Placement – определение места

Standing - положение

Available – доступный, возможный

Scholastic учебный

Aptitude – склонность

Entrance exam – вступительный экзамен

Undergraduate – здесь: старшеклассник

Enroll – здесь: регистрировать(ся)

Provided – в случае, если

Make arrangement – условиться, договориться

Immediate - немедленно



Word Study to the Text.

Ex. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1. international student 2. experienced counselor 3. 12th grade 4.

misconception 5. entrance examination 6. confusing definition 7.

advanced level 8. required score 9. typical example 10. average mark

11. enough room 12. vocational education  

a/ профессиональное образование b/ продвинутый уровень c/

студент-иностранец d/ вступительный экзамен e/ опытный советник f/

типичный пример g/ достаточно места h/ 12-й класс (последний) i/

требуемая сумма очков j/ приводящее в замешательство определение k/

средняя отметка l/ неправильное понимание


Ex. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1. to earn marks 2. to confront challenges 3. to complete a program 

4. to issue a form 5. to add and divide 6. to apply for a Masters 7.

to determine one' standard of... 8. to make an arragement  

a/ завершить программу b/ поступать на получение степени магистра c/

складывать и делить d/ сталкиваться с возникающими трудностями e/ выдать

документ f/ условиться g/ получать отметки h/ определить свой



Ex. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Опытный советник по международным вопросам предупредил, что существует

неправильное понимание американского слова "grade". 2. У этого слова -

несколько определений. 3. Одно из них обозначает класс, уровень знаний. 4.

Второе значение - "оценка", но именно в американском английском, поскольку

у англичан есть свое собственное слово для данного понятия (notion). 5.

Иностранный студент часто может сталкиваться с проблемами, возникающими

из-за языковых и культурных различий. 6. Существует ряд терминов и

аббревиатур, которые представляют интерес для студента-иностранца. 7.

Существуют различного рода тесты для поступления в университеты и другие

учебные заведения. 8. Для поступления в университет необходимо набрать

определенное число очков в письменном экзамене, который проводится

независимыми экзаменационными комиссиями, разбросанными по всей стране. 9.

Этот экзамен равносилен (be equal to) вступительному экзамену.


Comprehension Check.

Ex. Answer the following questions:

1. What did an experienced counselor warn about?

2. What are the main meanings of the word "grades"?

3. What do the words "major" and "career" mean?

4. What scientific degrees are there in America?

5. What score is required to apply for a Master's degree?

6. What do the following abbreviations mean:

a/ MBA;

b/ SAT;


7. What institutions are the exams held at?


Topics to discuss.

1. Meanings of the word "grade".

2. Comment the following abbreviations:

a/ GMAT;

b/ GPA;

c/ GRE;

d/ MBA;

e/ SAT;







  Ex.1:Find out the Subject and the Predicate

1. Courses vary in length – from a few months to two years.

2. In order to enter a university or polytechnic in Britain, you should have two or three “A” levels with good marks.

3. Do young people pay less in their own state?

4. The undergraduate education culminates in a Bachelor’s Degree.

5. During the last two years the undergraduates major in one special subject.

6. To obtain the Master’s Degree a graduate student should work for two or sometimes three years.

7. For classes like history, literature, or even science there are essay questions, for math there are problems to solve.

8. Discussion often centres on the design of secondary and higher education programs.


Ex 2:Choose the verb (in brackets) that agrees with the subject

1. Colleges of education (train, trains) teachers.

2. Postgraduate courses (exist, exists) for the degrees of MA, M Sc and Ph.D.

3. In you have a high IQ score the teacher (give, gives) you more interesting work to do.

4. Further education at special colleges is mainly vocational, and (lead, leads) to a certificate, or a diploma, not a degree.

5. The academic programs (differ, differs) greatly in various universities.

6. An ever increasing number of students (hold, holds) jobs besides studying.

7. This (mean, means) that just about any student who really (want, wants) to can finance his education.

8. Young people usually (go, goes) to the university in the state they (live, lives).



Ex 3: Write down the questions to the given answers


1. ….. are you? – I’m 20.

2. ….. do you prefer, tennis or golf? – Tennis

3. ….. does it cost? – 10 dollars

4. ….. is it? - 11 am

5. ….. of books do you enjoy reading? – Detective stories

6. ….. does he go to school? – 6 days a week

7. ….. is he? – a coach

8. ….. were you there? – Yesterday

9. ….. have you been there? – (for) 3 weeks

10. ..… people will there be out of town tomorrow? – A lot (of)

11.  ….. do they life? – in S.-P.

12.  ….. things are these? – Mine

13.  ….. is she? – my sister

14.  ….. are you? – O.K.

15.  ….. do you go in for? - Football


Ex.4:Choose the correct form of each present tense verb

1. A university (offers, offer) both the B.D. and graduate degrees such as the M.A. and Ph.D.

2. Why (does, do) people go to university?

3. Education in Great Britain (is, are) compulsory from 5 to 16.

4. University and Polytechnic degree courses (lasts, last) three or four years.

5. (Does, do) a student wear a uniform?

6. Private universities (is, are) generally small and, therefore, very competitive.

7. In the USA the word “school” (describes, describe) any place where people learn.

8. (Does, do) students have a lot of tests and exams?


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