Phonetics and its Connection with Linguistic and Social Sciences


The study of phonetics has educational and social values for almost everyone, realizing the importance of language in human communication.

As phonetics is one of the branches of linguistics it is closely connected with its other branches.

Connection with Grammar.Many Soviet linguists of the past considered phonetics to be an integral part of grammar along with morphology and syntax, and grammar reference books in those years contained a chapter in phonetics.

Connection of phonetics with morphology is revealed in the fact that establishing grammar categories, morphology often applies to phonetic rules:

1) vowel shift in formation of

a) irregular plurals: foot [fut] – [fi:t];

b) forms of irregular verbs: swim [swim] – swam [sw æ m] – swum [sw ʌ m];

2) rules, regulating the reading of flexions of some grammatical categories:

a) forms of past tense of regular verbs: played [pleid], worked [w ɜ:kt], wanted

[w ɒ ntid];

b) plural form and possessive case of nouns: tables [teiblz], books [buks], boxes

[b ɒ ksiz], boy’s [b iz], cat’s [k æ ts], Alice’s [æ lisiz].

Phonetics is also connected with syntax. This connection is revealed in the fact that any sentence being read has always a definite prosodic contour. There are some tendencies in intonation of such syntactic structures as questions of different types, direct addresses, the author’s words, enumeration, greeting, saying good –bye, parenthesis.

Connection with Lexicology,to be precise with the word stock of the language. First of all, this connection is revealed in the fact that any word cannot exist without its sound shape. Besides, with the help of vowel and consonant shift there appears the formation of different parts of speech: wise [waiz]- wisdom [wizd ə m], breath [bre θ ] – breathe [ bri:ð ].

The change in accentual structure of the word may also bring change of the part of speech: contest (n) [`k ɒ ntest]- contest (v) [k ə n`test], import (n) [`imp ə t] – import (v) – [im`p ɔ: t].

Phonetics also defines the sound form of borrowed words: their accented structure and sound composition. For example, Russian name Бородино is pronounced with the last stressed syllable and vowel sound [o] in stressed position. In English it is pronounced as [, b ɒ r ɒ ` di:n ] (Borodino), i.e. with two stresses, main and secondary, according to the rhythmical tendency of accentuation of poly syllabic English words, and with diphthong [əu] at the end of the word, as letter o in final position in English is not reduced.

Connection with Stylistics. There areStylistic Devices based on repetition of sounds (rhyme – repetition of final sounds of a syllable, alliteration – repetition of certain sounds or their combinations, assonance – repetition of vowel sounds.



Acoustic-Auditory phonetics and its methods of investigation.

Theoretical phonetics as science. Branches of phonetics. Methods of investigation.

Phonetics is concerned with the human noises by which the thought is actualized or given audible shape: the nature of these noises, their combinations, and their functions in relation to the meaning.
Practical or normative phonetics studies substance, the material form of phonetic phenomena in relation to meaning.

Phonetics studies the sound system of the language, that is segmental units (phonemes, allophones), suprasegmental units (word stress, syllabic structure, rhythmic organization, intonation). Phonetics is closely connected with general linguistics but has its own subject matter (Investigation).

All speech sounds have 4 aspects (mechanisms):
- Articulatoty – it is the way when the sound-producing mechanism is investigated, that is the way the speech sounds are pronounced
- Acoustic – speech sound is a physical phenomenon. It exists in the form of sound waves which are pronounced by vibrations of the vocal cords. Thus each sound is characterized by frequency, certain duration. All these items represent acoustic aspect.
- Auditory – sound perception aspect. The listener hears the sound, percepts its acoustic features and the hearing mechanism selects from the acoustic information only what is linguistically important.
- Functional – every language unit performs a certain function in actual speech. Functional aspect deals with these functions.

In accord with these 4 aspects of speech sounds 4 branches are distinguished, each of them has its own method of investigation:
- Articulatoty phonetics - studies (investigates) sound producing mechanism. Its method consists of observing the way in which the air is set in motion, the movements of the speech organs and the coordination of these movements in the production of single sounds and trains of sounds.

- Acoustic phonetics - studies the way in which the air vibrates between the speaker''s mouth and the listener''s ear. Has its basic method – instrumental. Speech sounds are investigated by means of operator called spectrograph. Intonation is investigated by intonograph. Acoustic phonetics comes close to studying physics and the tools used in this field enable the investigator to measure and analyse the movement of the air in the terms of acoustics.

- Auditory phonetics- the branch of phonetics investigating the hearing process. Its interests lie more in the sensation of hearing, which is brain activity, than in the physiological working of the ear or the nervous activity between the ear and the brain. The means by which we discriminate sounds — quality, sensations of pitch, loudness, length, are relevant here. The methods applied in auditory phonetics are those of experimental psychology: experimenting, usually based on different types of auditory tests,
- Functional phonetics – is also termed phonology. Studies the way in which sound phenomena function in a particular language, how they are utilized in that language and what part they play in manifesting the meaningful distinctions of the language. So this is the branch of phonetics that studies the linguistic function of consonant and vowel sounds, syllabic structure, word accent and prosodic features, such as pitch, stress and tempo


Дата добавления: 2019-09-02; просмотров: 630; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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