Translate the following sentences into Russian. 1. The survey results indicate the effect of the Fed’s recent interest rate increase may be falling differently across the economy


1. The survey results indicate the effect of the Fed’s recent interest rate increase may be falling differently across the economy.

2. If most currencies are “too” cheap against the dollar, it follows that the dollar itself must be too expensive.

3. Christmas could have been an unhappy one last year if presents were ordered online. Many customers were still waiting for gifts to arrive long after the holidays had ended.

4. US central bank officials think they may need to accelerate interest rate hikes if a faster-growing economy leads to lower than expected unemployment.

5. With the global economy looking shaky, it must have seemed unwise to tighten the monetary policy screws further.

6. Analysis carried out in the report indicates that international trade in counterfeit and pirated products could have been up to $200 billion last year. This total doesn’t include the significant volume of pirated digital products being distributed via the Internet.

7. US inflation and interest rates may be moving higher again, but from historically low levels.

8. Since the recession ended, first-quarter GDP growth has frequently come in weak, followed by a stronger second year. This year may have been no exception.

9. Moving from Delta, an airline, to Red Hat, a technology company, must have been a culture shock for him.

10. Economists estimate severe weather could have chopped off as much as 1.4 percentage points from GDP growth. The government, however, gave no details on the impact of the weather.

11. China’s trade data due later on Wednesday may show export growth at multi-year highs thanks to recovering global demand.

12. The Fed raised rates anyway: Janet Yellen, its chair, argued that the fizzing labour market meant inflation must be on the way.

13. The government is worried that the economy may slow too fast, and that this could cause a destabilising surge in unemployment.

14. Such acquisitions might not lead to big changes that customers would notice on supermarket shelves.


Exercise № 9

Should – может 1) выражать долженствование в плане совета или пожелания (переводится словами «должен», «следует», «следовало бы», «нужно», «надо бы», «надо было»);2) вводить придаточное условия (переводится словами «если», «если же», «если все же»);3) употребляться в придаточных предложениях с сослагательным наклонением, стоящих после глаголов recommend, suggest, insistи т.п. и словосочетанийitisimportant (desirable, strange, natural, etc.), при этом should несет чисто грамматическую нагрузку и на русский язык никак не переводится;4) выражать предположение с большой степенью уверенности (переводится словами «вероятно», «должно быть», «по всей вероятности», «скорее всего»).

Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. Last month the fund suggested that Japan should take measures to prod companies into paying higher wages.

2. If the investments are any good, they should generate a regular stream of inflows, in the form of profits from the companies acquired.

3. Defeating deflation – should the scourge materialize – will be hard enough as it is.

4. Growth in emerging Asia is likely to remain strong and it should give governments the confidence to let their currencies rise, which would further boost the relative size of their economies in dollar terms.

5. Should a strong dollar and rising oil prices persist, traders say that would be a driver for higher inflation.

6. With the US trade deficit hitting a record $66.1bn in September, the dollar should be vulnerable. Instead it has been pushing back the euro and the yen, gaining close to 14 per cent against both so far this year.

7. As assets were rising over the last several decades, the fee should have fallen because of the economies of scale.

8. Should higher inflation convince the Fed that more interest-rate hikes are needed sooner, many investors in emerging markets could be caught off guard.

9. Inflation hit 2 percent in December, and ran above the central bank’s target and expectations in January and should continue to do so.

10. Devaluation will further push up inflation but should in time relieve the shortage of foreign currency that has hampered Egyptian business.


Exercise № 10

Would – может выражать 1) повторяющееся действие в прошлом (переводится глаголом в прошедшем времени);2) предположение (переводится словами «вероятно», «очевидно», «скорее всего», «наверное»);3) сослагательное наклонение; 4) (отрицательная форма) «никак не», «не хотел(а)».


Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 482; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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