Порядок выполнения работы

Лексический практикум по теме «My future profession»

Прочитайте слова и выполните задания:

Reporter / Journalist— репортер, журналист, Salesperson— продавец

Computer Programmer — программист, Cashier— кассир, Pilot— пилот, Doctor — врач, Dentist ['dentist] — зубной врач, Bank Teller— кассир в банке, Librarian— библиотекарь, Teacher —учитель, Grocer—бакалейщик, Nurse— медсестра, Builder—строитель, Engineer— инженер, Physician - врач, Chemist ['kemist] —1) химик; 2) аптекарь, Hairdresser— парикмахер, Photographer— фотограф, Artist ['a:tist] — художник, Dancer – танцор, Writer— писатель, Secretary— секретарь, Accountant— бухгалтер, Politician— политик,

Social worker— работник сферы социальных проблем, Professor— профессор, Firefighter— пожарный, Nanny — медсестра, Mathematician— математик, Biologist [bai'obdjist] — биолог, Lawyer— юрист.

Задание №1. Прочитайте текст.

Plans for future is a problem that worries not only me, but my friends, classmates, parents and teachers. The reason is that at the age of 17 we have to make a very important choice in our life – the choice of a profession. On the one hand, I’m adult enough to have an opinion of my own about what I’m interested in and what I’m good at. On the other hand, at this age we lack life experience and our desires sometimes don’t coincide with our possibilities. That’s why it’s very important to have somebody to give us a piece of advice. Such people are our parents, teachers and friends.

As for me, I want to be a _________. I like to read books of ________, research articles and analyze them. Nowadays this profession has become one of the most useful, modern and interesting. Also, I want to study _________ as I’m very interested in current processes both in our country and in other countries. It’s not a secret that our country (Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Kazakhstan) is now through a difficult periods of times. That’s why it’s very important for our country to have efficient _________ to raise our __________ at a high level.

I hope that I’ll be a good _________. So, I’ll do everything to become a good _____ and I’m sure I’ll never regret my decision to follow this career.


Инструкция по выполнению:

- прочитайте текст, переведите и заполните пропуски;

- используйте слова, соответствущие названию вашей специальности;

Форма отчетности: письменная работа в тетради.


Задание №2. Ответьте на вопросы: Your Future Profession

1) What form are you in?

2) What professions are popular among the young people in your country?

3) What would you like to be when you graduate? (What type of profession would you like to have?)

4) Who helped you to choose a profession?

5) What do your friends think of your choice? Why do they think so?

6) When did you start to think about your future profession?

7) What professions do you like best of all?

8) Who helped you to make your choice?

9) What do you know about your future profession?

10) What are your parents’ professions?

11) What do you know about them?

12) Have you got any traditional professions in your family?

13) Is your future profession interesting and modern?

Инструкция по выполнению:

- прочитайте вопросы, переведите и ответьте на них;

Форма отчетности: ответы приготовить письменно в тетради и устная защита.

Практическая работа № 7

Тема: Научно-технический прогресс. Computers.

Цель: научиться распознавать лексические единицы по теме при работе с текстом;

- значения новых лексических единиц, связанных с тематикой.

Литература: практикум, англо-русские словари


Время выполнения: 2 часа


Дата добавления: 2016-01-04; просмотров: 9; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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