Direction «Robots which help children».


The team presents a project of a robot that helps children in learning, playing games, cleaning the house, etc.

To create robots, team can use the following constructors: Lego WeDo 1.0 or 2.0, Lego Mindstorms EV3/NXT, and Arduino. The robots should not be built using ready-made instructions and/or from ready-made sets.

To participate in this direction the team provides the following materials for the project:

· Video (no more than 5 minutes long);

· Engineering book (in electronic form);

· Project poster (in electronic form).

The video contains:

· team representation;

· a story about the project;

· project creation process;

· demonstration of the robot’s work.

The engineering book contains:

· Information about the team members and the coaches (photo, last name, date of birth, and role in the team);

· The main idea and the goal of the project;

· Description of the robot (photos, description of the constructors from which the robot was built, design features of the robot, software features, program code, creation process, etc.);

· History of the problem being studied in the project and the process of creating the robot;

· Project result.

The project poster contains:

· Information about the project (main theses);

· Photos of the robot;

· Information about the team members (photo, last name and first name of each participant);

Requirements for the poster project:

· A3 Format;

· Landscape layout (for display on the screen);

The judges evaluate the team's project according to the following parameters:

· Project presentation;

· Originality of the project;

· Project design;

· Complexity of the robot design;

· Complexity of the robot program;

· Scientific and practical value of the project;

Each item is rated on a 10-point scale. The maximum score for a project is 60 points.

Important! Materials are made in English.


3. Direction "Architecture and cultural monuments".


The team creates a model of a building or monument that has great cultural value for their country.

To create robots, the team can use the following constructors: Lego WeDo 1.0 or 2.0, Lego Mindstorms EV3/NXT, Arduino, Lego, and other constructors. The robots and structures should not be built using ready-made instructions or from ready-made sets.

Important! The model programming or its ability to move is not evaluated in this direction.

To participate in this direction the team provides the following materials for the project:

· Video clip (no more than 5 minutes long);

· Engineering book (in electronic form);

· Project poster (in electronic form).

The video contains:

· representation of the team.

· a story about the project;

· project creation process;

· demonstration of the project;

The engineering book contains:

· Information about the team members and the coaches (photo, last name, date of birth, and role in the team);

· Idea and General description of the project (photos of the real object and the created layout, description of the materials from which the layout was created, description of structures, etc.);

· History of the project creation process;

· Cultural value and history of the selected architectural object or monument;

· Importance of this direction for the team members.

· The project poster contains:

· Information about the project (main theses);

· Project photo;

· Information about the team members (photo, last name and first name);

Requirements for poster project:

· A3 Format;

· Landscape layout (for display on the screen);


The judges evaluate the team's project according to the following parameters:

· Project presentation;

· The complexity of the design project;

· Project design;

· Disclosure of culture and traditions in the project;

Each item is rated on a 10-point scale. The maximum score for a project is 40 points.

Important! Materials are made in English.


Addition №1

Agreement to the personal data processing

I ______________________________________________________________

_ _ _____________________________________________________________

(hereinafter referred to as the Subject)

(surname, first name, patronymic name of the Personal Data Subject)

according to the paragraph 4 of the article 9 of the Federal law "On personal data" as of July, 27th 2006, No 152-FZ,

registered at the following place of residence: __________________________________________________________________

national identity document: ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________,

(the document type, No, the information of the date of the document issue and of the authority that issued the document)

Representative of the Personal Data Subject: __________________________________________________________________

(surname, first name, patronymic name of the representative of the Personal Data Subject)

registered at the following place of residence: __________________________________________________________________

national identity document: ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________,

 (the document type, the number, the information of the date of the document issue and of the authority that issued the document)

hereby grant my written consent voluntary, by my own free will and in my own interest, on processing my personal data (hereinafter referred to as PD) to the MAI "TEC-centre UMNICUM" located at: 94"A", International street, Birsk, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation, 452451, The PD processing shall include the following actions (operations) or the set of actions (operations) regarding the Personal Data processing with use of automated means or without such means: collection, recording, ordering, accumulation, storage, adjustment (updating or modifying), retrieval, utilization, transfer (dissemination, provision, access), de-personalization, blocking, removal, PD erasure. The agreement is given for the purposes of the International competition «Histories of the world».

The Personal Data content: surname, first name, patronymic (if any); date (day, month, year) of the birth; citizenship; national identity document data /passport details (type, series and number, when and by what authority it was issued, expiry date); registration at place of residence; contact information (telephone, e-mail); photo, filming and video images of the Subject etc.

I understand the content of actions for processing of personal data and the necessity of its realization.


(Subject written signature ) /__________________________________/

«___» _____ 20___

Дата добавления: 2021-02-10; просмотров: 45; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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