Complete the fact file about the person

Муниципальное автономное образовательное учреждение

«Саха политехнический лицей» ГО «г. Якутск»


Интегрированный урок по транспортной промышленности

На тему «Исаак Ньютон»

Целевая аудитория:

Учителя: Слепцова С.В., И-Е-Ун В.В.

Класс: 9 «в»


Английский язык, физика

Цель урока:

• повторение и систематизация знаний и умений учащихся по законам Ньютона; • активизация познавательного интереса обучающихся.

Тип урока:

Урок обобщения и систематизации знаний

Используемое оборудование:

Normal 0 false false false RU X-NONE X-NONE ТСО: компьютер, проектор

Оснащение: раздаточный материал, набор предметов для опытов

Используемые ЦОР:

Презентация об Исааке Ньютоне

Краткое описание:

Интегрированный урок по теме "Исаак Ньютон", где учащиеся отрабатывают навыки использования лексики и грамматики по теме «Добывающая, транспортная промышленность», знакомятся с фактами из жизни великого ученого и обращаются к его теоретическому наследию.


Ход урока.

Начало урока. Оргмомент.

Приветствие на английском и русском языках.

Учитель физики:

Сегодня нам предстоит необычный интегрированный урок, на котором соприкоснутся сразу два предмета – физика и английский язык. Тему урока мы сформулируем после того, как познакомимся с человеком, который достаточно известен своими научными достижениями в различных областях науки. А о ком пойдет речь, догадайтесь сами. Я лишь дам подсказку – этот человек – англичанин. И урок мы начнем на английском языке.

Предъявление презентации-загадки

Учитель английского: You should make a guess about the topic of our lesson.

Listen to some episodes from the life of this person, look at the pictures and say who we are speaking about. Complete the fact file about the person.

Слайд 1. Вопрос “Who are we speaking about?”

Prompt: He was English

Слайд 2. Картинка 1. Дом, где родился Исаак Ньютон

C ообщениепервогоучащегося : This famous person was born 4 Jan 1643 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England in the family of farmers. The boy never knew his father, also named Isaac Newton who died two months before his birth. His mother remarried and the boy lived at his grandmother’s place. Treated as an orphan, Isaac did not have a happy childhood.

Слайд 3. Картинка 2. Здание школы, где учился Исаак Ньютон

Слайд 4. Картинка 3 Английская школа: на уроке

Слайд 5. Картинка 4. Сцена драки.

At the age of 12 he was sent to the small town of Grantham and began attending the Free Grammar School. Although this was only five miles from his home, the boy lived with the Clark family at Grantham. He fell in love with their youngest daughter. At first he did not take any serious interest in his lessons at school and was very often one of the worst students in his class. But one day, on his way to school, a school-mate gave him a kick in his stomach. So our hero had to fight with him and won. But he was not satisfied with his physical victory. He decided to study better than that boy. He began to work hard at his lesson and soon became the best student in his school.

Слайд 6. Картинка 5. Воздушные змеи.

Слайд 6. Картинка 5. Ветреная мельница

Слайд 7. Картинка 6.Модель водяных часов

Слайд 8. Картинка 7. Эксперимент с ветром.

(There are a lot of anecdotes about the boy’s ability of making models of machines, in particular of clocks and windmills. However, when biographers look for information about famous people there is always a tendency for people to report some things these people expect of them, and these anecdotes may simply be made up later by those who felt that the most famous scientist in the world ought to have had these skills at school.)

Сообщениевторогоученика : Our hero did not play games with his classmates but he constructed models. He made an excellent working model of a windmill (ветряная мельница) which was not far from his school. He made a water clock. His clock became very popular, and his neighbours often came into his bedroom to see what time was it.

The boy showed his school-mates how to make paper kites. He also made paper lanterns (фонари) to hold candles. His neighbours were afraid of comets. Our hero tied one of his lanterns to the tail of a kite and flew the kite up in the air on a dark winter night. His neighbours were very frightened.

Once there were a very strong wind and the boy decided to measure the force of the wind. He did it in an interesting way. First he jumped with the wind and marked the longest distance he could cover. Then he jumped against the wind and marked the longest distance he could cover. The difference between two distances he considered as the force of the wind.

Cлайд 9. Картинка 8. Яблоня Ньютона. Ньютон под яблоней.

Сообщениечетвертогоученика : At the age of 18 our boy became a student of Cambridge University and he was one of the best.

One day our young man was dozing in the garden of his home. The sun was warm and the grass was like a green carpet under his feet. He could smell sweet apples on the tree under which he was sitting. Suddenly a ripe red apple fell on young man’s head. He woke up and rubbed his head for a moment. Then he picked up the apple which had struck him. He did not get angry and did not laugh. He asked a question “Why does the apple fall down? Why doesn’t it fall up?

Учитель английского языка: Who are we speaking about?

Предполагаемый ответ-Ньютон

Слайд 10. Картинка 9. Портрет Ньютона.

Complete the fact file about the person





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