Ways of Word-Forming of Neologisms

The bulk of neologisms in English are formed according to the productive models of word-building in the given period and with the help of word-stock of the language. So, the greater part of literary-bookish neologisms are formed with the help of affixation and compounding. Conversion, shortening, changes in the meaning of the words are also used to form neologisms but in a lower degree. They are more often used to form colloquial neologisms.

Formation of neologisms with the help of affixation Here one must mention two important factors: enlarging of the role of prefixation and of the productivity of some prefixes and suffixes which were not such before.

Neologisms formed by prefixation fe­deration - прекращать нормирование (отменить карточную систему); decontaminate - обеззараживать; de-icer - антиобледенитель; de-froster -антиобледенитель; de-requisition - возврат;


self - вытесняет греческую приставку auto -

self-starter - автоматический завод, самопуск; self-correcting - само­корректирующий; self-propelling - самоходный;

super -

superatomic bomb - водородная бомба; superfilm - супербоевик; su­permarket - большой магазин самообслуживания; super-speed camera -сверхскоростная кинокамера; super-radar - радиолокационная станция большой дальности действия;

anti- anti-icer - прибор против обледенения, anti-world, anti-hero, anti-trend, anti-emotion, antieverything, antilorry, antiroad, anticar;


extra-smart, extra-strong, extra-nuclear (внеядерный).

Neologisms formed by suffixation

Suffixation has always been one of the most productive ways of word-formation. But at present, besides well-known suffixes, new ones began to be widely used though before they were either non-productive or less produc-tive, e.g.:

- ize

villagize, finalize - сделать окончательным;


doctee - пациент, teachee - ученик, студент; examinee - экзаменуе­мый; amputee, interrogatee, electee, askee, interviewee, autobiographee.

Practically, with the help of this suffix one can form any «passive» noun, to denote a person who is involved into some action (who undergoes some action, influence);


featurette - короткометражный фильм обычно низкого качества; kitchenette - кухонька, маленькая кухня с кладовой; leatherette - имитация кожи; launderette - маленькая прачечная самообслуживания.

This suffix has homonyms (a suffix of feminine gender -ette): usherette -билетерша, farmerette - работница на ферме.

The suffix -ess is gradually going out of use; and in Modern English «по­этесса» - a poet, «писательница» - an author, «редактор-женщина» - an editor;

-y (-ie)

bookie - книжонка; clippie - ж/д кондуктор; nappie - легкий сон; goalie - вратарь (ласкат.); choosy - разборчивый; talkie - озвученный фильм;

-dom forms nouns with the meaning of collectivity: gangdom, musicdom;


-ese forms nouns denoting belonging: Daily Telegraphese, New Yorkese, TVese;

-ish: fortyish, richish.


Compounding remains to be productive in forming both terminological and stylistic neologisms. Usually it is a mere combination of free forms: bar­fly - a frequent visitor of bars; bottom-dollar - последняя копейка; blood-transfusion; a frogman - водолаз; jobhunting; slot-machine; backroom boys (men, engaged in secret research); paperback books - книжки в обложке; aerolift - переброска, доставка по воздуху; wall-flower - a girl who stands near the wall as she is not invited to dance; blood-money - премия, выдавае­мая за уничтожение самолета противника; gold-digger - женщина, стре­мящаяся найти богатого покровителя; baby-sitter, TV baby-sitter; blooddo-nors - слаборазвитые страны, откуда выкачивают все, что можно; ghost­writer - лицо, сочиняющее речи и статьи за видных деятелей.

In compounding of present day it is necessary to mention an interesting phenomenon: such words as double-sealer, four-seater, double-decker, etc. which have been functioning in the language for a long time, have given rise to such ne­ologisms as a five-starrer - a high rank general with five stars; a play- arounder - from «to play around» - флиртовать, заводить интрижки; а breakfast-in-the-bedder - from «breakfast in bed». A complex process takes place here: contraction (стяжение) of the phrase with the addition of a produc­tive suffix.

A peculiarly English and steadily developing type is presented by nouns formed from root-morphemes with post-positives:

fall-out - радиоактивные осадки; dust-up - забастовка мусорщиков; break-down - полный упадок сил; come-back - возврат, возвратившийся; make-up - косметика; let-up - передышка; a set-up - установка; a show­down - решающая схватка; used-ups - использованные материалы; a walk-up - дом без лифта; a high-up - высокопоставленное лицо; walk-ins - ам­булаторные больные; a build-up - концентрация войск, усилий и т.п.; а touch-down - приземление; a looker-out - дозорный.

A special group of neologisms are the words with the postpositive in : teach-in - собрание преподавателей и студентов в знак протеста, против политики государства, студенческая конференция или семинар по на­сущным вопросам; work-in - работа студентов на заводах во время лет­них каникул; laugh-in - шумное веселье; ride-in - совместная поездка черных и белых в защиту прав; march-in - марш протеста; kneel-in - про­тест на коленях; slim-in - потеря веса; sit-in - оккупация помещения;


think-in - размещение, обдумывание; drop-in - собрание молодежи (в ка­фе); wash-in - стирка в муниципалитете в знак протеста против закрытия прачечных.

   It is a special type of compounding + conversion.

Shortening, e.g.:

ad, adverts - advertisement; coke - coca-cola; telist - telegraphist; co-ed

- co-education; sput - sputnik; prefab - prefabricated (thing).

Blending is not a very productive type of forming neologisms. The ex­amples are the following:

transeiver - transmitter + receiver; sportcast - sport + broadcast; popcert

- popular + concert; yarden - yard + garden; musicomedy - musical comedy;
nuke - nuclear attack; Reaganomics - Reagon + economics.

Such words as smog, cinerama, motel, cyclotron, moped (motor assisted pedal cycle) became universally recognized.

Some neologisms are used only in Modern colloquial language, espe­cially in common parlance (просторечии): dopium (dope + opium) - нарко­тик, дурман; republicrat (republican + democrat); weddiversary (wedding + anniversary).


Conversion is widely used to form neologisms, not only simple words, but manysyliable words and even word-combinations: to garage - поставить в га­раж, to pinpoint - точно указать местонахождение, to featherbed - оградить от экономических затруднений, to crash-land - разбиться при посадке, to force-land - совершить вынужденную посадку, to belly-land - приземлиться без шасси, a knowhow - технические знания, the under-eighteens - подрост­ки, the over-forties - люди свыше 40, a hand-out - официальное заявление, а must - необходимость, to baby-girl - родить девочку.

Change of meaning, e.g.:

angel - человек, оказывающий материальную поддержку, climate -сложившаяся (политическая) обстановка, coach - натаскивать; umbrella -1. прикрытие самолета; 2. политическая защита; floor - самый низкий уровень цен; to pase the baby - спихнуть какое-либо дело на другого; leftest - левый (в политике); to men - комплектовать людьми; ceiling -максимальная цена; headache - предмет или обстоятельство, раздражаю­щее или причиняющее неприятности.

Borrowings, e.g.:

sputnik, lunnik, lunokhod; glassnost, perestroika; Reichkanzler, Blitz­krieg, Luftwaffe.


Usually neologisms are short-lived. But if they express very important notions and the people need them for communication, then these words be­come part of the vocabulary, they enter the dictionaries.


The vocabulary of a language never remains stable. There are constant changes in the semantic structure of any language. Words appear, undergo a number of phonetic and semantic changes and finally pass completely out of use. The disappearance of various things, phenomena, etc. causes either com­plete disappearance of their names or turns them into «representatives» of a previous epoch.

Many words become obsolete in ordinary language, but remain in poetry, in books conforming to a definite style, in oratory, etc. A great many archa­isms survive in English dialects.

The fate of obsolete words may be different. We distinguish two groups of obsolete words: historical terms (historisms) and archaisms proper.

Historisms are names of things and phenomena which passed out of use with the development of social, economical, cultural life of society but which retain historical importance. Unlike archaisms, historical terms have no syno­nyms in Modern English: they are only names of things and notions which refer to the past of the English people.

The sphere of these words is restricted with scientific literature or with books and novels dealing with certain historical periods. There are lots of his­torisms in the historical novels of W.Scott and other English authors, e.g.:

1. words of social position: yeomen - йомен, knight - рыцарь, scribe -

2. names of arms and words connected with war: battle ax - боевой то­
порик, musket - мушкет, visor - забрало, warrior - воин, sword - меч, hal­
berd - алебарда, cross-bow - самострел, coat of mail - кольчуга, gauntlet -
рыцарская перчатка = латная рукавица, archer - стрелок из лука, spear -

3. types of vessels: galley - галера, frigate - фрегат, caravel -

4. types of carts which went out of use: brougham - одноместная
карета, chaise - фаэтон, легкая повозка с открытым верхом, hansom -
двухместный экипаж, где сидение кучера расположено позади и несколь­
ко выше мест для седоков, coach - карета (почтовая);

5. names of old musical instruments: lute - лютня, lyre - лира.

The number of historisms which reflect the social life and culture of the past is very great.


Archaisms proper are obsolete words denoting real things and phenom­ena, but the words themselves are no longer found in ordinary English: they were substituted by others, obsolete words becoming their stylistic synonyms.

We distinguish lexical and grammatical archaisms. Grammatical archa­isms are forms of words which went out of use with the development of the grammar system of the English language:

-th - suffix of the 3rd person sing., Present Indef. Tense, e.g. hath, doth, speaketh;

-st - 2nd person - dost, hast, speakest;

art - 2nd person of the verb «to be» pl.;

thou, thee, thy, thine - pronouns;

ye - plural, 2nd person.

Lexical archaisms. Poetry is especially rich in archaisms. Words that are too well known and too often used do not call up such vivid images as words less familiar. This is one of the reasons which impel poets to use archaic words. They are «new» just on account of their being old, and yet they are not utterly unknown to be unintelligible. The following are some of the most common lexical archaisms used in poetry:

billow - война; save - кроме; plain - жаловаться; behold - видеть; yon (yonder) - тот; eke - тоже; brow - чело; foe - враг; ere - до; steed - конь; morn - утро; belike - вероятно; damsel - девушка; woe - rope; oft, oft-times - часто; mere - озеро, пруд; hearken - слушать; albeit - хотя, etc.



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