Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in the box.

quick, expensive, bad, high, affectionate

1 This is … restaurant I’ve ever been to.

2 Her last novel was … one she has written

3 The USA has … divorce rate of the world.

4 Ben is … of all my nieces and nephews.

5 … way of travelling is flying.

Exercise 1. You have just returned from a trip to London. Write sentences using comparative and superlative adjectives.

Example: London is bigger than Almaty.

Exercise 2. Express your opinion about the quotation by St. Augustine: “The world is a great book, of which they who never stir from home read only a page”.

1 Do you agree with these words?

2 By the way, do you like travelling?

3 Let’s 5 associations to the word “travelling. Write them down. Read your associations.

4 But why do people travel?

Exercise 3. Work with a partner. Role play these dialogues.

At the booking-office What is Mark asking for? C: Yes, sir? Mark: I’d like to book a seat on an afternoon train to Glasgow. C: Single or return. Mark: Return, please. C: That’ll be fifty-seven pounds, sir. Mark: There you are. C: Thank you. Your train leaves at two twenty-five. Platform 6. At the booking-office How many tickets does he want to buy? Mark: Excuse me, where can I book a ticket to Birmingham? C: The second window to your right. You’ll see it written up. Mark: Could you give me an early morning train to Birmingham tomorrow? C: How many tickets? Mark: Two, please. C: Just a minute. Let me see.... Well, I can let you have two tickets but in different carriages. Will that do? Mark: I’m afraid not. See if you can find two tickets in a non-smoker for the day after tomorrow? C: Yes, we have some tickets left in a second-class sleeper, if you wish. Mark: I won’t have to change, will I? C: Oh, no. It’s a through train.

Exercise 4. Listen [1, T. ] to Martin talking about his journey from London to Avignon by car.

Дата добавления: 2015-12-17; просмотров: 24; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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