Subsoil of Stagnic Cambisols (Dystric)

There was a statistically conclusive increase in pH value in the subsoil of drained Cambisols. The pH value was also influenced by liming of the drained soils in the subsoil, where carbonates were leached from the topsoil. Moreover, the better the aerobic conditions, the better the decomposition of organic matter and suppression of production of easily movable fulvo acids, which decrease the soil pH. The change in the SOM content of the subsoil was not statistically significant, but there was a decrease in its content in most of the soil pits. The SOM content there was very low (eventually low). After drainage, mineralization was accelerated due to the development of aerobic soil microflora caused by the increasing air content in the subsoil. This confirmed the statistical increase in minimum air capacity.

There was a statistically conclusive decrease in the cation exchange capacity. The content of fine particles statistically decreased in all of the soil pits. In most of the soil pits, with a decrease in the CEC, the contents of the effective cation exchange capacity and the soil organic matter also decreased. The loss of the SOM could be caused by a change in the conditions after drainage of the Cambic Bw horizon. The soil aeration increased (an increase in the minimum air capacity) and hence the development of aerobic soil microflora was supported, and subsequently caused an increase in mineralization and a decrease in the SOM content. The losses of the effective cation exchange capacity and fine particles were explained by moving these particles throughout the soil profile; this confirmed a significant decrease in porosity in the third horizon and an otherwise inconclusive, but prevailing increase in the value of effective cation exchange capacity.

The value of porosity and the minimum air capacity statistically increased (both at significance level α0.05) during the 30years after drainage, while the value of bulk density (at significance level α0.1) statistically decreased. The reason for the increase in porosity value was better biological activity and a higher presence of plant roots in the Bw horizon, which couldn’t have been done before drainage due to waterlogging, which prevented the development of soil microflora and fauna. The statistical increase in minimum air capacity is caused by drainage water from pores, better permeability, and movement in the soil profile.

Topsoil of Haplic Stagnosols

The pH (KCl) value statistically increased in the topsoil of all Haplic Stagnosols during the 30 years after drainage. This increase was caused by several factors. The first was liming with the purpose of improving soil conditions for cultivation. Due to aeration, in the previously waterlogged soils there was faster mineralization, better conditions for humification, and soil microflora could develop. In the soils with insufficient oxygen there is imperfect decomposition of soil organic matter. During this process fulvo acids are produced which decrease the pH value.

The change in the soil organic matter content was statistically inconclusive. However, in most soil pits there was a decrease in the SOM content compared to 1974. We can explain this by the mineralization of the accumulated soil organic matter in the subsoil of previously waterlogged soil. If there is a lack of air during mineralization, it stops in intermediate products, which are accumulated till a change in the aerobic conditions in the topsoil (or can be moved throughout the soil profile). In comparison with Cambisols, the trend of Haplic Stagnosols was the opposite. Both soil types had been used since the 1990s as perennial pastures. The decreasing trend of the SOM content was caused by several factors. After the intensive management and ploughing of drained Stagnosols, there was significant mineralization of the accumulated organic matter. After the land use change (during the last 15 years), the SOM content started to increase and we can assume that this content will keep rising.

According to the physical soil characteristics (see below) there was soil compaction which influenced the growth of vegetation. This means there were not good conditions for sufficient root growth, so the roots were not able to penetrate to deeper soil depths. These features were confirmed on excavated soil pits in the terrain.

There was a statistically significant decrease in the value of the cation exchange capacity and the effective cation exchange capacity during the 30 years after drainage of Stagnosols. The value of saturation of the sorption complex statistically significantly increased compared to 1974. A decrease in the value of the CEC from a very high capacity to the values of medium capacity was observed in three soil pits. These were lighter soils than the others or these soils belonged to soils with a higher content of coarse fragment. Only these soils were situated on the terrain slopes to 3˚ (the others are in lowland). There was also a decrease in the value of the minimum air capacity in these soils. We can assume that after drainage of the pores, mineralization was performed there with the highest intensity. The decrease in the CEC value can be explained by the loss of organic matter after drainage (also partially by erosion). The increase in the ECEC was logically related to the changes in the contents of the ECEC and CEC. The slight decrease of the effective cation exchange capacity and the marked decrease of the ability of the cation sorption correspond to the statistically conclusive change in the effective cation exchange capacity.

The value of bulk density and particle density statistically increased in the topsoil of Stagnosols, while the porosity statistically decreased (by 20% on average).

The Haplic Stagnosols in our model area were greatly influenced by water, which was confirmed by the presence of pseudogleyzation features (Fe-Mn concretions, oxidizing coatings) formed in the whole soil profile. From the original soil reports we have found that there was hydrophilic vegetation, birch seeding, and springs in this model area. The pores in the topsoil were mostly filled with water for most of the year. Of course, it influenced the production of soil structure and its stability, which couldn’t be formed in the acidic conditions without good quality soil organic matter and enough calcium. After the drainage, there was a lot of traversing in this area within the intensification of farming. Due to the unstable structure with heavier soil texture, technogenic soil compaction occurred. This was confirmed in our excavated soils, both in the terrain and in the lab (a statistically significant increase in the values of particle density and reduced soil volume).

Subsoil of Haplic Stagnosols

The change in pH (KCl) value was not statistically conclusive in the subsoil of Haplic Stagnosols. It was obvious that liming, which influenced the pH value of the topsoil, didn’t have a significant influence on the subsoil. Most of the carbonate fertilizers were bounded by fulvo acids, which caused an increase in the pH value of the topsoil, and at the same time were not able to influence the lower soil horizons. Moreover, the subsoil was compacted, with no biological activity and low porosity. This prevents the movement of base cations and thus has a significant impact on the pH value in the subsoil.

A statistically inconclusive change was found in the soil organic matter content. The SOM content in Haplic Stagnosols was also very low 30 years after drainage. The values of particle density showed enrichment of this soil horizon by ferrum (the values are higher than 2.7 g/cm3). This horizon was waterlogged for most of the year and showed minimal biological activity and no presence of rootage, which corresponded to the SOM content. None of the soil sorption characteristics showed significant change. The CEC value decreased in all soil pits, which corresponded to the content of fine particles fraction, specifically by the clay fraction, which moved down into the soil profile.

The values of porosity and minimum air capacity were statistically significantly increased after drainage. The value of porosity increased about 23.7%. This was caused by the development of soil flora and fauna after the drainage of Stagnosols. The subsoil horizons were waterlogged for most of the year and didn’t allow roots to move down into the profile, which, together with the soil compaction (high values of particle density caused by a higher content of ferrum), didn’t enable soil organisms to penetrate into the deeper parts of the soil profile. The compact subsoil structure was partly disturbed by drainage and ploughing. The increase in minimum air capacity enabled soil microflora and fauna to partly stabilize the soil structure (soil pores).


The pH value increased in the topsoil of Stagnic Cambisols (Dystric). This was influenced by ameliorative liming after the drainage construction and liming during farming. The value of the cation exchange capacity statistically decreased. The value of the saturation of sorption complex statistically increased. The change of content of the effective cation exchange capacity was statistically inconclusive over 30 years, which means one of the parts of the sorption complex decreased―probably by washing off the fine particles during the use of the land as arable land in intensive cultivation. The soil sorption capacity was statistically increased. The soil organic matter content statistically increased there. There was one statistically conclusive change in the physical soil characteristics of the topsoil of Cambisols―an increase in the minimum air capacity. The second Bw horizon of Cambisols was also influenced by intensive and frequent liming. The pH value statistically increased there. A statistically conclusive decrease in the CEC value was probably the result of erosion and movement of fine particles down the profile after drainage and deforestation. This corresponded to a decrease in the porosity value in the third horizon. The value of porosity and the minimum air capacity in the second horizon were statistically increased, while the value of bulk density statistically decreased.

In the topsoil of Haplic Stagnosols the pH value statistically increased, and the change in the SOM content was statistically inconclusive. The statistically conclusive decrease in the value of the cation exchange capacity and the effective cation exchange capacity value was probably caused by erosion (loss of the fine particle-size fraction) and by leaching and washing off during intensive farming. The value of porosity statistically decreased, while the value of bulk density and particle density statistically increased, which reflected soil compaction and was the result of the use of heavy machinery and intensive tillage. According to these conclusions we can assume that the reclaimed and drained Stagnosols are more vulnerable to such types of soil degradation. In the subsoil of Haplic Stagnosols, the change in pH value was not statistically conclusive, likewise for the SOM content. The values of porosity and minimum air capacity were statistically significantly increased after drainage.


Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 223; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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