Objective Advanced, F. O’Dell, A. Broadhead, 4th Edition

Objective IELTS Advanced, M. Black, A. Capel

Upstream Advanced, V. Evans, L. Edwards, J. Dooley

№ занятия Текст задания


Review the vocabulary from the lesson (p .46-47) and use it to describe an effective advertisement that you have seen. You should say: · when and where you saw it · what it was about · why you think it was an effective advertisement.
Upstream Vocabulary - ex. 2,4, p. 214-215, ex. 8, p. 216-217 Speaking - ex. 3-5, p. 219, Speaking, Part 3
Objective IELTS Advanced Reading - ex. 1, p. 24


Read the articles about manipulating images (p. 48, 158). Then make up and act out a conversation between two advertising managers discussing if it is acceptable to manipulate images of people in advertising.
Advanced Language Practice, M. Vince Grammar - ex. 1-3, 5-8, p. 49-53 (all types of Conditionals)


You are a journalist. You are going to interview an expert in advertising and find out his/her opinion about the ways advertisers use to reach children. Think of 5 questions for the interview. Then interview your groupmate during the lesson. Use the information and the vocabulary from the article “Advertisers targeting young children” (p. 50-51).
Advanced Language Practice, M. Vince Vocabulary - p. 204-207
Upstream Reading - ex. 1-5, p. 220-221
Objective IELTS Advanced Speaking and Listening - ex. 1-3, p. 82
4 Objective IELTS Advanced Writing - ex. 1-5, p. 70-71, Developing an argument
5 Upstream Vocabulary - ex. 1,3,5,6,,7,8,10, p. 168-171 Reading - Ex. 1-5, p. 174-175 Listening and Speaking - ex. 3-4, p. 165, ex. 11, p. 171 Grammar - ex. 1-2, p. 176


Review the vocabulary from the lesson (p. 56-58) and use it to describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education. You should say: · where you met him/her · what subject he/she taught · what was special about him/her and explain why he/she influenced you so much.
Advanced Language Practice, M. Vince Vocabulary -p. 254-257 Grammar - ex. 1-6, p. 114-117
Upstream Reading - ex. 1-4, p. 166-167 Speaking - ex. 3-5, p. 173 Listening - ex. 1, p. 172


Read the article “Free University Education” (p. 60). Then make up and act out a conversation between two students discussing if university education should be free.
Objective Advanced Writing - ex. 1-5, p. 32-33, Formal writing
8 Objective Advanced Vocabulary - ex. 1-3, p. 53 Listening - ex. 1-2, p. 54


Review the vocabulary from the lessons (p. 66-69) and use it to talk about the design/product that you have started using recently. You should say: · what it is and what it does · what it looks like · how it makes life better or easier · how it is different to other similar products and say whether you think you will still be using it in ten years’ time or not, and why.
Advanced Language Practice, M. Vince Grammar - ex. 1-6, p. 68-71  


Retell the article “Design through the Ages” as if you were a university professor delivering a lecture to students studying design
Objective IELTS Advanced Speaking and Reading - ex. 1-3, p. 52-53 Grammar - ex. 3-6, p. 69
Objective Advanced Grammar - ex. 1-2, pp. 54-55
11 Listening : https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/advanced-c1-listening/innovation-business Innovations in business, tasks + discussion


Review the vocabulary from the lesson (p. 76-77) and use it to describe a business that you would like to start. You should say: · what this business would be · where it would be located · what people you would hire as employees and explain why you have chosen this kind of business to start.
Advanced Language Practice, M. Vince Vocabulary - p. 215-218
Objective IELTS Advanced Vocabulary - ex. 3-4, p.125 Listening - ex. 2, p.124


Retell the article about one of the business icons (p. 80, 160) as if you were a university professor delivering a lecture on marketing strategies.
Objective Advanced Vocabulary - ex. 1-3, p. 47 Speaking and Reading - p. 46-47 Listening - ex. 1-3, p. 134
Advanced Language Practice, M. Vince Grammar - ex. 1-8, pp. 16-20


Основы публичной речи

1.Каждый студент в составе группы из 2-4 человек выступает с презентацией по одной из предложенных тем. Представление презентаций проходит на 15 неделе семестра.

2. Временной регламент:

- продолжительность презентации - 8 - 10 минут;

- ответы на вопросы аудитории – 3 - 5 минут (по окончании презентации каждый студент отвечает по крайней мере на один вопрос аудитории).

3. Представление презентации сопровождается использованием визуальных средств.


Темы презентаций

Units Presentation topics
Unit 5 Advertising 1. Basic tendencies in gender oriented advertising. 2. Basic tendencies in the development of regional advertising. 3. What makes an advertising campaign successful? 4. How do psychologically manipulative advertising strategies work? 5. How do advertising tactics based on psychology work? 6. Negative side effects on children.
Unit 6 Education 1. How does globalization affect education? 2. Which country has the most effective system of education? 3. What are the benefits of online distance learning? 4. Effect of corporal punishment in school on academic success. 5. How to motivate and inspire students to study? 6. Should university education be available to everyone?
Unit 7 Design   1. How does culture influence web design? 2. How do the designers` own cultural values influence the way they design? 3. Environmentally friendly house design ideas. 4. What are the main design influence factors? 5. How does brand success depend on unique logo design?
Unit 8 Business 1. How to create an effective business marketing plan? 2. How to find a niche for your online business? 3. How to earn money as a professional blogger?


Дата добавления: 2021-04-15; просмотров: 241; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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