Закончите вопрос, употребив нужную форму глагола
- HewantstovisithisrelativesinMoscow, _______?
- Heenjoyedallthethreeacts, ________?
- Myfatherdoesn’tlikecoffee, ________?
- Johndidn’twatchTVyesterday, _______?
a)does he b) didn’t he c) did he d) doesn’t he
I was born __________ May 14th.
1) on 2) at
3) by 4) since
_____________________ London?
c) You have been ever to c) Ever have you been to
d) Have you ever been to d) Have you been ever to
Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос
The police stop the car. There are 3 people in the car: John, Ann and Mary. On the back seat there is a revolver. John says : “It’s mine.” Ann says: “It’s hers.” Mary says: “It’s his.” Nobody is telling the truth.
Прочитайте текст и определите, какой из заголовков соответствует тексту
Shopping centers are full of all kinds of stores. They are like small, self-contained townswhere you can find everything you want. In a large centre, shoppers can find everything they need without having to go anywhere else. They can leave their cars in the shopping centre car park and buy everything in a covered complex, protected from the heat, cold or rain.
1) Shoppingin comfort2) Shopping centers3) Shopping from home 4) Supermarkets
Two friends went on a trip to London. Once there, they went into a restaurant for dinner. On a table stood a jar of mustard. Not having seen mustard before, one of them took a big spoonful into his mouth. Tears immediately filled his eyes. His friend asked him what he was crying about. “I am crying at the thought of the death of my unfortunate father, who was hanged twenty years ago”, the man answered.
They continued eating, and soon the other traveller also took a big helping of mustard. As soon as he had done so, tears ran down his cheeks also. “What are you crying about?” asked his friend. “Oh, I’m crying because you were not hanged many years ago with your poor father”, was the answer.
Являетсяутверждение: This text is about friends who went to a restaurant on business.
1) ложным 2) истинным 3) в тексте нет информации
Прочитайте текст и выполните задание
Two friends went on a trip to London. Once there, they went into a restaurant for dinner. On a table stood a jar of mustard. Not having seen mustard before, one of them took a big spoonful into his mouth. Tears immediately filled his eyes. His friend asked him what he was crying about. “I am crying at the thought of the death of my unfortunate father, who was hanged twenty years ago”, the man answered.
They continued eating, and soon the other traveller also took a big helping of mustard. As soon as he had done so, tears ran down his cheeks also. “What are you crying about?” asked his friend. “Oh, I’m crying because you were not hanged many years ago with your poor father”, was the answer.
Являетсяутверждение:Travellers didn’t know what mustard was.
1) в тексте нет информации 2) истинным 3) ложным
Two friends went on a trip to London. Once there, they went into a restaurant for dinner. On a table stood a jar of mustard. Not having seen mustard before, one of them took a big spoonful into his mouth. Tears immediately filled his eyes. His friend asked him what he was crying about. “I am crying at the thought of the death of my unfortunate father, who was hanged twenty years ago”, the man answered.
They continued eating, and soon the other traveller also took a big helping of mustard. As soon as he had done so, tears ran down his cheeks also. “What are you crying about?” asked his friend. “Oh, I’m crying because you were not hanged many years ago with your poor father”, was the answer.
Ответьтенавопрос: Why did one of the friends cry?
a) He cried because his father had been hanged.
b) He was unfortunate.
c)He was sorry for his friend.
d) He ate a big spoonful of mustard.
25. Прочитайтетекстивыполнитезадание
Two friends went on a trip to London. Once there, they went into a restaurant for dinner. On a table stood a jar of mustard. Not having seen mustard before, one of them took a big spoonful into his mouth. Tears immediately filled his eyes. His friend asked him what he was crying about. “I am crying at the thought of the death of my unfortunate father, who was hanged twenty years ago”, the man answered.
They continued eating, and soon the other traveller also took a big helping of mustard. As soon as he had done so, tears ran down his cheeks also. “What are you crying about?” asked his friend. “Oh, I’m crying because you were not hanged many years ago with your poor father”, was the answer.
Закончите предложение:Thefriendswere…
a) false.
b) true.
c) devoted.
d) real.
Контроль промежуточной аттестации проводится в 1 этап: выполнение тестовых заданий;
Время выполнения задания - 45 минут
Оборудование:ручка, бумага
Эталоны ответов (ключи)
Вариант №1.
- 2; 2.4; 3. niece; 4. cornflakes; 5. 1 ; 6. 1.c, 2.e, 3.d, 4.b, 5.a; 7. 3; 8. b; 9. b;10. c; 11. 1; 12. d; 13. b; 14. a; 15. a; 16. an; 17. 1.d, 2.a, 3.b, 4.c; 18. 2; 19. d; 20. Catherine; 21. 2; 22. 2; 23 1.; 24. c; 25. b
- 6; 2. 2; 3. aunt; 4. coin; 5. 2; 6. 1.c, 2.d, 3.a, 4.b, 5.e; 7. 4; 8. a; 9. a; 10. a; 11. 4; 12. d; 13. c; 14. b; 15. a; 16. an; 17. 1.d, 2.b, 3.a, 4.c ; 18.1 ; 19.d ; 20.Ann ; 21. 1; 22. 1; 23.2 ; 24.d ; 25. a
Выполнение задания:
- рациональное распределение времени на выполнение задания
Критерии оценки:
«5» - 85% - 100%
«4» - 70% – 84%
«3» - 50% - 69%
«2» - менее 50%
За каждый правильный ответ – 4 балла
Литература для учащегося:
Основные источники:
И.П. Агабекян. Английский для средних профессиональных заведений. 8-е изд. - Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2009.
H.A. Бонк, Г.А. Котий, Л.Г. Помухина. Учебник английского языка, Iчасть.-М: 2009.
Ю. Голицынский. Учебник английского языка “SpokenEnglish”.- СПб.: КАРО, 2008.
Ю. Голицынский. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. - СПб.: КАРО,2007.
А.П. Голубев, Н.В. Балюк, И.Б. Смирнова. Английский язык: учебное пособие для студ. сред.проф. учеб. Заведений. - М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2009.
Дополнительные источники:
E.N. Stepanova, T. B. Fastovskay. Practical English –Ростов-на-Дону, 2009.
М. Гацкевич "English Grammar for Pupils" Сборникупражнений. СПб.: КАРО, 2010.
V.M. Filatov, L.G. Shevchenko, L.P. Schamko. Communicative English Grammar.– Ростов-на-Дону, 2008.
А.С. Саакян Английская грамматика для всех. Теоретический курс: учеб пособие по англ. языку. – М., Издательство «Менеджер», 2009
К.Н. Качалова, Е.Е. Израилевич. Практическая грамматика англ. языка с упражнениями и ключами. – СПб.: БАЗИС, КАРО, 2006
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