Анна Огородникова – Ржаных Дима

Ржаных Дима

Бельгия. 2 часть Анна Огородникова

Dress Code

Belgium dress code is conservative. Men should wear dark coloured suits with white shirts and silk ties. Women should wear business suits or sober dresses.

Business Cards

Business cards are often used as introduction and are exchanged without formal ritual. Having one side of your business card translated into French or Dutch will show your respect.

Meetings Management

During meetings, it is usual to engage in small talk before discussing business. You should wait for your Belgian counterpart to initiate the business discussion.

Belgian should appreciate a direct, though nuanced, logical communication style, and have a flexible approach to forging win-win deals. You should avoid any confrontational or high-pressure tactic. It is important to maintain eye contact with your interlocutor, as it is a sign of courtesy and interest.

Food is important and if conducting business over a meal, it is better not to try to discuss the details of a business transaction until coffee is served at the end of the meal. The person who extends the invitation pays the bill.

Belgians are counting on you to “break the ice”. In Belgium, it is necessary to choose a general subject avoiding problems. You can talk about Belgian cuisine, beer or chocolate. The topics for the other part are football, popular music, cartoons or tennis.

Cultural taboos in Belgian Business Culture

Behaviors to avoid:

§ addressing people from the outset by their first name

§ making extravagant physical gestures (backslapping, hugging, etc.)

§ talking with your hands in your pockets


Meeting and Greeting

The Polish management style is very hierarchical, so it is best to make sure you are meeting with the appropriate decision maker to speed up the process.

A few general tips:

· Greetings should include a firm handshake and direct eye contact; if there are a number of people, they should all be greeted individually.

· When addressing someone who is Polish it is best to use the prefix Pan for addressing males or Pani for females. This should be accompanied by the surname of the person.

· Do not use first names unless you are asked to.

· It is worth trying to have your business card (or at least one side of it) translated into Polish. Qualifications such as university degrees and job titles are important, so make sure you include them.

Business dress code

First impression is always very important in the business community. Polish dress etiquette is conservative, respectable, elegant and modest. During normal office hours, the dress code might be slightly less formal, but you should still maintain a smart appearance.

Basic tips to follow when doing business in Poland

· If you wish to meet with someone, you will have to make an appointment in advance.

· Punctuality is expected and taken extremely seriously.

· Poles are known for being straight-talkers, but they still try to be diplomatic about their opinions, so as not to offend their business partners.

· Expect some small talk and getting-to-know-you conversation before business is discussed.

· Business is conducted slowly. You will have to be patient and not appear annoyed by the strict adherence to protocol.

Gift giving

In Poland, it is expected that gifts will be given at the initial business meeting and upon the conclusion of any business arrangement, such as when a contract is signed. Small present, like a souvenir representing the country you are visiting from, would be acceptable. Other appropriate gift choices might include high quality chocolates, cigars, flowers or wine from your home country that are either not available in Poland or difficult to obtain

Нина Кулакова и Аня кузьмина


Дата добавления: 2021-01-21; просмотров: 42; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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