influence of cement-admixture interaction of the rheology of mortar and         concrete………………………………………………………………………16

Michael Dell……………………………………………………………….18

Unit IV “A factory tour”………………………………………………...........18-19

Unit V “Architecture and design”…………………………………..……………21

    High performer……………………………………………………………..21

      Two waterside museums……………………………………………………22






Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты обозначают не действие, а отношение говорящего/пишущего к действию. Данное действие воспринимается как желательное, необходимое, обязательное, возможное и т.д.

Модальные глаголы:

Can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would, ought to, need, dare


Be able to, be allowed to, have to, be to

Для модальных глаголов характерно:

1) присоединение смыслового глагола без частицы –to, кроме эквивалентов и глагола ought to(They may be at home. They ought to be at home);

2) отсутствие окончания –s в 3-м лице единственного числа в Present Simple (I/you/he/she/we/they can speak English well);

3) образование отрицательной формы путем добавления к модальному глаголу частицы –not(She cannot play golf. You may not park your car here);

4) образование вопросительной формы путем вынесения модального глагола на первое место (Can I help you? May I come in?);

5) отсутствие формы прошедшего времени, кроме глаголов can (could), may (might);

6) отсутствие неличных форм глагола (причастия, инфинитива, герундия).

!Эквиваленты модальных глаголов изменяются по временам как смысловые глаголы. (I was able to see that film yesterday (Past Simple); I’ll be able to go to the exhibition with you next Sunday (Future Simple).

Модальные глаголы (и их эквиваленты) выражения возможности:

Глагол Форма прошедшего времени Форма будущего времени Примеры
сan мочь, уметь (физическая, умственная возможность) could - Now he can swim very well. He couldn’t swim last year.
be able to мочь, быть в состоянии was/were able to will be able to They are (were) able to help us.
may мочь (иметь разрешение) might - May I come in? He might come in though he was late.
be allowed to разрешается, позволяется was/were allowed to will be allowed to We are (were) allowed to use dictionaries in class.

Модальные глаголы (и их эквиваленты) выражения долженствования:

Глагол Форма прошедшего времени Форма будущего времени Пример
must должен (моральный долг) - - Parents must care for their children.
have to должен (по обстоятельствам) had to will have to We have (had) to be at home at 9 p.m.
be to должен (по графику, плану) was/were to will be to They are (were) to arrive at noon.
should следует (совет), должен (моральная обязанность) - - You should be very attentive.
ought to должен (обязательство, навязчивый совет) - - You ought to see this interesting film.


Модальные глаголы с перфектными формами инфинитива:

Перфектная форма инфинитива Пример Перевод
can have V3(возможность) He can have written it. Наверное (возможно), он написал это.
could have V3(порицание) вопросит.форма (удивление) отрицат.форма (недоверие) He could have written it. Could he have written it? He couldn’t have written it. Он мог бы это написать. Неужели он это написал? Не может быть, чтобы он это написал.
may have V3(вероятность) He may have written it. Возможно (вероятно), он это написал.
might have V3(упрек) He might have written it. Он мог бы и написать это.
must have V3(предположение) He must have written it. Должно быть, он написал это.
should have V3(порицание) He should have written it. Ему следовало написать это.
needn’t have V3(отсутствие необходимости) He needn’t have written it. Ему не нужно было это писать.



I. Read the text. State the meanings of the modal verbs highlighted in the following sentences. Translate the sentences:


Engineering in the transport sector must have increasingly become an area of work for highly-educated, computer-literate professionals. These engineers have to face practical challenges in a period of rapid technological advances. The traditional engineering skills should bein demand in the transport sector: aerodynamics and mechanics, electrical and electronic, chemical and materials. But the big transport projects ought to require engineers with a range of other skills, including project management, business development, teamwork and even aesthetics. A new breed of engineers has to be trained, with a more global view of the growth of a complex system over a period of time. A transport system may be in use for 20 years or more, during which time developments in technology, materials and ways of thinking will have happened, so design systems have to be flexible.

II. Translate the following sentences with modal verbs and their equivalents paying special attention to their passive forms:

1) Science on the scale that it exists and is needed today can be maintained only with large amounts of public support. 2) The problem which I am setting before myself may be indicated by a comparison. 3) On this point I cannot altogether agreewith him. 4) Those who have patience to read this book to the end will have to admit that language is not a personal creation. 5) And it must not be forgotten that humans are only one factor in the ecosystem. 6) In order to become proficient in literary composition, we must acquire habits of concentration, we must be able to analyze, and we must become expert in synthesis and develop our intelligence. 7) We must not neglect our spontaneous powers, nor should we despise our intellectual powers. 8) His conscious attention will have to be devoted to this process. 9) Automatism is acquired by repetition but this repetition need not be of the parrot-like type. 10) It is worth adding that some of the most efficient practitioners at this time were to be found in Jesuit school.

III. Read the following texts. Find the modal verbs and their equivalents in them. Translate the sentences paying attention to the active and passive forms of the  modals:


Portals and ventilation shafts should be located such that they satisfy environmental and air quality requirements as well as the geometrical configuration of the tunnel. At portals, it may be necessary to extend the dividing wall between traffic travelling in opposite directions to reduce recirculation of pollutants from the exit tunnel into the entry tunnel. If possible, portals should be oriented to avoid drivers being blinded by the rising or setting sun. Special lighting requirements at the portal are needed to address the “black hole” effect. The portal should be located at the point where the depth of the tunnel is suitably covered. It has to depend on the type of construction, the crossing configuration and the geometry of the tunnel. For example, in a cut and cover tunnel, the portal can be as close to the surface as the roof of the tunnel can be placed with sufficient clearance for traffic. On the other hand, in mined tunnels the portal will be placed at a location where there is a sufficient ground cover. In mountain tunnels the portal can be as close to the face of the mountain as practically constructible.


Emergency egress for persons using the tunnel to a place of refuge should be provided at regular intervals. Throughout the tunnel, functional, clearly-marked escape routes should be provided for use in an emergency. Exits should be clearly marked and the spacing of exits into escape routes should not exceed 1 000 feet (300 m) and should comply with the latest Standard for Road Tunnels, Bridges and other Limited Access Highways. Emergency exits should be provided to safe secure locations.

The emergency egress walkways should be a minimum of 3.6 ft wide and should be protected from oncoming traffic. Signage indicating both direction and distance to the nearest escape door should be mounted above the emergency walkways at reasonable intervals (100 to 150 ft) and be visible in an emergency. The emergency escape routes should be provided adequate level and connected to the emergency power system.

Where tunnels are provided in twin tubes, cross passages to the adjacent tube can be considered a safe haven. The cross passage should be of at least two-hour fire rating construction and should be equipped with self closing fire rating doors that open in both directions or sliding doors. The cross passages should be located not more than 656 ft (200 m) apart. An emergency walkway at least 3.6 feet (1.12 m) wide should be provided on each side of the cross-passageways.

In long tunnels sometimes breakdown emergency alcoves (local widening) for vehicles are provided. Some European tunnels also provide at intervals an emergency turn-around for vehicles into the adjacent roadway duct which turn-around would normally be closed by doors.

IV. Change these sentences with modals from Active into Passive:

Model:Scientists may discover the origins of the universe. – The origins of the universe may be discovered by scientists.

1) We can find more information about the Hadron Collider at www.lhc.ac.uk.

2) They should discuss your situation at the conference.

3) They may delay the conference.

4) The engineers must use computers very often.

5) They can build a new ring road round the city.

V. Look through the text and choose the appropriate active or passive form of the modal verb “should”. Translate the text.


An emergency ventilation system 1) should/should beprovided to control smoke and to provide fresh air for the evacuation of passengers and for support to the emergency responders. The emergency ventilation system is often the normal ventilation system operated at higher speeds. Emergency ventilation scenarios 2) should/should bedeveloped and the operation of the fans would be based on the location of the fire and the direction of the tunnel evacuation. The fans 3) should/should beconnected to an emergency power source in case of failure of the primary power.

Emergency tunnel lighting, fire detection, fire lines and hydrants 4) should/should beprovided. In certain installations fire suppression measures such as foam or deluge system have been used. The risk of fire spreading through power cable ducts 5) should/should beeliminated by dividing cable ducts into fireproof sections, placing cables in cast-in ducts using fireproof cables where applicable and other preventative measures. Vital installations 6) should/should besupplied with fire-resistant cables. Materials used 7) should not /should not berelease toxic or aggressive gases such as chlorine. Water for fire-fighting 8) should/should beprotected against frost. Fire alarm buttons 9) should/should beprovided adjacent to every cross-passage. Emergency services 10) should/should be approach a tunnel fire in safety.

Emergency telephones 11)should/should beprovided in the tunnels and connected to the emergency power supply. When such a telephone is used, the location of the caller 12)should/should be identified both at the control center and by a warning light visible to rescuing personnel. Telephones 13) should/should beprovided at cross passage doors and emergency exits. Communication systems 14) should/should begive the travelling public the possibility of summoning help and receiving instructions and 15)should/should beensure coordinated rescue. Systems 16)should/should be raise the alarm quickly and reliably when unusual operating conditions or emergency situations arise.

Radio coverage for police, fire and other emergency services and staff 17) should/should be extend throughout the tunnel. It is necessary for police, fire and emergency services to use their mobile radios within tunnels and cross-passages. Radio systems 18) should not /should not beinterfere with each other and 19) should/should be connected to the emergency power supply to communicate with each other. It is recommended that mobile telephone coverage be provided.



I. Read the texts. State the meanings of the modal verbs highlighted in the following sentences. Translate the sentences paying special attention to the passive form of the modals:


1) In the design of any waterworks project it is necessary to estimate the amount of water that is required. This involves determining the number of people who will be served and their per capita water consumption, together with an analysis of the factors that may operateto affect consumption.

2) It is usual to express water consumption in liters or gallons per capita per day, obtaining this figure by dividing the total number of people in the city into the total daily water consumption. For many purposes the average daily consumption is convenient. It is obtained by dividing the population into the total daily consumption averaged over one year. It must be realized, however, that using the total population may, in some cases, result in serious inaccuracy, since a large proportion of the population may be served by privately owned wells. A more accurate figure would be the daily consumption per person served.

Дата добавления: 2018-06-01; просмотров: 220; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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