Hulchiy M.V. Thyroid cancer in combination with other thyroid diseases: clinical, diagnostic’s and treatment’s peculiarities. – A manuscript.

The dissertation for a doctor of medical sciences degree in specialty 14.01.14 – endocrinology and 14.01.03 – surgery. State Institution “V.Komisarenko Institute of the Endocrinology and Metabolism Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv, 2008.

Increase of thyroid cancer incidence in Ukrainian population in time prolonged after Chornobyl accident was determined. The essential risk factor of these increasing - thyroid irradiation in population as a result of the accident was proved.

The results of surgical treatment of 677 patients with thyroid cancer were analyzed and has been found that in most of the cases (57,9%) cancer was combined with the nodular nontoxic goiter and autoimmune thyroiditis and episodically – with toxic thyroid goiter. These combinations were not detected in 42,1% cases.

Peculiarities of clinic and pathogenic development of thyroid cancer in observed groups of patients with and without other thyroid pathology were determined. New more effective methods of thyroid cancer diagnostic and surgical treatment were scientifically grounded. Special algorithm of diagnostic, treatment and postoperative follow up of patients with thyroid cancer in combination with other thyroid diseases was developed.

Key words: thyroid cancer, Chornobyl accident, cancer in combination with other thyroid pathology, surgical treatment, effectiveness.


ЩЗ - щитоподібна залоза

ТАПБ - тонкоголкова аспіраційна пункційна біопсія

УЗД - ультразвукове дослідження

ЛВ - лімфатичні вузли

ПР - папілярний рак

ФР - фолікулярний рак

МР - медулярний рак

АР - анапластичний рак

Дата добавления: 2019-07-15; просмотров: 50; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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