Role of international forums and clubs in addressing global challenges

Ø Important mechanisms in regulation of the global market and global international relations

Ø Coordination between the states in connection with global changes

Ø Elaboration of consolidated decisions and assumption of obligations to fulfill them

Ø Consolidation of financial resources to address global challenges

Ø Cross-cutting expertise of numerous forums enabling an integrated approach to addressing the global agenda (security, economy, environment, assistance to developing countries, globalization, etc.)

Ø Flexibility and informal nature of para-organizations facilitates quick response to global changes (!)


BRICS Forum – reasons for emergence, membership, functions, global role

APEC Forum – reasons for emergence, membership criteria, functions, formats of operation, regional and global role

Non-governmental non-commercial organizations (NGOs) – history and reasons for emergence, role in society

Ø Usually Formal: the organization is institutionalized meaning that it has regular meetings, office bearers, and some organizational permanence.

Ø Private: institutionally separate from government, though it may receive some support from government;

Ø Non-for-profit, and if a financial surplus is generated it does not accrue to and not distributed to owners or directors

Ø Self-governing and therefore able to control and manage its own affairs

Ø Voluntary, and even if it does not use volunteer staff as such, there is at least some degree of voluntary participation in the conduct or management of the organization,

o “Third Sector” – a group of organizations and social space between government and market.

o ‘not-for-profit’, ‘voluntary’ or ‘non-governmental’


Key drivers for NGO and INGO proliferation in the last 30 years

Ø Globalization has exacerbated concerns over environment, climate change, labor rights, human rights, consumer rights, etc..

Ø The end of the Cold War => democratization and technological progress have paved a way for people to get together to express their concerns

Ø Recognition of the need for new approaches and new players helping address the developing economies’ issues

Ø Increased global focus on environmental protection, social development and gender issues

Ø ICT revolution, development of the global mass media and social networks

Ø Increased interest to peoples’ religious and cultural identity

Дата добавления: 2022-07-02; просмотров: 60; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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