Find international words in paragraphs 10 and 11.

Read the text again and choose the best endings to the following statements.

1) A sole proprietorship is a business owned and usually operated by...

a) two of more individuals

b) a single individual

c) shareholders


2) A sole proprietorship is…

a) the oldest form of ownership

b) the youngest form of ownership

c) the least risky form of ownership


3) Only a municipal and registration licences are necessary for starting…

a) a sole proprietorship

b) a partnership

c) a limited company


4) A sole proprietorship can be dissolved…

a) with great difficulties

b) not easily

c) easily


5) A proprietorship has…

a) a limited life

b) an unlimited life

c) a long life


6) A partnership agreement, oral or written, expresses the rights and obligations of…

a) the owner

b) each partner

c) shareholders


7) General partnerships, limited partnerships, and joint ventures are three types of…

a) limited companies

b) sole proprietorships

c) partnerships


8) The most common form ofpa11nerships is…

a) the general partnership

b) the limited partnership

c) the joint venture


9) Partnerships can attract new employees more easily than…

a) limited companies

b) proprietorships

c) corporations


10) In partnerships, the unlimited liability is…

a) joint

b) personal

c) joint and personal


11) From an owner's point of view limited companies are…

a) the most risky

b) the least risky

c) risky


12) Dividends to shareholders are taxed on…

a) an individual basis

b) a common basis

c) both individual and common basis

Complete the unfinished questions in column A that are answered in column B.

How many...? 3 major forms of ownership.
How many...? 1 individual.
How many...? 2 or more individuals.
How many...? 3 types of partnerships.
What…? Shares of stock.
What…? A board of directors.
What…? Secrecy.

Find key words, phrases and the topic sentences which best express the general meaning of each paragraph.

Using the information obtained from the paragraphs make an outline of the text.

Speak about forms of ownership using key words, phrases, the topic sentences and the outline.


Study the words and the word-combinations.

entrepreneur n предприниматель
entrepreneurship n предпринимательство
rate of economic growth темп экономического роста
argue v спорить (with, against — с кем-либо, about — o чем-либо)
undertake v брать на себя
identical adj одинаковый
fixed assets основные фонды
necessarily adv обязательно
enterprise investment вложение капитала в предприятие
introduction n введение
techniques n технология
labour productivity производительность труда
hesitation n колебание
ignorance n невежество
marginal adj несущественный
gross national product валовой национальный продукт
enterprise n предприятие
individual proprietor единоличный собственник
partnership n товарищество
limited liability company компания с ограниченной ответственностью
brokerage house брокерская фирма
agency n агентство
varied adj разнообразный
contribution n долевой взнос
whenever adv всякий раз когда
constitute v учреждать
incur v подвергаться
extend v простираться
assets n имущество
acceptance n принятие
vital adj жизненно важный
large-scale industry крупная промышленность
enable v дать возможность
entire adj целый
fortune n судьба, богатство


1. Scan through the text. Restore the word order in the questions that follow and answer them [5, с. 61—71].


Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship


Entrepreneur is someone who starts a company, arranges business deals, and takes risks in order to make a profit. Of course, to work for someone else is less trouble. Someone creates a job for you, gets orders, collects money from the clients and takes on the responsibility for making both ends meet. At night entrepreneur figures if he has enough money to write out your paycheque, pay the rent for the building, buy equipment and so on. On the other hand, entrepreneurship gives you an incomparable sense of personal freedom. The quality of entrepreneurship is seen by many economists as an important explanation of differences in the rate of technical progress between countries. It has been argued that two countries undertaking similar amounts of investment leading to more or less identical rates of growth in the fixed assets will not necessarily show the same rate of technical progress. In one country entrepreneurs may be undertaking enterprise investment that has as its aim the introduction of the most advanced types of production techniques, those that will lead to a rapid growth of labour productivity. In the other, because of hesitation or ignorance, the investment program may lead only to marginal changes in productive processes; the resulting growth in labour productivity and Gross National Product will be small.


1) What is by the term “entrepreneur” meant?

2) What less trouble and why is?

3) What entrepreneurship can give you?

4) What the quality of entrepreneurship is seen by many economists as?

5) Are to show two countries undertaking similar amounts of investment the same rate of technical progress?

6) In what country a rapid growth of labour productivity will take place?

7) When the resulting growth in labour productivity and Gross National Product will be small?

Дата добавления: 2018-05-02; просмотров: 328; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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