Задание 2.7 Задайте вопросы к предложениям.

1. I can play football very well. (volley-ball)         Can you play volleyball?


2. Spanish is spoken in Spain. (Latin America).        Is Spanish spoken in Latin America?


3. She will meet me at the platform. (What time)      What time will she meet me at the platform?


4. I was not ready to go through the test. (Why)        Why weren’t you ready to go through the test?


5. Lily hasn’t answered the questions yet. (Who)      Who hasn’t answered the question yet?


6. Sting is my favorite singer. (Who)                    Who is your favourite singer?


7. He doesn’t go to extra classes, _?                           He doesn’t go to extra classes, doesn’t he?


8. You should tell your husband the truth, _?            You shouldn’t tell your husband the truth, shouldn’t you?


Задание 2.8 Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Она проснулась, потому что он пришел.         She woke up because of his arrival.


2. Игру отменили из-за погоды.                           The play was cancelled due to the bad weather.


3. Он устроился на работу благодаря мне.           He got the job due to my assistance.


4. Я понял по ее виду, что она устала.                   I could see her tiredness by her appearance.


5. Вследствие дождя вылет был отложен.  Because of snow, the flight was cancelled.



Дата добавления: 2020-11-23; просмотров: 506; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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