Lexical and Grammar tasks

1.1. Translate the pilot’s information into Russian:

1. Clear of traffic, resuming own navigation.


2. Past territorial waters at 40 at flight level 210 in and out of clouds.


2. Will be unable to prepare for departure within half an hour. It will take us not less than 1 hour. ___________________________________________________________


3. Approaching your zone from north-west, approximate distance 50 km.


4. Making good a track of 180°M proceeding along Airway Amber 2.


6. Affirm. The fog is becoming thicker, our departure may be delayed.


7. Unable to lower undercarriage will make a belly landing. Keep the ground staff ready. ______________________________________________________________________

8. Is ils for rw 30 available?


9. Where is the main cell of the thunderstorm?


10. How long will your aerodrome be closed?



1.2. Translate into English:

1. Вам разрешается следовать в пункт назначения через приводы ФО и КЛ.


2. Советую вам обходить кучевые образования 25 км западнее трассы.


3. Я не разрешил вам рулить, остановитесь и стойте на месте.


4. Уменьшите скорость до скорости круга.


5. Вы должны будете установить курс 175,чтобы не проникнуть в опасную зону.


6. Не изменяйте вашу высоту, ждите дальнейших указаний.


7. Продолжайте снижение, борт вам больше не мешает.


8. Вы должны были начать снижение в зоне ожидания 3 минуты назад.


9. Невозможно передать информацию Эйрастане 981.




Grammar tasks

1. Fill in one of the following words: The American aircraft ____ the RW after landing.

taxiing; holding short; vacated; clear; stop.

2. Complete the sentence with a correct preposition: Make another circle over the field and advise again base leg.

A) in; B) on; C) into; D) at; E) to.

3. Choose one of the words: Very____ crews fly to London.

few; new; much; little; link.

4. Fill In the gaps with the correct word: There is rain in the vicinity of point Bravo.

slight; slighter; slightest; slightly; small.

5. Choose the right translation: В зоне ожидания 2 самолета.

Two aircraft are in the holding point. There are two aircraft in the holding pattern. Two aircrafts are in the holding pattern. There are aircraft in the holding pattern. Two aircraft will be in the holding pattern.

6. Choose the controller(s) words: The French Airbus is on TW 5.

Hold short of TW 5. Cross TW5. Proceed via TW 5 to the apron.

Taxi on TW 5 to stand 3. Report your flight level.

7. Complete the sentence: Proceed to your destination ________.

A) as written; B) as done; C) as cleared; D) failed; E) flied.

8. Find the pilot's reply to the controller's words: There is an opposite traffic at FL 100. Maintain present level for some minutes.

Request descent to FL 100. Affirm. To descend to level 100. Reaching level 100. Affirm. Maintaining present level. Passing FL 150.

9. Complete the sentence: Repeat _________ part of your message.

B) second; two; the two; the second; E) twice.

10. Decode the abbreviation: VMC

B) vertical meteor conditions; visual meteorological conditions; visual meteorological course; visual magnetic course; vertical meteorological conditions.

11. Complete the sentence with a correct preposition: The first 150m of RW 24 are___ ____use, land carefully.

out from; out of; in out; in of; on to.

12. Complete the controller's words: You are not cleared to cross RW 24.

The RW is clear. The TW is in use. The RW is blocked. The RW is vacated. The TW is clear.

13. Insert: Your rate of descent must_____ corrected.

being is; have; be; to be.

14. Fill in the gaps with the correct word: Proceed as______.

plan; field; filed; filling; file.

15. Find the correct translation: Shall I repeat my message?

Повторите ваше сообщение. Мне повторить мое сообщение? Повторить сообщение от начало до конца? Есть необходимость повторить сообщения? Почему повторить сообщение?

16. Find the correct answer: Have you copied your ATC clearance?

Wilco. Correct. Negative. Contact. Request.

17. Insert: We have already avoided _______ prohibited area.

A) __; B) a; C) the; D) an; E) to.

18. Choose the controller(s) words: The French Airbus is on TW 5.

A) Hold short of TW 5. B) Cross TW5. C) Proceed via TW 5 to the apron..

D) Taxi on TW 5 to stand 3. E) Report your flight level.

19. Complete the sentence: Repeat _________ part of your message.

second; two; the two; the second; twice.

20. Choose the correct word: Take TW 3 and____ the British Boeing - 747 to the apron.

A) maintain; B) follow; C)line up; D)proceed; E)fly.

21. Insert: We have just _____ the restricted area on heading 165 at 5100 metres.

leave; leaved; left; leaves; leaving.

22. Find the correct translation: Проверьте выпуск шасси.

Check wheels up. Where's a reservation clerk? Check wheels down. Extend downwind.

Turning base leg.

23. Choose the right translation: At what rate are you climbing?

С какой скоростью вы набирали? Почему вы набираете такую скорос

С какой скоростью вы набираете? Выдерживайте эту скорость.

Доложите вашу скорость набора.

24. Choose the right translation: Продолжайте свое сообщение.

A) Do not stop your message. B) Your message is accepted. C) Past your message.

D) Go on to your message. E) Go ahead with your message.

25. Insert suitable word: RW 21 is not available for take off due to work in______.

A) present; B) progressive; C) passive; D) propellers; E) progress.

Дата добавления: 2015-12-16; просмотров: 23; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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