Тест «Достопримечательности Лондона»

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Проверил: канд.филол.наук, доцент кафедры

Фадеева Ангелина Александровна




Москва 2012

Познакомьтесь с Таблицей 1. Покупка продуктов питания.

Buying Food

What can you buy at the bakery (the baker’s shop)? Rye/brown bread, white/wheat bread, buns, croissants, rusks, rings, cakes, rolls, crack bread, waffles.
What can you buy at the butcher’s? Lean meat, fat meat, beef, veal, pork, mutton, lamb, bacon, ham, liver, veal kidneys, frankfurters, (smoked) sausage, salami, paté.
What can you buy at the poultry shop? Poultry, wildfowl, chicken, duck, goose (geese), turkey, pheasant, eggs.
What can you buy at the confectionery shop? Sweets, candies, chocolate(s), jam, honey, biscuits, marmalade, pies/tarts, ice-cream, pastry/cakes, truffle.
What can you buy at the dairy shop? Milk, sour milk, condensed milk, butter, cheese, curds, sweet cream, sour cream, mayonnaise, yoghurt.
What can you buy at the fishmonger’s? Fish (carp, cod, eel, plaice, herring, perch, pike, trout, salmon, sturgeon), tinned fish (sprats, sardines), tinned sea-weeds, crabs, lobsters, octopus, prawns/ shrimps, oysters, mussels, caviar, calamaris/squids.
What can you buy at the greengrocery shop? Vegetables: beet, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, onions, dill, parsley, lettuce, peas, beans, haricots, potatoes, tomatoes, radish, horse radish, turnip, sorrel, pepper, paprika, pumpkins, eggplants/aubergines, zucchini. Fruit: apricots, apples, bananas, dates, figs, grapes, kiwi, lemons, melons, mango, nuts, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, persimmons, plums, pomegranates, pine-apples, tangerines, water melons. Berries: garden/wild strawberry, raspberry, gooseberry, blueberry, blackberry, bilberry, cranberry, black and red currant, cherry, sweet cherry.
What can you buy at the grocery shop? Cereals, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, pearl barley, rice, semolina/farina, sugar, salt, vinegar, tea, coffee, oil, laurel, pasta (noodles, macaroni, vermicelli, spaghetti, cut-ribbed macaroni, shells), flour, matches, seasoning, spices (pepper, mustard , cinnamon, cloves, ginger).
What can you buy at the winery shop? Spirits, dry/semi-dry wine, red/white wine, whisky, cognac, liquor, martini, vermouth, sparkling vine, champagne, ouzo, beer, Becherovka balm, absinth, ursus, rum, soft drinks, orange juice, mineral water.


Задание 1.

Определите тему, к которой относится данный ряд слов.

1.    pear, persimmon, peach, plum, fig

1) vegetables

2) fruit

3) drinks

2.    sugar, cereals, noodles, mustard, vinegar

1) dairy products

2) greengroceries

3) groceries

3.    croissant, bun, waffle, biscuits, truffle

1) pastry

2) bakery goods

3) groceries

4.    tomato, aubergine, pepper, pumpkin

1) drinks

2) fruit

3) vegetables

5.    milk, butter, sour cream , curds

1) greengroceries

2) dairy products

3) groceries

6.    orange juice, mineral water, beer

1) vegetables

2) fruit

3) drinks

7.    duck, goose, turkey, chicken l)fish

2) poultry

3) meat

8.    trout, eel, salmon, herring


2) poultry

3) meat

9.    white wine, champagne, whisky, rum

1) soft drinks

2) fruit

3) spirits

Задание 2.

Из предложенных вариантов выберите одно слово, относящееся к заданному ряду слов.

1.    raspberry, bilberry, cranberry, strawberry

1) pepper    2) nuts        3) currants  4) trout

2.    cabbage, beet, onion, melon, peas

1) pickles   2) ham        3) bread     4) garlic

3.    beef, pork, mutton, lamb

1) oysters   2) weal       3) perch      4) bacon

4.    cold hors-d'oeuvre, dessert, first course, hot dishes

1) appetizer 2) stewed   3) steam     4) cauliflower

5.    spinach, asparagus, cucumber, radish, carrot

1) caviar     2) artichoke 3) sausage  4) honey

6.    ham, sausage, frankfurters, bacon

1) wildfowl 2) poultry   3) salami    4) seasoning

7.    waffle, biscuits, cake, macaroon

1) mustard 2) sweets    3) beans     4) parsley

8.    to bake, to fry, to stew, to steam

1) to broil   2) to do dishes                  3) to slice   4) to chop

9.    water-melon, lemon, grapefruit, dates

1) trout       2) persimmon         3) beer        4) bacon

Задание 3.

Определите ряд, в котором не все слова относятся к одной теме.

1.    1) beans, pumpkin, sorrel, lettuce

2) herring, salmon, sturgeon, haricot

3) apricot, pineapple, grapes, tangerine

2.    1) eel, caviar, lobsters, crabs

2) cover, sausage, frankfurters, salami

3) bitter, sour, overdone, underdone

3.    1) oil, spices, ginger, cinnamon

2) milk, butter, sour cream, cheese

3) buckwheat, semolina, curds, millet

4.    1) chicken, goose, turkey, pheasant

2) kidney pie, toasts, fried potatoes, pancakes

3) orange juice, mineral water, chewing gum, soft drinks

5.    1) dates, fig, nuts, chestnuts

2) scrambled eggs, steak, roast beef, onion soup

3) perch, pike, plaice, lard

6.    1) honey , marmalade, jam, cereals

2) lean meat, fat meat, smoked meat, pearl barley

3) currants, gooseberries, blackberries, mulberries

7.    1) stewed, boiled, steamed, fried

2) to roast, to bake, to fry, to stew

3) to cook, to boil, to broil, to furnish

8.    1) appetizer, hot dishes, second course, sweet cream

2) peach, cherry, plum, apricot

3) smoked meat and sausage, dairy product, greengroceries, groceries

9.    1) parsley, dill, paprika, radish

2) brown(rye) bread, croissant, bun, gateau

3) tasty, delicious, eatable, snack

Задание 4.

Quiz “Places to Go in London”

Тест «Достопримечательности Лондона»

Выберите правильный ответ:

1. Where would you be in London if you saw water birds, bears, hippos, apes and monkeys?

a) The Thames Barrier

b) The London Aquarium

c) London Zoo

d) St. James's Park

2. Where would you be in London if you saw Nelson's Column?

a) Hampton Court Palace

b) St. James's Park

c) Eltham Palace

d) Trafalgar Square

3. Where would you be in London if you saw the Changing of the Guard?

a) Buckingham Palace

b) Covent Garden Market

c) Euston Station

d) Hampton Court Palace

4. Where would you be in London if you saw the Millennium Wheel?

a) Canary Wharf

b) St. James's Park

c) Kew Gardens

d) At the London Eye

5. Where would you be in London if you saw the Crown Jewels?

a) The British Museum

b) The Tower of London

c) Natural History Museum

d) The Cabinet War Rooms

6. Where would you be in London if you saw lots of wax figures of famous people?

a) Madame Tussaud's

b) Albert Hall

c) Oxford Street

d) London's Chinatown

7. This building was designed by a man with the same last name as that of a bird.

a) The London Eye

b) Sherlock Holmes Museum

c) Hampton Court Palace

d) St Paul's Cathedral

8. Where would you be in London if you saw life and earth science specimens?

a) Canary Wharf

b) The Household Cavalry Museum

c) Natural History Museum

d) The Thames Barrier

9. Where would you be in London if you saw objects of human history and culture?

a) The Cabinet War Rooms

b) Covent Garden Market

c) London Zoo

d) The British Museum

10. What would you be near in London if you saw a large clock tower whose bell has a “large” name?

a) The Household Cavalry Museum

b) Maritime Greenwich

c) Hampton Court Palace

d) Big Ben

Задание 5.

Ответьте на вопросы о Лондоне:

  1. Is London the largest city in the world? ________________________________________
  2. What's the population of London? ____________________________________________
  3. Traditionally London is divided into several parts. Can you name them? ______________
  4. What do you know about the City?_____________________________________________
  5. Who was St Paul's Cathedral built by? ___________________________________________
  6. Who founded the Tower of London? When was it rebuilt? ____________________________
  7. What is Westminster Abbey famous for? ___________________________________________
  8. Where does the British Parliament sit? _____________________________________________
  9. What is Big Ben? ______________________________________________________________
  10. Why was Trafalgar Square named so? _____________________________________________
  11. Why does Buckingham Palace attract so many tourists? _______________________________
  12. What are the most famous London museums and art galleries? __________________________

Задание 6.

Ответьте на вопросы о Москве:

  1. When was Moscow founded? ____________________________________________________
  2. Is there a monument to Yuri Dolgoruky in Moscow? Where is it? _______________________
  3. When did Moscow become the capital? ____________________________________________
  4. In 1712 the capital was moved to St Petersburg, wasn't it? When did Moscow become the capital again? _________________________________________________________________
  5. Was ancient Moscow a big city? What's the total area of modern Moscow? _______________
  6. What's the population of Moscow? _______________________________________________
  7. What places of interest in the centre of Moscow do you know? _________________________
  8. What do you know about St Basil's Cathedral? ______________________________________
  9. What can you see on the territory of the Kremlin? ___________________________________
  10. What are the most famous Moscow museums and art galleries? _________________________
  11. What theatres in Moscow do you know? ___________________________________________
  12. What is your favorite place in Moscow? ___________________________________________

Задание 7.

Прочитайте и переведите текст:

"If it's Tuesday ... we must be in Munich"

Ruthie Schumacher, aged 68, and her husband Bob, 72, from Maryland have never been out of the US before. They are with their son, Gary, and his wife Gayle. I met them in Munich, in a cafe, two thirds of their way round a lightning cultural tour of Europe.

Can I ask a few questions?

Ruthie: No problem. It's our pleasure. Isn't it, Bob?

Bob: Yup.

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