Introductory phrases

The text under analysis/study is taken from the novel... belonging to the pen of..., the famous/ well-known/ celebrated/ popular writer.

He belongs to the brilliant school of critical realism/romanticism/modernism, etc.

The author is the master of psychological analysis.

His works are marked by a deep penetration into the soul of man/keen observation of characters (точное замечание, тонкое наблюдение).

In his work the author provided the best portrait of...

His novels are written with power and brilliance.

His novels and short stories are heavy with satire/sarcasm.

The author treats the existing reality negatively and attacks the most common vices (пороки) of man: cruelty, hypocrisy, greediness, money-worship, etc.

The author viewed human nature from all sides.

What we value most in N's works is his brilliant/vivid style/ refined (изысканный, утончённый) treatment of characters/ deep insight into human nature/ powers of psychological analysis/ fine sense of humor/ humanism and optimism/belief in human nature, etc.

The author gained his popularity as a short-story writer/playwright/essayist.

N's manner of writing is characterized by the sincerity (откровенность) of intonation and spontaneity (естественность) of presentation.

N's numerous novels have conquered the world by their intricate (запутанный) and absorbing (захватывающий) plots.

The author manages to hold the reader's undivided attention from start to finish.

Economy of expressive means and simplicity are typical of N.

The author possessed a keen and observant eye and in his best works he ridiculed philistinism (мещанство), narrow-mindedness (слепая приверженность чему-либо), hypocrisy, egotism, utilitarian (практический) approach to art, etc.

N. was a prolific writer (автор создал большое количество произведений).

N. is an incomparable (непревзойдённый) story-teller. He writes with lucidity (ясность) and almost ostentatious (показной) simplicity.


Дата добавления: 2016-01-04; просмотров: 16; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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