Task 1. Read the following text

Task 2. Translate the highlighted paragraph (1000 знаковспробелами) into Russian.

The promise of organic agriculture


Organic agriculture is a set of practices in which the use of external inputs is minimized. Synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, synthetic preservatives, pharmaceuticals, GM organisms, sewage sludge and irradiation are all excluded.

Interest in organic agriculture has been boosted by public concerns over pollution, food safety and human and animal health, as well as by the value set on nature and the country-side. Consumers in developed countries have shown themselves willing to pay price premiums of 10 to 40 percent for organic produce, while government subsidies have helped to make organic agriculture economically viable.

In 2001, some 15.8 million ha were under certified organic agriculture globally. Many European countries have ambitious targets for expansion, with the result that Western Europe may have around a quarter of its total agricultural land under organic management by 2030.

In industrial countries, organic agriculture is based on clearly defined methods enforced by inspection and certification bodies. Most developing countries, in contrast, do not yet have their own organic standards and certification systems. In these countries, organic agriculture may in fact be more wide-spread than in the developed world but is practised of necessity, since the majority of farmers is unable to afford or cannot obtain modern inputs. Most organic crops for local consumption are sold at the same price as other produce. However, many developing countries are now producing organic commodities in commercial quantities for export to developed country markets. These exports can be expected to increase in the coming years.

Organic agriculture offers many environmental benefits. Agrochemicals can pollute groundwater, disrupt key ecological processes such as pollination, harm beneficial micro-organisms and cause health hazards to farm workers. Modern monoculture using synthetic inputs often harms biodiversity at the genetic, species and ecosystem levels. The external costs of conventional agriculture can be substantial.

Task 3. Make up a summary of the text. Add your conclusion to the summary.

Образцы итогового теста по модулю 3

«Учебно-познавательная сфера общения. Я и моя будущая профессия»



TASK 1. Choose the right word:

1. There are two requirements for farming: good soil and a water ---.

a) flow;       

b) barrier;

c) supply;

d) desert;

e) connection.


2. Agriculture is a --- branch of an economy.

a) ancient;

b) vital;

c) distant;

d) following;

e) economic.


3. Feed crops supply provender for ---.

a) cattle;

b) fields;

c) crops;

d) greenhouses;

e) vegetables.


4. Industrial crops provide --- materials for processing.

a) feed;

b) water;

c) raw;

d) food;

e) soil.


5. Animals’ milk and meat --- us with protein.

a) provide;

b) include;

c) divide;

d) use;

e) improve.


6. We --- on animals for a number of products.

a) belong;

b) comprise;

c) rely;

d) insist;

e) destroy.


7. Different methods of soil --- can turn unhealthy soil into a plant paradise.

a) conservation;

b) processing;

c) vegetables;

d) breeding;

e) planting.


8. Farmers also use different practices to combat and --- erosion.

a) supply;

b) use;

c) prevent;

d) include;

e) begin.


9. Plants have varying degrees of --- for cold.

a) degradation;

b) erosion;

c) rotation;

d) tolerance;

e) supply.


10. --- can be used to absorb and trap heat.

a) Greenhouses;

b) Crop rotation;

c) Green manure;

d) Irrigation ditches;

e) soilpollution.


TASK 2. Choose the right translation:

Agricultureincludes cultivation of (1)crops(зерновыекультуры, злаковые, урожаи, посевы)and raising livestock for the purpose of production of (2)food (запасы, питательныевещества, пища, корм) and fiber for humans. Mankind began to (3)cultivate (развивать, возделывать, окультуривать, способствовать)food crops about 10,000 years ago.

Worldwide, more than 99.7% of human food comes from the (4)soil (территория, почва, глина, страна). Serious environmental impacts, such as soil(5) erosion (износ, разрастание, эрозия, коррозия),water pollutionfromsurface runoff, and pesticide pollution, result from fossil fuel-intensive agriculture.

About half of the caloric intake of the human population derives from (6)cereals (злаки, бобовые, клубневые, овощи). Cereal production is the mainstay of human foods with(7)wheat(ячмень, зерно, пшеница, урожай), rice, maize (corn), barley, rye, sorghum and (8) oats (каша, овес, рожь, лук) being the chief components.

The environmental sustainability of agriculture consists of three components: agricultural production, demand for agricultural (9)products(производство, продукция,корма, практика) and food policy. The key parameters of agricultural production that impact sustainability are intensiveness of fossil fuel use; application of chemicals to the soil; intensive water use; and excessive compaction or erosion of (10) topsoil (верхняятерритория, лучшаяпочва, почвенныйслой, высшаяступень).

Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 475; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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