Exercise 6. Match grammatical construction with its definition.

Infinitive Present Simple Present Progressive Present Perfect “to be” in Present “have” in Present “do” in Present am/is/are have/has do/does have/has+V3ed to+V am/is/are+Ving V/Vs

Exercise 7. Write out from the text all the verbs in Present. Define what form of Present is it?

Exercise 8. Translate the sentences. Define their tense form.

1. Computer performs many useful functions.

2. Computer is performing operations.

3. Computer has performed operations.

4. Computer is an electronic machine that performs many functions.

5. Computer does a lot of operations for a human being.

Exercise 9. Make sentences in ex.8 negative and interrogative.

Exercise 10. Divide the following words into three tenses: Present Simple

Present Progressive

Present Perfect

now, today, this week, often, always, already, at the moment, just, yet, usually, recently, sometimes, since, regularly, for.

Exercise 11. Learn these words by heart and make up you own sentences with them.

2.1 Topic “Keyboard and Mouse”


Grammar: Present tenses compared.

2.4 Exercises.


Exercise 1. Vocabulary to the text.

Insert – вставка

Escape – переход, отключение

Cursor/pointer – курсор, указатель

Location – местоположение

Rubber – ластик

Surface – поверхность

To select – выбирать

Mousemat – коврик для мышки

To the right/to the left – направо/налево

To move- двигать, передвигать

Movement – движение

Circuit – цепь, схема, контур

To send – посылать

Up/down – вверх/вниз

Letter – письмо, буква

Edit – редактирование

Capital letter – заглавные буквы

Arrow key – кнопки (стрелки)

Exercise 2. Match these key abbreviations with their full names.

1. Esc

2. Alt

3. Ctrl

4. Pgdn

5. Pgup

6. Ins

7. Del

a) Alternate

b) Page up

c) Delete

d) Insert

e) Escape

f) Page down

g) Control

Exercise 3. Look at the keyboard and answer the questions.

1. Which key is between G and I?

2. Which key is to the left of Y?

3. Which key lets you type in capital letters?

4. Where are the arrow keys?

5. Where is the multiplication sign?

Exercise 4. Choose the letter or key from the keyboard and describe where it is. Do not say which key you have chosen. Use “next to”, “above”, “below”, “between”, “on the right”, on the left , “on the top”, “at the bottom”.

Exercise 5. Translate.

A computer can have a variety of input devices. This allows users to control the computer in different ways, or to put different kinds of data into the computer. The most common input devices is the keyboard. Another very common input device is the mouse. This is used to control the computer when the operating system has a graphical user interface.

The computer mouse is a hand-operated device that lets you control more easily the location of the pointer on your screen. You can make selections and choices with the mouse button. The mouse contains a rubber coated ball that rests on the surface of your working area or a mousemat. When the mouse is moved over the surface, the ball rolls. The ball’s movements up and down, left and right, turn the two axels inside the mouse. As they turn, detectors register the changing position. A small integrated circuit inside the mouse sends signals to the operating system, which instructs it to move the pointer on your screen.

The computer keyboard is an electronic device with keys arranged like earlier typewriter keyboards, but with extra keys. Because the output of the keys is controlled by the computer program, their function can vary. For example, the print screen key sometimes copies the screen to memory and sometimes copies it to a printer, depending on the program used. The arrangements of the keys varies but most desktop computers have an extended keyboard with keys divided into sections including the main keyboard, the function keys, the editing keys, and the numeric keys.

Exercise 6. Ask questions to the text.

Exercise 7. Listening.

Listen to the description of the keyboard and label each part of it.

Exercise 8. Translate the sentences. Define their tense form.

1. The system unit usually contains a small speaker, the power supply and some storage devices.

2. Programmists are comparing the computer results.

3. I have just written some information on the disk.

4. The quality of the display depends on the number of dots which make up an image.

5. You may take his computer, he has already finished working with it.

6. What are you doing? – I’m browsing the NET.

7. Don’t touch the computer. It is downloading.

8. Microcomputers are small enough to sit on a desk.

9. Computers have effect on everything we do.

10. Each webpage has a unique web address.

Дата добавления: 2019-09-13; просмотров: 814; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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