Ex. 5 Find in the text and write down terms to the following definitions.

ð a ceremony in which degrees or diplomas are conferred on university or high-school students;

ð to cause or enable (a condition or situation) to continue;

ð a story or legend about supernatural or mythical characters or events;

ð a temporary prohibition of an activity;

ð an association of students at a university or college formed to look after the students' interests, provide facilities for recreation.

Ex. 6 Say if the statements are true or false. Justify your answer.

1. During the Dead Week one can stay at the library as long as he needs and order a drink if he is thirsty.

2. Yell Leaders celebrate the Aggies’ victory in the water.

3. If you are seen leaping into Carroll’s lap, you will have your photo taken and then you will be punished.

4. The Primal Scream is celebrating the end of Dead Week during which students have a barbeque and free coffee. 

5. The University of the South offers free guardians to its students.

6. If a Virginia University student kisses the statue of Homer, he’ll graduate with an honour degree.

7. Kenyon students often express their feelings by means of art.

8. Dragon Day is a day when students wear dragon costumes, make barbeque on a fire and play rock music.

Ex. 7 Complete the sentences with the appropriate ending.       

1.The University of California a. a statue of the ancient Greek poet
2.Georgetown b. farewell to dear teachers
3.The University of Virginia c. strange gifts
4.The University of the South d. a statue of a bear
5.The Marist College e. a statue of the city’s founder
6.Los-Angeles College f. the skies


Ex. 8 Answer the following questions:

1. What is the end of the reading period characterized by at Harvard and Yale Universities?

2. Why is the 24th hour during Dead week called Rowdy Hour?

3. How can a bachelor be determined at a university football match?

4. What can happen if a Young Harris College student won’t manage the wall trip?

5. By what reason was the reading period cancelled at some universities?

6. How does the Bruin help Californian students?

7. What students’ tradition wouldn’t be approved by fearful people?

8. What should fans of the Aggies do when they score a goal?

Ex. 9 Explain what is the difference between The Primal Scream and Midnight Yell at Texas University.

Ex. 10 Describe the aims and the procedure of holding Midnight Yell.

Ex. 11 Prove that The Dead Week is stressful for most American students.

Ex. 12 Discuss the text according to the points

Ø Dead Week;

Ø Primal Scream;

Ø Traditions of freshmen;

Ø Traditions of seniors.


Ukraine is Our Motherland

Ex. 1 Study the vocabulary.

freight [freɪt] Фрахт, вантаж/фрахт, груз
railway ['reɪlweɪ] Залізниця/железная дорога
vessel Корабель/корабль, судно
shallow Мілкий/мелкий, мелководный
empty into Впадати/впадать в
tributary['trɪbjət(ə)rɪ] Притока/приток (реки)
freshwater Прісноводний/пресноводный
scarce[skɛəs] Недостатній/недостаточный, скудный
animal husbandry Тваринництво/животноводство
silver fox Чорнобурка/чернобурая лисица
blue fox Блакитний песець/голубой песец, песец в летнем меху
eminent Видатний/выдающийся, известный
deal with Мати справу з/иметь дело с
electric welding Електрозварювання/электросварка
space engineering Космічна техніка/космическая техника
to be ranked Оцінюватися/находиться в одной линий; оцениваться
to comply with Відповідати/соответствовать (стандартам)
materials science Матеріалознавство/материаловедение
CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) СНД/СНГ, Содружество Независимых Государств
design office Конструкторське бюро/конструкторское бюро
to implement Виконувати/выполнять, осуществлять
pilot plant Дослідний завод/опытный завод, экспериментальный завод
related to Пов'язаний з/связанный с; имеющий отношение к
to contribute to Робити внесок/вносить вклад
impact Сильний вплив/сильное воздействие; влияние
experience[ɪk'spɪərɪən(t)s ] Досвід/опыт
navigable Судноплавний/судоходный
to phase in Поступово впроваджувати/постепенно [поэтапно] вводить [внедрять]
draught Осідання/Осадка
ensure Забезпечувати, гарантувати/обеспечивать
closely Тісно/тесно
conveyance Доставка/Перевозка, доставка
surface Поверхня/Поверхность
sturgeon Осетер/Осётр
goby Бичок/Бычок
mullet Кефаль/Кефаль
plaice Камбала/Камбала
horse mackerel Ставрида/Ставрида
scomber Макрель, скумбрія/Макрель, скумбрия
flat Рівний/Ровный
valley Долина/ Долина
narrow вузький/Узкий
pond Ставок/Пруд
source Початок, джерело/Начало, источник
flood Розливатися/выступать из берегов, разливаться
flood plain Заплава річки/Пойма реки, долина затопления
insufficient Недостатній/Недостаточный
process Обробляти/Обрабатывать
raw materials Сировина/Сырье
plant cultivation Рослинництво/Растениеводство
meadow culture Лугова культура/Луговая культура
cereals Зернові/Зерновые, злаки
legumes Бобові/Бобовые
rye Жито/Рожь
oats Овес/Овёс
barley Ячмінь/Ячмень
buckwheat Гречка/Гречиха
millet Просо/Просо
melon Диня/Дыня
livestock Велика рогата худоба/крупный рогатый скот
poultry Домашня птиця/Домашняя птица
trout Форель/Форель
mink Норка/Норка
renowned Знаменитий/Знаменитый
oriental studies Сходознавство/Востоковедение
split Розщеплювати/Расщеплять
nucleus Ядро/Ядро
lank body Тонке тіло/Тонкое тело
electroslag remelting електрожужільне перетоплення/электрошлаковый переплав
plasma-arc плазмова дуга/плазменная дуга
advanced country Розвинена країна/развитая страна
comprise Включати в себе, охоплювати/ включать в себя; охватывать
demand Вимагати/требовать
purchase Купувати/покупать
scintillation crystal Сцинтилюючий кристал/сцинтиллирующий кристалл
mitigate Зменшувати/уменьшать
under the aegis Під егідою/под эгидой
chair Кафедра/кафедра
mutual Взаємний/взаимный
beneficial Вигідний/выгодный


Ex. 2 Read and translate the text. Using a dictionary, translate paragraphs 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27  in writing.

Ukrainian Transport

1.The greatest role in movement of freight and passengers is played by rail transport. The railway network has some 22,000 km of track. Railways crossing Ukraine ensure communication with many countries of Europe. The largest railway junctions are Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dniprpopetroysk, Zaporizhia.

2.Road transport is important over short distances. Buses are one of the principal forms of passenger transport within the provinces.

3.Sea transport plays an important part in Ukraine's economy. The Black Sea and Azov fleets consist of large-draught freight vessels. Odesa is the main Black Sea port. Mykolayiv, Kherson, Mariupol are also large ports of Ukraine. The ports of Ukraine ensure trade contacts with over 80 countries.

4.River transport works closely with rail and sea transport. The length of navigable rivers in Ukraine is close to 5,000 km.

5.Air transport has become one of the principal means of passenger and mail conveyance. Ukraine has many airports, the largest being in Kyiv, Lviv, Simferopol, Donetsk, Kharkiv.

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