VIII. Underline the correct words.

1. If the plan succeeds / will succeed you will make a big profit.

2. What would you do if you will found / found a one hundred dollar note on the sidewalk?

3. We will cancel our order if you don't deliver / won't deliver the goods by Friday.


IX. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1. Almost every country in the world has its national currency. Some

 countries share a common currency, for example, the 13 European Union

member countries.

2. An exchange rate is the price of a currency. Like any price it is decided by

supply and demand in the market.

3. The rate of exchange is the equilibrium between demand for the currency

 and its supply.

4. A change in the exchange rate of the currency always has an impact on the

country's economy.


X.   A. Read this text

What are Mergers and Takeovers?


Merger is the combination of two or more companies into a single corporate entity that often takes on a new name. Mergers enable the companies to share the resources and to increase the level of their strength. In some instances, mergers take place in order to expand the business operations towards a different region.

There are many advantages that the companies gain through mergers such as increase in the sales revenue and market share in the industry, increase in tax efficiency. Further, mergers reduce the cost, increase the profits and increase the shareholder’s value in both merged companies.

Takeover or acquisition is a combination in which one firm, the acquirer, purchases and absorbs the operation of another firm , the acquired. Usually in a takeover, a larger company is acquiring a smaller company. The acquisition takes place with the motive of increasing the market share and to increase the level of company performance with the acquired resources to the company .

Merger is an integration between two or more firms in order to expand the business operations. Takeover means the acquiring of a company in order to increase the market share of the business.

• Mergers are primarily practiced by the companies to reduce the risk of entering into a new market place.

• Takeover is a strategy used to expand the market share of the company and most often large companies acquire small companies.

   Mergers and takeovers have been a part of the business world for centuries. In today's dynamic economic environment, companies are often faced with decisions concerning these actions. Through mergers and acquisitions, a company can develop a competitive advantage and ultimately increase shareholder value.


B. Mark the sentences a) T ( True )

B) F ( False)

C) NG ( Not Given )


1.There are many disadvantages that the companies get through mergers.

2. Mergers give the companies the opportunity to share the resources and to increase the level of their strength.

3.  Companies are encouraged to takeover other companies by an investment



1 2 3





Variant  № 8

I. Match the words with the definitions.

  1) wholesale        a) something that is on sale at a lower price than



  2) competitor         b) the  activity  of  selling  goods to stores, other 

                                      businesses, etc. rather than to the public


  3) revenue            c) the money that is used for a particular purpose,

                                     especially by a government, organization, or group


  4)  bargain             d) a company that provides a product, or the materials

                                      to  make a product


  5) budget              e) the  general  state of health or degree of success of

                                      a person, business, country, use on  products or in



  6) supplier             f)  a plan that shows how much money an

                                            organization  expects to earn and spend during a

                                     particular period of   time, and how it will spend its



   7) welfare              g) money that a company receives, especially from

                                      selling goods or services


  8) spending            h) a company that sells products or service

                                      in the same market as your company

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


II. Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

                     revenue            wholesale     interests     supplier                competitor        budget          welfare      bargain  

1. We are in the ......... trade and sell our clothes to retailers and fashion houses.

2. Sales are very good, but our main ..........'s sales are also going up very quickly.

3. The money governments have to spend is called .......

 4. A......... is something you buy for less than the usual price.

 5. Lantex never delivers on time. We have to look for another........

 6. Corporate planners are busy drawing up a.........for the next fiscal year.

 7. The huge retailer increased ........ on health care for its employees.

 8. We are a progressive employer concerned with employee welfare.


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