The Russian language is a state language of Russian Federation and one of the working languages of international organization such as UN, UNESCO

The Day of the Russian language is held on June the 6th. The purpose of the celebration is to preserve, support and develop the Russian language as a national heritage of Russia, a means of international communication and an integral part of culture and spiritual heritage of world civilization.

In the status of the state language of Russian Federation, it’s used along with other national (ethnic) languages in different political, social and cultural life of the Russian people.

In the regions of Russia with the status of Republic, along with the Russian language as a state language other languages can be used and set as official.In practice it’s usually the languages of ethnic groups.

In some cases it can create potential risks of lowering the status of the Russian language. As an example, it will be appropriate to mention Tatarstan, where the Tatar language is a compulsory subject in schools. At the beginning the initiative was positive, but in practice the number of academic hours for the Russian language and literature began to decrease, and the number of hours for Tatar increased. As a result the literacy in the Russian language in general has gone dramatically. The conflict resulted in alternative meeting, held in Kazan in April 16, 2011 under the slogans in support of both Russian and Tatar languages.

Modern Russia is a multiethnic societyand for centuries has been developing as a multinational state in the processes of constant interpenetration and mixing of cultures.

Improving knowledge of the state language of the Russian Federation should apply not only to Russian citizens but as well to migrants wishing to adapt in Russia. This updated the need for taking an examination in Russia as a foreign language for the acquisition and renewal of immigration status.

Borrowings from English into Russian.

The remarkable growth of English neologisms in the Russian language results mostly from sociolinguistic factors and widespread public support. There is a certain distribution of foreign words between functional styles and speech genres, so anglicisms vary relative to the text-type of discourse. 

According to investigations they are distributed in the following way in different types of discourses:

In fiction – 6%

In common communication – 9%

In business discourse – 14%

In scientific discourse – 22%

In mass-media discourse – 30%

Mass-media employ English loan words with the intention of obtaining universal basis for communication and MMD is filled with anglicisms. Due to mass-media colloquilisms have become accessible to language community and spread in the youth language and in journalese (кавер, мейнстрим, арт-хаус,сладер, хед-лайнер)

The persistent use of loan words is motivated by prestige of these words.

As David Crystal said:” when a country adopts a language it adapts it” in different ways.

So adaptation of anglicisms on the level of words may be semantic,lexical,stylistic and paragmatic.

An English impact on the semantic structure of some words already existing in Russian is called cemantic borrowing or calque.

( pirate– has lately acquired the new meaning: a person who infringes another’s copyright or other business right under the influence of English пиратскийдиск, пиратскаякопия, пиратскиесайты)

Most loan words are used first for special purposes in a science fiction context or discourse and only later gain wider public recognition and usage.

(Компьютер, картридж, аутсайдер, роуминг)

Polysemantic words are never borrowed as an entity. Two or more lexico-semantic variants may penetrate the recipient language.


1) At first it penetrates to the domain “cinema,cinematography”

2) Later on, another variant of the verb to sell a product became more productive – промоутер, промоушен, промо-акция.

An anglicism may change its semantic structure due to universal metaphoric and metonymic processes which inevitably lead to generelarization or narrowing of meaning (semantic derivation).

Hit (a popular song) but in Russian it means any phenomenon of mass culture or any noticeable phenomenon.

Киоскер привел свой парад хитов.

Хиты продаж – стол «Иван», кухня «Марья», в столице растет спрос на отечественную мебель.

A lot of anglicisms do not function in isolation. They are usually supported by derivatives which definitely indicate a high level of lexical assimilation and their productivity.

Пабликрелейшнз. Its abbreviated from пиарhad firmly establised itself in Russian.

It has given rise to many derivatives: пиарить, пиарщик, пиар – менеджер, пиар –деятельность.

The ability of anglicisms to generate derivatives in Russian may be explained by already existing derivational model in the language.

Be analogy with the calque челнок,челночный, челночничество

Theanglicismрейдер,рейдерский, рейдерство.

Borrowing of foreign words is justified when the recipient language does not possess stable lexical units to denote unknown for Russian notions.

The following anglicisms took place in the Russian language almost immediately to filllexical lacoons in the language

( буккроссинг,хостинг)

Loan words can change their connotative aspect as well.

When the word speech(спич) first appeared un Russian it had a sormal stylistic connotation.Now it’s neutral.

The neutral English word sequel (сиквел) has first acquired un Russian a negative connotation an unseccessfull continuation of a successful film.

Language security in the Internet

81% of teenagers nowadays use Internet slang . On average, only 30% parents of 10-18 year olds are able to accurately identify definitions of 6 popular terms including LMINRL, YOLO, ASL, POS and trolling.

LMRIRL – let`s meet in real life

YOLO – you only live once

POS – parent over shoulder

ASL – age/sex/location

Trolling - The art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly pissing people off, usually via the internet, using dialogue.

The research by online site suggests these lesser-known phrases may have more serious implications .

The survey also found that a significant proportion of 10-18 year olds are involved in online misdemeanors. Site director Phil Kingsland said parental awareness of such phrases was important to understanding their children`s online behavior. He said: “Parents may find it frustrating that web language moves so fast, but they need to have understanding of what’s going on so they can engage with and support their kids”

Examples of Internet shortenings:

LMK – let me know; NP – no problem; OIC – oh, I see; TG – that’s great; TGIF – thank God it’s Friday; TIA – thanks in advance; TY – thank you; W8 – wait; PPL – people; Sk8/sk8r – skate/skater; U – you; FAQ – frequently asked questions; BBS – be back soon

Russian borrowed Internet shortenings.

Лол (LOL – laugh out loud); Омг (OMG – oh my God); Заскринить (англ. Screen); Имхо (IMHO – in my humble opinion); Фейл (англ. Fail); Эпикфейл (англ. Epic fail); Нуб (англ. Noob); Хейтер (англ. Hater); Гамать (англ. Game); Банить (англ. Ban); Йеп (англ. Yeap); Лайкать (англ. To like); Репост (англ. Repost)



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