Philosophy as a theoretical basis of worldview

  Worldview is a system of generalized sensibilities, of intuitive notions and theoretical views of the surrounding world and man’s place in it, of man’s many-sided relations to the world, to himself and to other people, a system of the basic orientation in life, not always consciously realized by an individual, a definite social group of society; their convictions, ideals and value-orientations, their socio-political, moral, aesthetic and religious principles of knowledge and judgments.

Worldview, as academitian V.I.Shinkaruk considered, is a form of social consciousness through which man realizes and appraises the surrounding world as the world of his own being and finds his particular position in it.

  Worldview is a spiritual and intellectual structure with many levels the one that combines everyday notions comprising rational and irrational elements, reason and prejudices, scientific, artistic and political views. Two horisontal levels of worldview are : sensual – emotions, images, perceptions, and rational – knowledge, understanding.


  The structure of worldview.

There are four main components in the worldview structure:

1. The cognitive aspect is based on the generalized knowledge: everyday, scientific, professional and so on. It represents a specific concrete and the universal world picture. It systematizes the results of individual and social cognition, styles of thinking of any community or epoch.

2. Value-normative aspect includes values, ideals, convictions, beliefs, norms. In their activity people could be directed by some definite social ideals. Value  is an attribute of any subject, any phenomenon that must satisfy people’s needs and desires. People’s ideas of good and evil, happiness and unhappiness, purport and sense of life can be included into man’s system of values, a sort of hierarchy of values, where life and safety are the highest. Absolute values estimated by people become social ideals. While interacting with other people and appreciating these relations people work out some definite social norms: moral, religious, legal. These norms regulate man’s behavior correlating it with the values.

3. The moral-volitional aspect presupposes that man should attempt an effort to convert these ideals, norms, values into his own convictions, outlooks, beliefs and cultivate a psychological readiness for actions.

4. The practical aspect of worldview is man’s actual readiness for definite type of behavior in some particular situations. Worldview would have quite an abstract character without this practical component.

Historical forms of worldview.


It appeared at the earliest stages of human development. Myth is a legend of gods and heroes life in the invisible world. There were two types of myth:

1. Cosmological (structure of nature, its functions, origin and functioning);

2. Human life (mystery of birth and death, everyday life, experience).

Primeval myth was not a story which was told but the reality in which people lived. It was a kind of practical guidance for activity in primeval society. The aim and purport of ancient myth was not exactly to give people knowledge but rather to approve some social aims, models of behavior and beliefs. So, myth was not an initial form of knowledge, but rather it indicated a particular type of natural and social life. As the earliest form of human culture, myth combines primitive knowledge, religious beliefs, morals, aesthetic and emotional estimation of situations. In mythology man manifested himself as being completely identified with nature, as its inseparable part.

The main principle of mythology was a genetic method. Ancient myth usually included two aspects: diachronical and synchronical. Thus, the past was connected with the future and it provided spiritual succession of generations. The main importance and significance of myths was that they established harmony between man and the world, nature and society, society and individual and, thus, made certain stability and inner self-agreement possible.

Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 798; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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