The concept and definition of meaning in linguistic tradition. Meaning and use

1) The Russian linguistic tradition is introduced by Vinogradov. According to Vinogradov the meaning of a word can be:

1. Nominative.

2. Nominative- derivative

3. Collegationally and collocationally conditioned.

4. Phraseologically bound.

1. Nominative is the basic meaning of a word, which refers to objects of extra linguistic reality in a direct way and reflects their actual relations.

The line of ‘synonyms’ are essential, domain, primary, focal, pivotal, common, usual, but it is mostly used to avoid repetition in speech and they are not technical terms. This meaning is frequent in usage and belongs to the general word stock of the language.

Nominative meaning can be correlated with denotative(referential, factual, objective) meaning in Crystals's frame of reference.

2. Nominative-Derivative meaning comes into being when the word is “stretched out” semantically to cover new facts and phenomena of extra linguistic reality.

When the speaker uses the word metaphorically he extends its content.

The metaphorical use is based on certain similarities observed by the speaker.

Sweet not only taste, but pleasant, attractive - > Sweet face, voice, little baby.; greasy (жирный, покрытый маслом, жиром) -> перенос значения(абстракция) скользкий (о дороге) -> негативная абстракция: too friendly - скользкий тип; juicy (сочный, полный сока, about meat) -> перенос значения: interesting –> скандальный (scandalous)-> profitable (выгодный)

The identity of the word remains intact, because the difference in meaning is not great enough to split the word into 2 different units.

When the speaker observes similarities between the objects, the semantic content of a word is made elastic to be stretched out and cover new bits of reality. Metaphoric meanings are registered in dictionaries. Such meanings are often poetically present in the semantic structure of the word.

For parts of the body: Hand- рука, стрелка часов; face-лицо, циферблат часов (of a clock); Foot- нога, подножие горы; 

If nominative meaning is a direct meaning: Nominative-Derivative meaning is a transferred meaning.

The nominative-derivative meaning finds no exact equivalent in the classification presented by D. Crystal, except, probably, fir the term 'connotative meaning' which is used with the reference to the emotional associations which are part of the meaning of a lexical item. (Crystal, 1985)

3. Collegiationally and collocationally conditioned meanings are not free, but bound.-фразовые гл.

a. Collegationally conditioned meaning is determined by morphosyntactic combinability of words. Some meanings are realized only without a given morphosyntactic pattern (colligation)

to tell- рассказать, сказать. In passive constructions means to order/to direct. Ex.: You must do what you’re told; to carry- нести. In passive construction= to accept. Ex.: The amendment(поправка) to the bill was carried.

b. Collocationally conditioned meaning is determined by lexical- phraseological combinality of words.

There are meanings which depend on the word association with other words (collocation)

A herd of cows, a flock of sheep

Collocation is used here as a typical behaviour of a word in speech.

Certain meanings belong only to a given collocation, word is habitually associated with another word to form a natural sounding combinations.

4. Phraseologically bound meaning. –meanings which which depends on the word`s association with other lexical units

Collocations should be distinguished from idioms and phraseological units.

Idioms and phraseological units are devoid (лишенный) of referential meanings.The meanings of the individual words can’t be summed together to produce the meaning of the idiomatic expression.

to kick the bucket = to die. This idiom is opaque (непрозрачный); to pass the buck = to pass the responsibility. This idiom is semiopaque; to see the light = to understand. This idiom is transparent.

The word combination is literal in meaning, because its degree of idiomatic is low it’s called phraseological unit.

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