One-member sentences

One-member sentences in English are of two types: nominal sentences and verbal sentences. Nominal sentences are those in which the principal part is expressed by a noun. They state the existence of the things expressed by them. They are typical of descriptions. Nominal sentences may be: a) unextended. Silence. Summer. Midnight. b) extended.

Example: Dusk - of a summer night. The grass, this good, soft, lush grass. English spring flowers! Verbal sentences are those in which the principal part is expressed by a non-finite form of the verb, either an infinitive or a gerund. Infinitive and gerundial one-member sentences are mostly used to describe different emotional perceptions of reality.

Example: To think of that! To think that he should have met her again in this way! Living at the mercy of a woman!



A sudden break in speech often occurs in the oral type of speech. It is caused by strong emotion or some reluctance to finish the sentence. In belle-letters style a break in speech is often used in dialogue to reflect its naturalness.

A sudden break in the narration when used in written speech for certain stylistic purposes, creates the stylistic device of aposiopesis. Aposiopesis is marked graphically by a series of dots or a dash. It is often used in represented speech.

Graphical expressive means, such as dash and dots are indispensable in aposiopesis.

e.g. I still don’t quite like the face, it’s just a trifle too full, but –“ I swung myself on the stool.

Дата добавления: 2016-01-03; просмотров: 16; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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