Greatest inventions that change the world.

Задание для групп 1 курса

Theme: Science.

Exercise I: Read and translate the text.

Natural sciences and their role in modern world.

       There is a discussion about the role of natural sciences in our life. Is this role really important nowadays? I support the opinion that these sciences are very important and useful today. They are a necessity of our modern life.

       Modern science is a collection of hundreds of sciences, which are exploring different spheres of reality. Those of them which learn nature are natural sciences. They are physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, physiology and others.

       Science arises from certain needs and develops on their basis. So, there is a reason to believe that the main driving force is a social needs. Thanks to their satisfaction, a person is forced to interact with nature and get some knowledge. The role of science has increased in modern society. New computer and informational technologies, genetic engineering and biotechnology promise to change the structure of our life itself. Under the influence of science the role of the human factor in all forms of activity increases.

       Physics has achieved a great success. The discovery of a huge number of elementary particles, hypothesis about the structure of matter generate new ideas about the structure of matter itself and the structure of the Universe in particular. The achievements in physics, chemistry, and biology let synthesize new molecules and materials (polystyrene, ceramics, etс.). It is expected that as a result of the use of synthetic fibers, various plastics and gels most sectors in economy will change.

       Knowledge helps to improve their strength, conductivity, etc. The emerging materials are widely used in modern biology and medicine. They let create «smart» drugs acting at a certain time in a certain part of the body. And today we can say that natural sciences play an important role in many industries and areas of our life. The level of their development can show the social development of every country and the whole world.

Useful words:

natural sciences - естественные науки;

exploring – исследование;

satisfaction – удовлетворение;

to arise – возникать;

basis – основа;

social needs - социальные потребности;

to interact – взаимодействовать;

increase – возрастать;

to achieve – достигать;

particle – частица;

hypothesis – гипотеза;

structure of matter – строение материи;

molecules – молекулы;

to expect – ожидать;

fibers – волокна;

conductivity – электропроводность;

to improve – усовершенствовать;

emerging materials – создающиеся материалы;

«smart» drugs – умные лекарства;


       Exercise II. Answer the questions:

  1. What is modern science?
  2. From what science arises?
  3. What technologies promise to change the structure of our life?
  4. What physics has achieved?
  5. What can we say about natural sciences today?
  6. What the achievements in physics, chemistry, and biology let synthesize?


       Exercise III. Translate into English:

1. основная движущая сила;

2. изменить структуру нашей жизни;

3. позволять синтезировать новые молекулы и материалы;

4. генерировать новые идеи о структуре самой материи;

5. изучать различные сферы реальной жизни;

6. человек вынужден изучать природу;

7. позволять создать «умные» лекарства;

8. естественные науки играют важную роль во многих отраслях и сферах жизни;

9. наука возникает из определенных потребностей и развивается на их основе;

10. в современном обществе роль науки увеличилась;


       Exercise IV. Read and translate the text:

Russian scientists.

Russia's contribution to the world's science can not be overestimated. People all over the world know the names of Russian scientists, Nobel Prize winners and authors of important discoveries and inventions.

Russia's first world-famed scientist was Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765). Eager to get an education, he left his home village Kholmogory and walked to Moscow on foot. The son of a poor fisherman became the first Russian professor of Chemistry at St. Petersburg Academy of Science in 1745. In XX century Moscow State University was named after M. Lomonosov and effortsto establish the system of higher education in Russia.

Another eminent Russian Scientist is Dmitri Mendeleev (1834-1907) -a famous chemist who arranged the 63 known elements into a periodic table based on atomic mass. Today every student is familiar with this table that bears the name of Mendeleev. The legend says that Mendeleev saw the periodical system in his dream. He was also able to predict the discovery of several elements that were not known at his time and have been discovered recently.

Among famous Russian scientists who contributed to world's science one should not forget Sofia Kovalevskaya (1850-1891) who became the first female professor of mathematics in the world.

One can also remember outstandingscientists from different fields of knowledge. Thus Alexander Popov (1859-1905) invented radio; Academician Ivan Pavlov (1854-1929) became the first Russian Nobel Prize winner in Medicine, the work by Nikolai Basov (1922-2001) led to the invention of the laser.

But this list is not over. Russian scientists, physicists, chemists, psychologists, surgeons and those who work in other spheres make new discoveries and breakthroughs. We can be proud of our scientists of the past and of the scientists who work today.

Useful words:

Academy of Science - Академия Наук

achievements – достижения

arrange – размещать

breakthrough - научный прорыв

chemist – химик

chemistry – химия

commemorate - почтить память

to contribute - вносить вклад

contribution – вклад

discovery – открытие

eager - сильно желающий

effort - усилие, попытка

establish - учреждать, устанавливать

to be familiar with - быть знакомым с

invention – изобретение

lead (led) – приводить

nobel prize - нобелевская премия

outstanding – выдающийся

overestimate – переоценивать

periodic table - таблица Менделеева

scientist – ученый

to predict – предсказывать

to be proud of- гордиться

surgeon – хирург

world-famed - всемирно известный


       Exercise V: Answer the questions:

1. Who is Russia's first world-famed scientist?

2. What is he famous for? What famous places were named after him?

3. What is D.Mendeleev famous for?

4. How did he make his discovery according to the legend?

5. Who became the first female professor of mathematics in the world?

6. Who was the first Russian Nobel Prize winner? What studies did he make?

7. What is the name of the Russian inventor of the radio?

8. In what sphere did N.Basov work?

       Exercise VI. Find correspondence between words in the left and right columns.

1. the son of a poor fisherman became the first Russian professor of Chemistry a. смог предсказать открытие нескольких элементов, не известных в его время
2. to commemorate his scientific achievements b. первая женщина-профессор математики в мире
3. make new discoveries and breakthroughs c.всемирно известный российский ученый
4. the first female professor of mathematics in the world. d. привести к изобретению лазера
5. a famous chemist who arranged the 63 known elements into a periodic table based on atomic mass. e. сын бедного рыбака стал первым в России профессором химии
6. contributed to world's science f. делают новые открытия и прорывы
7. world-famed scientist g. увековечить научные достижения;
8. became the first Russian Nobel Prize winner in Medicine h. химик, который организовал 63 известных элемента в периодическую таблицу на основе атомных масс
9. to predict the discovery of several elements that were not known at his time i. стать первым российским нобелевским лауреатом по медицине
10. led to the invention of the laser j. внести вклад в мировую науку


       Theme: Inventors and their inventions.

       Exercise I: Read and translate the text:

Greatest inventions that change the world.

       There could not be any development without inventions. Modern world can be called the world of technology, but the way to this title was rather long. Nowadays there are numerous laboratories discovering something new on a daily basis, but there are some inventions that date back centuries, but are still the core of the modern science. Almost all of contemporary discoveries have been based on previous inventions, so we should give credit to those talented inventors, who laid the foundation for our comfort. Let us remember the most important inventions and their creators, who paved the way to our easy-going life.

       Wheel is one of the most ancient people’s inventions. It is the thing that lets us move nowadays, but became a revolt in manufacturing hundreds of years ago. It is supposed that a wheel was discovered 3,000 years ago by potters and helped to carry different goods. It was a real boost when the wheelwas enhanced to the extent that it became a part of the vehicle. The invention of the wheel is a concept that lay grounds for many other inventions we can not live without.

       Steam engine invention can be called a key to our modern transportation and industries. Though we use more developed engines nowadays, all of them work in the same way – burning fuelis conversed into kinetic energy. James Watt is considered to be a leading inventor of steam engine, but there are numerous successors, who were improving it decade after decade. This invention had a dramatic impact on the world industry allowing factories to be free from water power, developing coal industry, increasing the speed of trains and becoming a core of modern transportation system.

       Electric light is another crucial invention that influenced the development of the mankind. Thomas Edison managed to invent a light bulb lasting for 1,500 hours.

       Telephone is one more revolutionary idea for people’s communication. Though the idea of it is rather simple, it took many years to realize it in real life. Michael Faraday, Johann Reis, Alexander Graham Bell have worked on the telephone equipment and the last inventor managed to reach his target and even founded the first telephone company. This company is also regarded to have developed the first mobile phones for police and later set the pace for cells development.

       The TV set has greatly changed the world with its appearance. Their appearance changed the way of life of many people, who changed their habits forever in favor of interesting and exciting TV programs.

       It is impossible not to remember a refrigerator as one of really important inventions. Though its appearance is connected with many names, the concept of a refrigerator originates from 1800s. The greatness of this invention implies the ability to prolong life of many products in cold environment and it has given a stimulus for the development of food production industry on a new higher level.

       It goes without saying that modern people can’t imagine their life without computers and the Internet. Being a commonplace in most of homes today, it is quite difficult to imagine that the first computer appeared only about 50 years ago and now it has changed completely. The first desktop computer for everyday use was manufactured in 1974. Apple computers by Stephen Wozniack and Steven Jobs got the first world’s computer system. The next step in computer development was IBM PC with a more powerful and faster processor.

       No doubt that the Internet is one of the most essential inventions of the mankind. This network aims at connection of thousands of other smaller networks that create a global network. Created by the Americans in 1973 it was initially used for connection of University networks and spread to Europe only in 1989.

       These are only some of the greatest world’s inventions worth mentioning. They have determined the way of humanity development and set the grounds for further innovations.

Useful words:daily basis – ежедневно;

the core – ядро;

contemporary – современные;

give credit – чтить (почитать);

creator – создатель;

to pave the way – проложить путь;

wheel – колесо;

revolt – стимул;

to be supposed – предполагать;

potter – гончар;

boost – толчок;

to be enhanced – быть усовершенствованным;

extent - степень

concept – концепция;

vehicle – транспортное средство;

steam engine – паровой двигатель;

fuel – топливо;

to be conversed – преобразовываться;

successor – приемник;

light bulb – лампочка;

to be regarded – считаться;

to set the pace – способствовать;

refrigerator – холодильник;

concept – концепция;

to originate – брать начало;

to be a commonplace – быть обычным явлением;

essential – важный;

to spread – распространиться;

to set the grounds – заложить основу;


       Exercise II. Answer the questions:

1. Why some inventions that dates back centuries are still the core of the modern science?

2. What the invention of the wheel makes for people?

3. What can you say about the invention of the steam engine?

4. Who is a leading inventor of steam engine?

5. Who have worked on the telephone equipment?

6. Who have founded the first telephone company?

7. How television has changed the way of life of many people?

8. What possibilities does it imply to the invention of a refrigerator?

9. Where the first computer appeared and what can you say about it?

10. What is the Internet?


       Exercise III. Translate into English:

1. колеса были усовершенствованы до такой степени, что они стали частью транспортного средства;

2. следующий шаг в развитии вычислительной техники был персональный компьютер IBM с более мощным и более быстрым процессором;

3. они определили путь развития человечества, и заложили основу для дальнейших инноваций;

4. современный мир можно назвать миром технологий;

5. изобретение колеса — это концепция, которая лежала в основе многих других изобретений, без которых мы уже не можем жить;

6. компания считается разработчиком первых мобильных телефонов для полиции,

7. современный человек не может представить свою жизнь без компьютера и Интернета;

8. почти все современные открытия были основаны на предыдущих изобретениях;

9. сегодня довольно сложно представить, что первый компьютер появился только около 50 лет назад;

10. появление телевидения изменило образ жизни многих людей, которые навсегда поменяли свои привычки в пользу интересных и увлекательных телепрограмм.


       Exercise VI: Read and translate the text:

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