17. Переведите термины и словосочетания в быстром темпе:

истощение защитного слоя в стратосфере; a major nuclear war; поверхность Земли; the subject of a study; интенсивность ультрафиолетовой радиации; scientific evidence; пораженные живые организмы; climatic effects; отсутствие безопасной для организма питьевой воды; environmental disruption; гибель сотен миллионов людей; significant reduction; широкомасштабный обмен ядерными ударами; a normal weather pattern; непрерывный процесс; major interference; последствия широкомасштабной ядерной войны; drinking water; воздействие ядерных взрывов; a breakdown in food supplies; предмет исследования; crop growth; существенные отклонения; direct effects; глобальное разрушение окружающей среды; environmental consequences; обычные модели погоды; a continuum; количества солнечного света и тепла; radioactive fall-out; необычайно низкие температуры; indirect effects; отсутствие осадков; toxic pollutants; сельскохозяйственные культуры; depletion; последствия для климата; significant reduction; широкомасштабная ядерная война; exposure.

18. Переведите следующие шаблонные выражения в быстром темпе:

it states that; согласно этому исследованию; it was the subject of a study; вопрос о том, какие последствия будет иметь широкомасштабная ядерная война; the scientific evidence is now conclusive that; это может оказать воздействие на климат районов; they include a significant reduction in; далеко за пределами районов; this would entail a high risk of; могу т также наблюдаться существенные отклонения от обычных моделей погоды; owing to the presence of smoke; значительное сокращение количества солнечного света и тепла, достигающих поверхности земли; there might be major interference with normal weather patterns; возможные последствия многочисленны; lack of precipitation affecting crop growth; каждый фактор будет обострять другой; to constitute a continuum; из-за наличия в атмосфере дыма, пыли и копоти; each factor would exacerbate the other; те, кто останется в живых после широкомасштабной ядерной войны; this could bring about serious consequences for exposed living organisms; обмен ядерными ударами может также привести к; the possibility exits that; в результате чего возрастет интенсивность ультрафиолетовой радиации; the environmental consequences of a major nuclear exchange.



19. Переведите анекдот :

A deputy sheriff was sent to take an inventory of the property in a house. When he did not return for three hours, the sheriff went after him, and found him asleep on a lounge in the living room of the house. He had made a brave effort with his inventory; however, he had written down. "Living room. 1 table. 1 sideboard, 1 full bottle of whiskey." Then the “full" had been crossed out, and "half full" substituted. Then this was overlined, and "empty" put in its place. At the bottom of the page, in wobbly writing, was written: "1 revolving carpet."

20. Повторите синхронно :

In the 19th century the manufacturing capabilities created by the Industrial Revolution were applied to the production of war materials. Technological innovation led to the development of rifled artillery, breech-loading rifles, machine-guns, and other weapons that revolutionised warfare. The resources of entire nations could now be turned to war, making possible conflicts of unprecedented scale and destructiveness. Although many government leaders saw the arms build-up in Europe as potentially disastrous, nothing was done to reduce armaments until the First Hague Peace Conference of 1890.

The First Hague Conference was convened at the initiative of Nicholas II of Russia to control arms development and improve the conditions of warfare. Twenty-six nations attended the conference which codified the laws and customs of land warfare. They defined the status of belligerents, and dratted regulations on the treatment of prisoners, the wounded, and neutrals. It also banned aerial bombardment (by balloons), dumdum (or expansion) bullets, and the use of poison gas. Most importantly, it established a court, the Permanent Court of Arbitration, for the arbitration of international disputes (although this court had no enforcement powers).

The Second Hague Peace Conference of 1907 was marked more by discord than discourse, a sign of the deteriorating world situation. However, it furthered the cause of mediation and arbitration of disputes by establishing additional courts to arbitrate cases involving ships' cargoes seized during war, and resolution of international debts. A Third Hague Conference was scheduled for 1915. Ironically, World War I caused its abandonment.


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