Smarty, cuty, sweety, lefty. Dragster, jeepster, popster, jokester, doomster, pollster, hipster, schoolster, wordster.

R Иногда суффикс различает родственные слова (паронимы):

Cultured – культурный образованный (person, speech, accent)

Cultural – культурный, связанный с развитием культуры (centre, relation, revolution, studies, heritage, life, cooperation)

Economic – экономический, связанный с экономикой (crisis, relations, situation, development)

Economical – экономный, бережливый

Historic - исторический, вошедший в историю (event, city, battle)

Historical – исторический, связанный с историей, относящийся к прошлому ( play, film, method of investigation, studies, links)


Cложные слова состоят из двух или более основ.

Два основных способа их образования в английском языке – компрессия и основосложение (аффиксация, аббревиация, конверсия - - также способы словообразования).

1) Компрессия : to take off, a drawback, a flight test, heart-to-heart, person-to-person, , easy to follow; a drop-out game, an out-of-town performance, a stay-slim diet, movie star, week ender,   


2) основосложение : dark-brown, light-green, Afro-Asian, socio-economic, air-sick, knee-deep, stone-cold, three-page


Cf.: Cat’s paw    Ècat’s paw

  Blue bell      È bluebell

  Heavy weight Èheavyweight

  Black bird     Ègreenhouse


Конверсия - безаффиксальный способ словообразования:

 They are taping the programme. (a tape - магнитная лента)

He is a real criminal (a native, a relative, a Russian, an American).

   Наиболее распространенный тип конверсии в современном английском языке – вербализация существительных:

He chairs the committee.

He thumbed through the book (thumb generation).

She felt her eyes tearing.

Аббревиация - образование новых слов путем сокращения (усечения) основы. В результате получаются аббревиатуры - простые  (caps, info, demo, intro, math, doc, vet) и сложные ( CIA, FBI, UNESCO, NATO, radar, modem, IQ, FAQ, R.S.V.P, U.K, MP, UNO, blog, spam, emoticon).     



В современном английском языке широко распространены так называемые слова-слитки. Прочитайте ниже приведенный текст и проанализируйте приведенные примеры.


Portmanteau words (blends). This kind of words – made by putting together parts of other words – “invaded” mass media at the end of the 20th century, penetrated to the native speakers usage and, finally, were recorded in the dictionaries.

Linguistically the 20th century will be remembered for numerous coinings (dancercize, permatempt, guesstimate, etc.), the meaning of which may be rather vague for an English language learner.

The analysis of Random House’s Living Dictionary Database and of Random House Webster’s College Dictionary (2000) revealed that computer technology, as well as arts and entertainment, are especially prolific in generating new words and meanings. Among the most frequently used ones are:

emoticon (emotion + icon - an abbreviation or icon used on a network) ,

 netiquette ( network +etiquette – the etiquette of computer networks),

 edutainment (education + entertainment – television programs, books, software, etc., especially those intended primarily for school-age children) vs.

infortainment ( broadcasting or publishing that strives to treat factual matter in an entertaining way, often by dramatically reenacting or fictionalizing real events),

 advertorials ( advertisement+editorial – a newspaper or magazine advertisement that promotes the sponsor’s product while appearing to be an editorial or provide information of general interest),

 pathography  ( autobiography that focuses on the negative elements of its subject),

 dramedy /dramady ( drama + comedy - a television program or series using both serious and comic subjects).


 ЗАДАНИЯ К СЕМИНАРУ 1 (для выполнения дома письменно)


 1) Fill in the proper word. Translate, pay attention to the suffix.


True / truthful

This play is based on a ________ story.

I believe her: I think, she is a __________ person.


You can’t have everything you want: don’t be so __________.

She has a _____________ quality, a sort of innocence, which I like.


Our teacher is full of ____________ enthusiasm for her subject.

Enjoy yourself while you are still ___________


This meat is so tough that I find it ______________.

Some of the ___________ varieties of fungus are poisonous.


The inscription was ____________, but I recognized it as Latin.

War and Peace may be a good novel, but I find it ______________.


“Ladies and gentlemen, this is a ______________ monument.

The library contains a copy of Magna Carta and other __________documents.

2) AFFIXES sWhat is a prefix ? Find three examples of prefixes from the text on non-standard English.

 What is a suffix ? Find seven examples of suffixes in the text.

 What parts of speech do they indicate ?

Study the table. What are the prefixes used in the words in the table ?

What meaning do they add to the root of the word ?

Write your own examples.


Prescriptivism is the view that one variety of language has an inherently higher value than others, and that this ought to be imposed on the whole of the speech community. It is an authoritarian view propounded especially in relation to grammar. The favoured variety is usually a version of the standard written language, especially as encountered in literature, or in the formal spoken language, which most closely reflects literary style and is presented in dictionaries, grammars and other official manuals. Those who speak and write in this variety are said to be using language “correctly”; those who do not are said to be using it “incorrectly”.

   The alternative to prescriptive approach is the descriptive approach associated mainly with modern linguistics. As the name suggests, its main aim is to describe and explain the patterns of usage which are found in all varieties of the language, whether they are socially prestigious or not. The approach recognizes the fact that language is always changing and that there will accordingly always be variations in usage. Linguists do not deny the importance of the standard language, but they do not condemn as “ugly’, “incorrect” or “illogical” other dialects which do not share the same rules.

(From Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language)


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