The main rules of a picture description


Have a close look at the picture and decide on how to structure your picture description. What is important or special? What should the viewer pay attention to?

Structure and Content

It's not easy to follow a picture description if the writer jumps randomly from one point to another. Therefore, make sure that your picture description is logically structured, for example:

· from left to right (or from right to left)

· from the background to the foreground (or from the foreground to the background)

· from the middle to the sides (or from the sides to the middle)

· from details to general impressions (or from general impressions to details)

Which structure you finally choose depends on your taste and the picture you want to describe.

Pictures in General

· short description of the scene (e. g. place, event)

· details (who / what can you see)

· background information (if necessary) on place, important persons or event


· name of artist and picture, year of origin (if known)

· short description of the scene (e. g. place, event)

· details (who / what can you see)

· impression on the viewer

· artist's intention

· perspective, colours, forms, proportions etc.




picture, image


photograph / photo


landscape painting

worm's eye view

bird's eye view




in the upper part

in the lower part

in the left part

in the right part

in the central part

in front of


next to …

on the right

on the left

in the middle

from front

from behind

from above

from below

the second from left/right


Тема «В мире театра и кино»

Задание 1. Изучите лексику по теме. Письменно составьте предложения


A box-office – театральная касса

A bar – буфет

A foyer – фойе

A house – зал

A cloakroom – гардероб

A stage – сцена

A backstage – пространство закулисами

Wings – кулисы

A dressing room – гримерная

Company – труппа

Cast – состав исполнителей

A director – режиссер

An actor – актер

An actress – актриса

A star – звезда спектакля

A singer – певец

A soloist – солист

A dancer – танцор

A ballet dancer – балерина

A designer – дизайнер

A conductor – билетер

An usher – швейцар

To stage a play – ставить пьесу

Rehearse a play – репетировать пьесу

To wear make-up and costumes – гримироваться и носить костюм

To perform for the audience – играть на публике

To have curtain calls – вызов актёра (на сцену); выход на поклон

The main part – главная роль

The leading part – ведущая роль

A supporting part – роль второго плана

The lights go down – гаснет свет

The musician tune up – музыканты настраивают инструменты

The curtain goes up (rises) – занавес поднимается

The actors and the musicians take their places – актеры и музыканты занимают свои места


Задание 2. Прочитайте текст. Составьте 10 вопросов по содержанию. Выпишите ключевые слова и подготовьте пересказ

Why do we love theatre?

I think every theatre fan bears his own answer. For lots of people theatre has become a kind of magic where actors transform into various characters. A dramatic performance was the only chance to show somebody else’s life for societies without cinematograph. Life of others is always interesting to us. We compare it to ours and we are happy if our life is better as well as we feel sorrow if our life is worse. That is why theatre became so popular in ancient Greece and then has spread into other countries. At present almost every country boasts at least one theatre with a stock company.

Fortunately Russia, my native country, is considered to be one of the leading states.

The history of Russian playhouse can name such well-known play writers as Chekhov, Ostrovsky, Bulgakov and many others. Today their dramas obtain new representation in the foreign producers’ hands. We also have a galaxy of brilliant actors who put their heart into every role they play.

Moscow is not only the political but also the theatrical capital of Russia. The city numbers about 154 theatres of various styles.The most famous of them are The Bolshoi, The Mali, The Lenkom, The Vakhtangov Theatre, The Sovremennik and lots of others.

Their troops are highly expected in all parts of the country and in the world when they move out for tours. Speaking about Russian theatre we should mention Sankt-Petersburg with its more than one hundred of stages. In 1756 by the law ofElizabeth 1 the city sighted the first Russian professional public playhouse for tragedies and comedies. Since then theatres began to invade Russian cities and towns. It became a very popular kind of entertainment for rich. Though the tickets for some setting are still extremely high, at the moment almost every person is able to buy a ticket to a theatre. Despite of the popularity of cinematograph Russians still show passion towards theatre performances.

When it comes to drama, one fabulous name can’t be forgotten - the name of William Shakespeare, a great English writer. His plays like “Romeo and Juliet”, “Othello”, “King Macbeth” are well-known all over the world. Shakespeare lived in the period of time when English theatre was just starting up. There were many troops but no buildings for them. Shakespeare’s «Globe» was one of the first theaters in London. Until the arrival of Bernard Show nobody could beat the popularity of Shakespeare’s compositions. English theatre can’t name as much famous writers and actors as Russian theater.

They tend more to musicals and operas. For example Covent Garden, Royal Albert Hall and London Coliseum are the largest London theatres designed for operas and other musical performances. As to me, I like to go to the theatre with my class or with my friends. We often visit Sovremennik, the Moscow Art Theatre and some others. I believe it helps me to be well educated. Furthermore I really admire the plays of our famous actors.

To tell the truth I don’t understand some modern settings but on the whole I favor theatrical experiment and fresh ideas.


Дата добавления: 2020-04-25; просмотров: 288; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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