Lexicology as a branch of linguistics

Источник –в основном лекция

Lexicology is a branch of linguistics which deals with lexis, the study and analysis of words. Its basic task is a systematic description of the vocabulary of some particular language in respect to its origin, development and current use.

Functionally the word is the potential minimum of the sentence capable of being directly correlated with a thing-meant as a reverberation (отражение в сознании) of a given segment of reality. Lexicology presents a wide area of knowledge.

Within its scope are included

historical lexicology which deals with a historical change of words in the course of language development throughout centuries;

comparative lexicology studying closely related languages from the point of view of their typological identity or differentiation.

contrastive lexicology- a new type of studies, aimed at establishing facts of similarities and differences between both related and unrelated languages;

applied lexicology- covering terminology and lexicography, translation, linguodidactics and pragmatics of speech.

Among the different branches of lexicology the functional approach stands out as describing the ways in which words are used to provide and support meaningful communication. In communication we use language to address the world. Words are crucial because they provide a commonly shared medium for conveying meanings and messages.Every word names a given reverent and not another one and this relationship being firmly rooted in the system of language, creates the indispensable basis for establishing in verbal intercourse.

 Этот треугольник предполагает, что нет безусловной связи между словом и референтом. The word can be perceived as the total sum of the sounds which comprise it. The modern approach to word studies is based on distinguishing between the external(буквы) and the internal (meaning) structures of the word. Another structural aspect of the word is its unity. The word possesses both external unity and semantic unity(семантический и формальный). The formal unity of the word can best be illustrated by comparing a word and a word-group comprising identical constituents. For example a blackbird(дрозд) and a black bird(черная птица)

ablackbird(semantic,потому что одно понятие у слова) ; ablackbird ( external, два понятия цвет и вид живого существа)

The word is a speech unit used for the purposes of human communication, materially represented group of sounds, possessing a meaning, susceptible to grammatical employment and characterized be formal and semantic unity

Lexicology has lots of connections with other branches which also have word as a central unit. If lexicology studies the meaning of the word, Grammar studies grammatical problems. Both study roots, morphemes, affixes. But, unlike grammar, lexicological function is to name objects.Word is the smallest part of the sentence, and the sentence in its turn is the smallest communicative unit. Also it lexicology has connections with Phoenetics. If we change the stress, we change the meaning of the word and even part of the speech: rEcord – recOrd, cOment – comEnt; blackboard – black board, blackbird – black bird. Also it has some links with Stylistics. One of the problems of lexicology is stylistic characteristics. Stylistics studies different stylistic styles. The reflection of the style is in the text. E.g. bookish style we often can find in classical fiction or textbooks; collocations – in speech. And the last connection is with Social Lingusitics (Cultural Studies): language is a part of the culture, it’s a reflection of the mentality of people. There are some specific word combinations and associations in every language. E.g. professions: kindness is associated with social workers.

There are some special Problems in lexicology: word formation and word combination. Phraseology (science about phrases) studies it. When we start studying a new language, we try to know all the words and their meaning. And especially collocations that are unique in every language: wash hair – мыть голову, wash head – “намылить шею“. Specific feature of English is the Polysemy and Homonymy. Why? 1) It has a great number of monosyllabic words; 2) Its analytical character. Word order is also very important. Lexicology studies words. A word has a meaning and a form. The approaches to find the meaning of the word are the following: 1) Syntagmatic – surrounding, neighbouring words help to deduce the meaning; 2) Paradigmatic – with the help of synonyms and antonyms. Word formation: 1) Compounding (Composition) – joining of several stems; 2) Convertion – one part of speech into another; 3) Affixation. One more problem – Stylistic characteristics.

Дата добавления: 2018-04-04; просмотров: 4967; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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