Anastasia Nikishina, Alena Salogorova. Business protocol in Brazil.


1. Elena Abrosimova, Anna Kostina - Business etiquette and customs in Australia

2. Alexandra Vlasova, Luiza Kiryanova - The features of business etiquette in France

3. Leshchenko, Mukhina. The features of business etiquette in Vietnam

4. Anastasia Nikishina, Alena Salogorova. Business protocol in Brazil.

5. Елена - ?


Elena Abrosimova, Anna Kostina

Business etiquette and customs in Australia



Anna Kostina

Initial contacts


1. In France, any business meeting necessarily begins and ends with a handshake. It’s usually quite fast and easy. Well-known men and women can afford a kiss on the cheek.

2. In France, a business card is very important. Often, it can tell you how to properly address the person - the French attach great importance to ranks and titles.

3. In a conversation with a woman, use the address "madame", with a man - "monsieur". These are common forms of address.

4. In France, it is not customary to call a business partner by name until they ask for it. Do not switch to "you" until you are asked to do so.

The French introduce themselves by first giving their last name and then their first name. if you can't tell by ear where the first name is and where the last name is, ask about it.

When you enter a room and you are allowed to go ahead, do not hesitate in the doorway. Just go first.

In France, punctuality is valued, so it is better to come to any meeting 5-10 minutes earlier than the appointed time.

Dress code

Appearance, according to the French, reflects social status. They will be able to recognize good materials, high-quality cut, well-known brands. therefore, clothing should be elegant and stylish.

It is best to dress conservatively. The French prefer suits for business negotiations and they never forget about fashion.



The features of business etiquette in France Behavior

1. Do not change the preliminary agreements

French partners tend to express critical comments, counterarguments and even interrupt the interlocutor.

They do not accept unexpected changes in the positions of partners, so they attach great importance to reaching preliminary agreements

2. Negotiate in French.

The French are very impressed if you use French during business meetings with them.

A Frenchman is more likely to be hurt by bad French than English.

3. Don't be afraid to express your opinion

Don't worry if your opinion differs from that of your opponents. The French value the ability to defend their positions.


The French are rightly proud of their culture. Therefore, gifts chosen for intellectual needs (for example, books or albums on art, books about your country, or anything else that represents your country or city) will be well received.

However, when presenting a gift to your business partner, you must comply with certain conditions:

• Do not present gifts or souvenirs at the very beginning of business negotiations - it is better to do this when you come to an agreement in principle.

• Do not bring wine as a gift. The only thing that is acceptable is a high - quality dessert wine or liqueur.


Leshchenko Елена , Ксения Mukhina. The features of business etiquette in Vietnam.


Initial contacts

Cold calling is not recommended. It is more appropriate to get acquainted with a potential business contact through a familiar person or a third party. Business meetings must be scheduled in advance according to the calendar and must not cross with public holidays like new year and etc. You can also write them a letter indicating in it the specific intentions and goals that you would like to achieve. The letter should be written in a business style, using the full name for example Director Le Tuan, with the personal name in the first place, and the last name in the second

Greeting behavior

After exchanging initial contacts you can appoint face-to-face meeting .It is better to hold the first meeting in the office of a potential partner. The meeting begins with a small handshake and exchange of business cards. Moreover, the woman will never give her hand first and will wait for action from you. Give your full name and position and hold business cards with both hands and also pass with both hands. at the same time, you should read the card carefully. Also, Vietnamese are modest and do not greet the first. In a conversation, address them Mr. or Mrs. with the full name

Personal appearance

Business suit will depend on the location of the meeting. For example, Hanoi is known for its white-collar state, while Ho Chi Minh City is more business casual.Typically, The Vietnamese dress very well. Business partners should dress modestly, avoiding bright colors. The widely accepted dress code for business meetings in Vietnam is generally conservative – standard and dark-colored suit and tie for men, and dresses, blouses or suits for women.The suit jackets are often not required if the attire is neat and leaves a good impression.

Gift Giving


One of the ways, how to build a relationship with your Vietnamese business partner is to exchange small gifts. This is to express your respect and appreciation. By no means, this gift should not encourage corruption or bribery.

If you do not have a local advisor to help you, it might be a good idea to wait until your potential Vietnamese business partner offers a gift first. You should of course be prepared to respond in kind. Small gifts usually presented after a meeting or meal is concluded. Try to keep it small and inexpensive. The most value will be placed on items with your company logo on or a typical national gift or item from your home country.The Gifts are expected to be in the form of alcohol, tea, fruits or flowers. You should avoid sharp objects symbolize the cutting of the relationship and a black wrapping paper.


Ксения Mukhina



Anastasia Nikishina, Alena Salogorova. Business protocol in Brazil.


Brazilian business culture is relaxed but also sophisticated. Openness and friendliness are expected in most of the business dealings. Brazilians also value patience and being in control.

The line between personal and professional relations is rather hazy. Brazilian business relations are more about individuals than companies. Close proximity and physical contact are used during casual or business conversations, although business etiquette and culture becomes less relaxed the further south you go in the country.

Brazilians prefer face-to-face meetings with potential trade partners as opposed to video conferences and emails.

Greetings are a very important part of every business meeting in Brazilian culture. Men commonly shake hands while women tend to air kiss once on each cheek. Make sure to greet everyone (every individual person) when you arrive to say hello and to individually say goodbye to everyone when you leave! The first contact is relatively formal and it is normal to employ distinctive titles such as "Senor", "Senora" or "Doctor", according to age and qualifications.

Business cards are exchanged during introductions. It’s also a good idea to have some of your cards translated to Brazilian Portuguese.

Dress code varies depending on the company, but is often formal and conservative. Men are expected to wear suits and ties while women are expected to be elegant. But avoid combining green with yellow.

It is important to get to know each other before negotiations start. It is therefore common to begin the meeting with small talk. Learning about Brazilian culture is highly suggested as a potential conversation topic, as Brazilians tend to be very patriotic.

An engaging conversation with Brazilian business partners can have more of an impact on a deal than what is formally presented to them. Food, art, sports and family are great topics of discussion, while politics and religion should be strictly avoided.

Share personal information with prospective Brazilian business partners. Opening up to them can significantly improve your relationship and lead to a positive outcome in future business negotiations.

Don’t shy away from physical contact with Brazilian business partners, as it is as much a part of Brazilian culture as coffee and football. A tap on the shoulder or even a hug is commonplace and can be even used to build on your personal relationship.

Although the Brazilian approach to time is somewhat flexible, it is advisable to be punctual and not to show signs of frustration or impatience with delays.

Patience is a key to negotiating in Brazil. Any sign of rushing conversation to “get down to business” is seen as being rude.

Gifts are not recommended in the context of a professional meeting. It is more appropriate to offer a lunch or dinner instead of a gift. However, if a gift is offered it is best to give it in a social setting.

If making a presentation, it is advised to keep it short (30 minutes or less). You should expect to be interrupted often with questions, as Brazilian meetings can be very energetic. Remember interruptions are a sign of interest on the subject in Brazilian culture.

While dining or meeting, whoever invited normally pays, but the other party is expected to offer to pay.

One final tip - never reject a cup of coffee in Brazil, because coffee is a very important part of Brazilian culture.



Anastasia Nikishina



Полозова - Григорчук

In India, people greet each other by saying 'nAma:ste', accompanied by a slight bow where the palms are pressed together and fingers pointed upward in front of the chest. When an Indian meets a Westerner, a light handshake may be offered instead.

Also, business cards are always exchanged after the initial greeting and if you have the Hindi translation printed on the opposite side, you’ll really make a great impression.

India is a very [haɪərˈɑːkɪkəl] hierarchical society — professional titles (such as Doctor, Professor) or formal titles (Mr., Mrs.) are appreciated; or, if you don’t know someone’s title, Sir or mАdam will be enough.

Every meeting in India starts with some small talk. Indians are very interested in the person they deal with, so be prepared for personal questions. Other good conversation topics include: cricket, Bollywood (India’s film industry) and India’s economic reforms.

Gifts are not normally expected at the first meeting, but may be given once a relationship develops. However, it is essential to ensure that the gift is not expensive enough to be considered as bribe or inexpensive as to be considered as an insult. Some acceptable gifts include: chocolates and flowers. Also, avoid gifts that are made from leather (лэзер) because cows are sacred for Hindus and it may hurt their religious sentiments.


In conclusion I want to emphasize that the only way to success is to make a thorough research on business etiquette of the place you are going.


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