Прочитайте текст и выполните задание
Two friends went on a trip to London. Once there, they went into a restaurant for dinner. On a table stood a jar of mustard. Not having seen mustard before, one of them took a big spoonful into his mouth. Tears immediately filled his eyes. His friend asked him what he was crying about. “I am crying at the thought of the death of my unfortunate father, who was hanged twenty years ago”, the man answered.
They continued eating, and soon the other traveller also took a big helping of mustard. As soon as he had done so, tears ran down his cheeks also. “What are you crying about?” asked his friend. “Oh, I’m crying because you were not hanged many years ago with your poor father”, was the answer.
Являетсяутверждение:Travellers didn’t know what mustard was.
1) истинным 2) ложным 3) в тексте нет информации
Two friends went on a trip to London. Once there, they went into a restaurant for dinner. On a table stood a jar of mustard. Not having seen mustard before, one of them took a big spoonful into his mouth. Tears immediately filled his eyes. His friend asked him what he was crying about. “I am crying at the thought of the death of my unfortunate father, who was hanged twenty years ago”, the man answered.
They continued eating, and soon the other traveller also took a big helping of mustard. As soon as he had done so, tears ran down his cheeks also. “What are you crying about?” asked his friend. “Oh, I’m crying because you were not hanged many years ago with your poor father”, was the answer.
Ответьтенавопрос: Why did one of the friends cry?
a) He cried because his father had been hanged.
b) He was unfortunate.
c) He ate a big spoonful of mustard.
d) He was sorry for his friend.
25. Прочитайтетекстивыполнитезадание
Two friends went on a trip to London. Once there, they went into a restaurant for dinner. On a table stood a jar of mustard. Not having seen mustard before, one of them took a big spoonful into his mouth. Tears immediately filled his eyes. His friend asked him what he was crying about. “I am crying at the thought of the death of my unfortunate father, who was hanged twenty years ago”, the man answered.
They continued eating, and soon the other traveller also took a big helping of mustard. As soon as he had done so, tears ran down his cheeks also. “What are you crying about?” asked his friend. “Oh, I’m crying because you were not hanged many years ago with your poor father”, was the answer.
Закончите предложение:Thefriendswere…
a) true.
b) false.
c) devoted.
d) real.
Внимательно прочитайте задание.
Время выполнения задания – 45 минут.
Задание 1. В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый «ir» отличается от остальных:
1)first, 2) skirt, 3) birth, 4) girl, 5) bird, 6) fire
2. В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый «th» отличается от остальных:
1)thin, 2) bathe, 3) thick, 4) thing, 5) bath, 6) path
3. Дополнитеследующиепредложения:
4. Укажитеслово, котороенеимеетотношения к остальным:
Cellar, corridor, chair, curtains, clock, coin
Заполните пропуски одним из данных слов
I usually ……home for school at eight o’clock.
1) enter 3) go
2) leave 4) come
6. Подберите пары противоположные по значению:
1)intelligent a) cheap
2)exciting b) unfinished
3)costly c) stupid
4)complete d) indifferent
5)beautiful e) plain
Выберите «лишнее» слово
1) huge 2) large 3) big 4) hard
… is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English monarchs.
a) Westminster Abbey b)St. Paul’s Cathedral c) Buckingham Palace
The Spasskaya Tower is famous for its….
a)clock b) name c) shape
The Great Fire of London destroyed the most part of the city in….
a) 1666 b) 1688 c) 1686 d) 1786
Выберите слово, которое подходит по значению к выделенному слову в данном выражении thetitleofthestory
1) subject 2) hero
3) main idea 4) name
Yesterday I met a friend of ….
a) my b) me c) I d) mine
My brother Pete… milk.
a) don’t likes b) isn’t like c) doesn’t like
14. Выберитесоответствующуюформу:a) thereisb) thereare
…… big hotels in our town.
15. Выберитеформумножественногочисласуществительных:
a tooth
a) teeth b) tooths c) teethes
16. Вставьтеартикльa, an, the, гденеобходимо:
Would you like..apple?
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