II.4. Найдите 9 пар синонимов в этом списке слов.

to found, frequently, a term, a grant, to last, marketing, training, to encompass, a stipend, often, to establish, instruction, to extend, a trimester, to embrace, merchandizing, law, jurisprudence.


II.5. Найдите в правой колонке слов антонимы для слов и  выражений из левой колонки.

1. free of charge                  graduation

2. voluntary                                 graduate

3. formal                             senior

4. adequate                         obligatory

5. applicant                        informal

6. junior                              part-time

7. full-time                          paid for

8. entrance                          inadequate


II.6. Дайте английские эквиваленты для следующих слов и выражений:

учебная программа, конкурсные экзамены, приемная комиссия, деканат, основывать, курс обучения, обучение студентов, программы для выпускников, сдавать экзамены, сдать экзамены, заочное отделение, первокурсники, кафедра биохимии, на младших/старших курсах.


II.7. Ознакомьтесь со словами к тексту В:

to undergo (underwent, undergone) changes [önd@΄ gou΄ tSeInZIz] претерпевать изменения
apprenticeship [@΄ prentISIp] обучение ремеслу
formal [΄ fO:m@l] формальный, официальный
independent [IndI΄pend@nt] независимый
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) [΄b{tS@l@]   Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) бакалавр естественных или точных наук доктор философии
to extend [Iks΄tend] продолжаться, длиться
at least [@t΄ li:st] по меньшей мере, не менее
frequently [΄ fri:kwentlI] часто
to embrace (to encompass) охватывать, включать
to be provided [pr@΄ vaIded] обеспечиваться
a School of Arts and Science [@΄ sku:l @f a:ts @nd ΄saI@ns] Школа (факультет или колледж) гуманитарных и естественных наук
College / School of pharmacy [΄ kOlIdZ] Школа / Колледж фармации
related (cognate) sciences [rIleItId]                                        [΄ k@IgneIt] родственные науки
a degree [dI΄ gri:] степень (первая или научная)
Master of Science (M.Sc.) [΄ ma:st@] магистр (точных) наук
to be intended for [In΄ tendId] предназначаться для
field [fi:ld] область (знаний, деятельности)
adequate[΄ {dIkwIt] адекватный, достаточный
to be engaged in [in΄ geIdZd] заниматься чем-либо
merchandising (merchandizing) [΄ m@:tS@n΄ daIzIÎ] торговля, купля-продажа
accounting [@΄ kauntiÎ] бухгалтерский учет
techniques [tek΄ ni:ks] технологии
jurisprudence [dZu:rIs΄ pru:d@ns] юриспруденция

II.8. Ознакомьтесь с содержанием текста и выполните задания упражнения, следующего за ним.

Text B

Pharmaceutical education abroad

The history of pharmaceutical education has closely followed that of medical education. As the training of the physician underwent changes from the apprenticeship system to formal education courses, so did the training of the pharmacist. The first college of pharmacy was founded in the United States in 1821 and is now known as the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. Other institutes and colleges were established soon after in the United States, Great Britain, an continental Europe. Colleges of Pharmacy as independent organizations or as schools of universities now operate in most developed countries of the world.

The course of instruction leading to a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy extends at least five years. The first and frequently the second year of training, embracing general educational subjects, are often provided by schools of arts and sciences. Many institutions also offer graduate courses in pharmacy and cognate sciences leading to the degrees of Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in pharmacy, pharmacology, or related disciplines. These advanced courses are intended especially: for those who are preparing for careers in research, manufacturing, or teaching in the field of pharmacy.

Since the treatment of the sick with drugs encompasses a wide field of knowledge in the biological and physical sciences, an understanding of those sciences is necessary for adequate pharmaceutical training. The basic five-year curriculum in the colleges of pharmacy in the United States, for example, embraces physics, chemistry, bacteriology, physiology, pharmacology, pharmacognozy, and many other specialized courses. As the pharmacist is engaged in business, as well as a profession, special training is provided in merchandising, accounting, computer techniques, and pharmaceutical jurisprudence.


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