Text C. Dental diseases. Stomatitis

Stomatitis affects all age groups, from the infant to the elderly. Poorly fitted oral appliances, cheek biting, or jagged teeth can persistently irritate the oral structures. Chronic mouth breathing due to plugged nasal airways can cause dryness of the mouth tissues, which in turn leads to irritation. Generalized or contact stomatitis can result from excessive use of alcohol, spices, hot food, or tobacco products. Sensitivity to mouthwashes, toothpastes, and lipstick can irritate the lining of the mouth developing stomatitis. Diagnosis of stomatitis can be difficult. A physical examination is done to evaluate the oral lesions. Scrapings of the lining of the mouth may be sent to the laboratory for microscopic evaluation, or cultures of the mouth may be done to determine if an infectious agent may be the cause of the problem.


Exercise 7.11. Answer the questions:

1) When does stomatitis occur? 2) What cases can persistently irritate the oral structures? 3) What can cause dryness of the mouth tissues? 4) What can contact stomatitis result from? 5) What causes intense pain? 6) Why is a physical examination of the mouth done?


Exercise 7.12. Learn the active vocabulary for text D:

periodontitis – периодонтит

periodontium – пародонт

surround – окружать

support – поддерживать

painlessly – безболезненно

involve – включать, затрагивать

loosening – расшатывание

redness – покраснение

halitosis – дурной запах изо рта

gingival pocket – зубодесневой карман

purulent – гнойный

disintegrate – разрушаться



Exercise 7.13. Read text D and translate it into Russian:

Text D. Dental Diseases. Periodontitis

Periodontitis is a set of inflammatory diseases affecting the periodontium, i.e. the tissues that surround and support the teeth. The periodontium consists of four tissues: gingiva, cementium (outer layer of the roots of teeth), alveolar, periodental ligaments. Gingiva, periodental membrane and jawbone are destroyed slowly and almost painlessly. The process, involving progressive loss of the alveolar bone around the teeth, leads to the loosening and subsequent loss of teeth. The inflammation of the periodontium results from bacteria in the dental enamel. These bacteria produce toxins and acids that attack teeth and gingiva.

The treatment of periodontitis depends on the stage of the disease. It is important to identify and treat the first signs of a beginning periodontitis. The symptoms may include the following:

- redness or bleeding of gums while brushing teeth

- gum swelling

- halitosis, or bad breath, and a persistent metallic taste in the mouth

- deep gingival pockets between the teeth and the gums

If these symptoms are not treated, gingival pockets are filled with purulent secretion. The jawbone disintegrates. The teeth seem longer, they become loose and eventually fall out.

Regular check-ups will ensure your teeth and gums to be in good shape and state. Allow the dentist to remove any plaque which contributes to cavities and gum diseases, and enable him to spot serious health problems early when they can be treated successfully.

Exercise 7.14. Answer the questions:

1) When is periodontitis? 2) What parts does the periodontium consist of? 3) What does the inflammation of the periodontium result from? 4) What does the treatment of periodontitis depend on? 5) What are the symptoms of periodontitis? 6) Why should be done to ensure your teeth and gums to be in good shape and state?


Exercise 7.15. Make a report on one of these themes:

1) Dental diseases. Caries.

2) Dental diseases. Pulpitis.

3) Dental diseases. Stomatitis

4) Dental diseases. Periodontitis



Exercise 7.16. Find the sentences with the Complex Object and translate them into Russian:

1) I want you to explain the following phenomena. 2) This observation permits us to draw some conclusions on the pathogenesis of the disease. 3) His physician did not allow him to start work until January. 4) Objective physical laboratory examinations showed them to be healthy. 5) Improved pre- and postoperative cardiopulmonary care can allow more patients to undergo surgery safely.6) We considered this method to be an interesting finding deserving confirmation. 7) Dr S. found the lipofuscin granules to appear for the first time at the age of 16 months. 8) The results lead us to believe that the technique is useful. 9) The use of such probes permits a general assessment of an extended region of the lesion to be made. 10) The scientists watched the levels change with the increase of temperature.

Exercise 7.16. Change the sentences as in the example:

Ex.         Не believes that they are experts in the field.

Не believes them to be experts in the field.

I think that she studies English.

I think her to study English.

We know that Dr Hill worked in this hospital last year.

We know Dr Hill to have worked in this hospital last year.

1) The therapeutist did not think that chills would recur after this course treatment. 2) At the follow-up examination the surgeon noticed that the patient had become better nourished. 3) Everybody believed that the initial diagnosis would be confirmed by X-ray and laboratory examinations. 4) The X-ray examination confirmed that the patient had organic change in the mitral, aortic and tricuspid valves. 5) The physician determined that the primary focus of infection had been eliminated due to antibiotic therapy. 6) Physicians consider that the loss of weight is one of the typical signs of pulmonary tuberculosis. 7) At the Institute of Cardiology in Moscow the researchers have found that mental overstrain is the factor causing the infarction in 35% of patients. 8) They have observed that the direct association between infarctions and the nerves occurs only in the age-group of patients over 40. 9) At the Institute of Experimental Medicine in St. Petersburg the scientists have found that cholesterol is produced in the body itself in the amounts sufficient to cause atherosclerosis. 10) Cardiologists have observed that children with congenital heart defects have no clinical manifestations of the disease until years after birth, when it may be too late to operate.


Exercise 7.17. Change the sentences from Active Voice into Passive:

1. The nurse sponges the patient's skin. 2. A poisonous remedy causes death. 3. This healing ointment relieves skin irritation. 4. The child takes cod liver oil. 5. The surgeon rinses his hands. 6. The doctor administers healing ointments. 7. The patient takes sedatives. 8. The doctor prescribes sleeping-draughts. 9. He rubbed in a healing ointment to relieve pain. 10. That drug caused a skin irritation. 11. I bought a medicine dropper at the chemist's department. 12. He handed in a prescription for the cough mixture. 13. The doctor administered laxatives. 14. The therapeutist heard moist rales. 15. The X-ray examination revealed lung troubles. 16. The doctor checked up my kidneys. 17. Professor will deliver a lecture in Histology tomorrow. 18. The therapeutist will put my sister on a sick-leave tomorrow. 19. My sister applies a hot- water bottle to her feet in the evening.

Exercise 7.18.Make the verbs in Active or Passive:

Oral hygiene _______ (to be) necessary to prevent cavities. This ________ (to consist of) regular professional cleaning (every 6 months), brushing at least twice a day, and daily flossing. X-rays ________ (to take) yearly to detect possible cavities in high risk areas of the mouth.

Chewy, sticky foods (such as dried fruit or candy) _______ (must/eat) as part of a meal rather than as a snack. If possible, brush the teeth or rinse the mouth with water after eating these foods.

Dental sealants ________ (can/prevent) some cavities. Sealants are thin plastic-like coatings which ________(to apply) to the chewing surfaces of the molars. These coatings _______ (to prevent) the accumulation of plaque in the deep grooves on these vulnerable surfaces. Sealants _______ (to apply) usually on the teeth of children, shortly after the molars erupt. Older people _______ (may/benefit from) the use of tooth sealants.

Fluoride ________often (to recommend) to protect against dental caries. It _________ (to demonstrate) that people who ingest fluoride in their drinking water or by fluoride supplements _______ (to have) fewer dental caries. Fluoride ingested when the teeth are developing ________ (to incorporate) into the structure of the enamel and _________ (to protect) it against the action of acids.

Topical fluoride _________ also (to recommend) to protect the surface of the teeth. This _________ (may/to include) a fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash. Many dentists ________ (to include) application of topical fluoride solutions (applied to a localized area of the teeth) as part of routine visits.


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