Complete the sentences, using suitable constructions.

1. Did anyone see you...?

2. I hope your friend didn't hear you...

3. A huge crowd watched the firemen...

4. We could feel the sun...

5. "Don't worry!" said the doctor. "I'll soon have you..."

6. You must have been very late last night. I didn't even hear you...

7. The pickpocket was observed...

8. High on the mountain, he could perceive three small figures...

9. I searched the desk, and discovered the letter...

10. The woman caught her husband...

11. Leave the car with me. I'll have it...

12. I was asked if I had noticed anyone...

13. When his leg was examined, it was found...

14. Where's my umbrella? I thought I left it...

15. Although the station was crowded, I soon spotted my friend...

16. The assistant kept the customer...

17. The iron's far too hot! Can't you smell the material...?

18. I hope they won't keep us...

19. They found the survivors...

20. We all suddenly sensed danger...

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms from the right column.

1. The houses ... many years ago are not as convenient as the modern ones. 2. What is the number of apartment houses ... in the past few years? 3. The number of apartment houses ... for the population of Moscow is rapidly growing. 4. The workers ... this house used new construction methods. 5. At the conference they discussed new methods ... in building. 6. The new methods ... in the building of houses proved more effective. 7. Here are some samples of the products of this plant ... to different parts of the country. 8. These are the samples of products ... last month. building being built built (2) used (2) sent being sent

Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the Participle.

I. 1. She went to work, (leave) the child with the nurse. 2. (lay) down on the soft couch, the child fell asleep at once. 3. (wait) in the hall, he thought over the problem he was planning to discuss with the old lady. 4. He left (say) he would be back in two hours. 5. (write) in very bad handwriting, the letter was difficult to read. 6. (write) his first book, he worked endless hours till dawn. 7. (spend) twenty years abroad, he was happy to be coming home. 8. (be) away from home, he still felt himself part of the family. 9. (not / wish) to discuss the problem, he changed the conversation.

II. 1. (reject) by the publisher, the story was returned to the author. 2. (reject) by publishers several times, the story was accepted by a weekly magazine. 3. (wait) in the reception room, he thought over what he would say. 4. They reached the peak at dusk, (leave) their camp with the first light. 5. The friends went out into the city (leave) their cases at the left-luggage department. 6. (leave) a note with the porter, he said he would be back in a half-hour. 7. (write) in an archaic language, the book was difficult to read. 8. (write) his first book, he used his own experiences. 9. (be) away so long he was happy to be coming back.

Fill in the blanks with Passive Participles of the verb in brackets.

1. a) I cannot forget the story ... by him. b) They listened breathlessly to the story ... by the old man. (tell) 2. a) One can't fail to notice the progress ... by our group during the last term. b) These are only a few of the attempts now ... to improve the methods of teaching adult students, (make) 3. a) We could hear the noise of furniture ... upstairs. b) For a moment they sat silent ... by the story, (move) 4. a) The monument ... on this square has been recently unveiled. b) The monument ... on this square will be soon unveiled, (erect).

Translate the words in brackets.

I. 1. We came up to the man (стоявшему на углу) and asked him the way.
2. Go to the shop and ask the man (стоящего там) to show you the way. 3. The man (стоящий у окна) was our teacher last year. 4. Did you see in what direction the man (стоявший здесь) went? 5. He wants to write a book (которая бы подытожила) his impressions of the trip. 6. The people (ожидающие вас) have been sitting here since 3 o'clock. 7. The people (ожидавшие вас) have just gone.

II. 1. (Рассказав все, что он знал) the man left the room. 2. (Постучав дважды и не получив ответа) he came in. 3. (Толкнув дверь) he felt that it was not locked. 4. (Тихо закрыв дверь) he tiptoed into the room. 5. Each time (рассказывая об этом случае) she could not help crying. 6. (Приехав в гостиницу) she found a telegram awaiting her. 7. (Приехав сюда) many years before he knew those parts perfectly. 8. We took a trip in a boat down the river (приехав обратно) when it was dark. 9. I felt very tired (проработав целый день) in the sun. 10. (Уронив монету на пол) he did not care to look for it in the darkness and took another one.

III. 1. The conference (проходящая сейчас) in our city is devoted to problems of environment protection. 2. Unable to attend the conference (проходившую тогда) at the University, we asked to inform us about its decisions. 3. They are now at a conference (которая проходит) at the University. 4. Suddenly I heard a sound of a key (поворачиваемого) in the lock. 5. (Когда их поставили в воду) the flowers opened their petals. 6. The flowers faded (так как их долгое время держали без воды).

15. Translate the following sentences into English:

I. 1. Гордясь своим отцом, он часто говорит о нем. 2. Выступая на собрании, я забыл упомянуть об этом факте. 3. Как зовут человека, говорящего сейчас по телефону? 4. Наконец она увидела человека, спасшего ее сына. 5. Некоторые вопросы, которые затрагиваются в докладе, заслуживают серьезного внимания. 6. Они усыновили (adopted) мальчика, потерявшего родителей в авиационной катастрофе. 7. Не найдя нужной книги дома, я отправился в библиотеку. 8. Не выполнив работу вовремя, я вынужден был извиниться перед ними. 9. Пробыв в Лондоне около недели, я мог рассказать им много интересного.

II. 1. Путешествуя по стране, мы познакомились со многими достопримечательностями. 2. Поняв, что не сможет выполнить всю работу одна, она попросила меня о помощи. 3. Зная, что у меня достаточно времени, чтобы дойти до кинотеатра, я не спешил. 4. Приехав в тот вечер к своему другу, я узнал, что его еще нет дома, но что он придет с минуты на минуту. 5. Увидев, что такси подъехало к дому, он взял вещи и быстро спустился вниз. 6. Как часто вы подстригаетесь? 7. Мне необходимо срочно отремонтировать часы. 8. Мы отремонтировали квартиру до того, как уехали на юг. 9. Вы хотите сшить новое пальто?

16. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Это была одна из историй, которые часто рассказывала нам мать. 2. Он не мог забыть грустную историю, рассказанную ему старухой. 3. Он внимательно слушал историю, которую рассказывала одна из девочек.
4. Девочка, рассказывающая эту историю, уверена, что это правда.
5. Обещанная помощь не приходила. 6. Где человек, обещавший вам помочь? 7. Говорившая по телефону девушка наконец повесила трубку.
8. Говорившая с моим братом женщина улыбнулась мне. 9. Это один из студентов, принимающих участие в конференции. 10. Я поговорил с одним из студентов, принимавших участие в конференции два года назад. 11. Мы шли по дороге, ведущей в город. 12. Здесь уже давно нет дороги, которая раньше вела к озеру.

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