Learn the proverbs and popular phrases. Use them in your conversation.

















УДК 42-8

ББК 81.432 – 923

Б 79



Болина, М.В. Английский язык. Базовый курс [Текст]: учебное пособие /
М.В. Болина. – Челябинск: Изд-во Челяб. гос. пед. ун-та, 2016. – 281 с.



ISBN 978-5-85716-914-8



Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов-бакалавров I курса факультета иностранных языков, обучающихся по направлению «Педагогическое образование», профиль «Иностранный язык», и по направлению «Лингвистика», профиль «Перевод». Учебный материал I курса рассчитан на лиц, продолжающих изучать английский язык, однако предусматривает систематическое повторение основ грамматики и фонетики. В учебник включен материал второго семестра.


ISBN 978-5-85716-914-8


Рецензенты: Н.Е. Кунина, канд. филол. наук, доцент ЧГПУ

 К.Н. Волченкова, канд. пед. наук, доцент ЮУрГУ



© Болина М.В., 2016

© Издательство Челябинского государственного

педагогического университета, 2016



Целью обучения английскому языку на первом курсе факультета иностранных языков является практическое овладение студентами основными видами речевой деятельности – аудированием, говорением, чтением и письмом в пределах грамматических и лексических тем, включенных в программу
I курса. Требования к практическому владению студентами каждым видом речевой деятельности представлены в программе.

Учебное пособие «Английский язык. Базовый курс» является продолжением учебного пособия «Английский язык. Вводный курс». Практика устной речи охватывает 7 лексических тем: «Дом», «Еда», «Распорядок дня», «Учеба», «Покупки», «Город», «Погода». Каждая тема состоит из текста, тематического словаря и упражнений, позволяющих не только отрабатывать лексический материал, но также совершенствовать фонетические и грамматические навыки. Тексты учебника частично взяты из учебников, рекомендованных для вузов, частично являются адаптацией оригинальных источников.

Грамматические темы («Временные формы глагола в действительном и страдательном залоге», «Модальные глаголы», «Согласование времен», «Косвенная речь») выделены в отдельный раздел. Этот раздел включает не только грамматические правила и тренировочные упражнения, но и список неправильных глаголов, задания на коррекцию ошибок и лексико-грамматический материал для контрольного повторения. 

В базовом курсе продолжается работа над произношением. Раздел «Фонетика» предлагает диалоги “Ship or Sheep”в качестве материала для корректировки и автоматизация произносительных навыков студентов.

Учебное пособие также содержит раздел самостоятельной работы, в который включены текстовые задания, задания по аудированию и видео, и приложения.

На каждый час аудиторного занятия приходится час самостоятельной работы студентов в лаборатории и дома.







1. Home ....................................................................................................................................................5

2. Daily Programme ……………………………………………………………...................................17

3. Meals ..................................................................................................................................................27

4. Study................……………………………………………………………........................................39

5. Clothes & Shopping………………………………………………………………………................50

6. Town ……………………………………………………………………….......................................61

7. Weather ……………………………………………………………………......................................72


1. Impersonal Sentences ........................................................................................................................83

2. Adjectives and Adverbs .....................................................................................................................88

3. The Past Simple Tense …………………………………………………………...............................95

4. The Present Perfect Tense ………………………………………………………..............................96

5. The Past the Future Perfect Tenses ……………………………………….....................................101

6. The Past and the Future Continuous Tenses ……………………………………............................104

7. The Perfect Continuous Tenses …………………………………………………............................109

8. Talking about Future ……………………………………………………………............................112

9. Modal Verbs …………………………………………………………………….............................114

10. The Sequence of Tenses ………………………………………………………...............................120

11. Reported Speech ………………………………………………………………...............................122

12. The Passive Voice ……………………………………………………………................................129

13. Irregular Verbs…………………………………………………………………..............................133

14. Correction Work………………………………………………………………................................142

15. Test Revision…………………………………………………………………….............................148


1. English to Jazz……………………………………………………………………...........................161

2. Ship or Sheep? ……………………………………………………………………..........................165


1. Reading and Comprehension…………………………………………………….............................174

2. Listening and Comprehension ..........................................................................................................187

3. Videotasks ........................................................................................................................................217



1. Dictations .........................................................................................................................................219

2. Songs ................................................................................................................................................252





Read, translate and reproduce the text.


Letter from Home

ˎMary dear,    

  It's ˋless than a ˏmonth that you're aˈway from ˏhome but it ˈseems ˎages. We ˈmiss you ˎbadly, ˈso it's ˎsweet of you to .write .often. We are ˋall ˌfairly ˏwell and ˋpleased you are ˏtoo, ˈDad and ˏI are ˈback to ˈwork after the ˏholidays, ˈGranny does ˈmost of the ˈwork about the ˏhouse – ˈjust the ˋusual ˌrun of ˏthings, ˈas you can ˏsee. I ˈcan't ˈsay I ˈsee ˈmuch ˋof ˌLucy and ˏMike, but we ˎspeak much ˈover theˎphone.

Their ˈlatest ˏnews and ˈchief ˈtopic of ˈconverˏsation is their ˈnew ˎflat, of course. They are ˈmoving ˈsomewhere aˈround the ˈend of the ˎmonth. As ˋyou can iˏmagine it's ˈquite an eˋvent for ˏthem and they ˈare, ˎcertainly, ˎanxious. Their ˈnew aˏpartment is in a ˈblock of →flats, in a ˈnew ˏdistrict on the ˈoutskirts of the ˎcity. It's a ˈpretty ˈlong ˈway from the ˎcentre, but ˈthat ˈdoesn't ˎmatter much | as there is an ˎunderground ˈround the ˎcorner.

ˈLucy is a ˈlittle upˎset that the ˈflat is on the ˈtop ˎfloor of a ˈtwelve-ˈstoreyed ˎhouse, but this ˎcan't be helped and, ˎafter all, there is a ˎlift. As ˈfar as I ˏknow, it's a ˈtwo-room ˏflat with a ˏbathroom, a ˏlavatory, a ˈspacious ˏhall and a ˎbalcony. The ˈkitchen is ˈvery ˏcomfortable, with an eˈlectric ˏcooker and ˈbuilt-in ˎfurniture. There are ˈalso a ˈfew ˈbuilt-in ˏwardrobes in the ˏhall and the ˎbedroom, ˈwhich is ˈvery conˎvenient, ˈno ˎdoubt.

There are, ˎcertainly, ˈall ˈmodern conˎveniences in the flat: ˈelecˏtricity, ˈcentral ˏheating, ˈhot and ˈcold →water supply. ˈHope to ˈsee it ˈall for myˋself ˏsoon and ˈwrite you ˈmore ˎthen. ˋThat's our .news for the ˎpresent. There is ˋlittle ˌelse I can ˏsay, ˈjust that we are ˋlucky with the ˏweather. It's ˋfairly ˏwarm and ˈdoesn't at ˋall ˌlook like ˏautumn. ˈHow are ˈthings with ˎyou? We ˈall ˈsend you our →love and ˎkisses.                                                                       

                                                                                                                →Yours, ˎMum


1. to have a brick / wooden house; country house; summer house; hotel; hostel;

block; block of flats; high-rise building; to share a room / flat with;

on the outskirts; in the suburbs.

house – частный дом; home – место, где кто-то живет;

cottage – небольшой, обычно двухэтажный, деревенский дом;

separate / adjoining rooms; living room; sitting room (BrE); lounge (BrE);

children’s room; study; utility room;

ceiling; rubbish chute; stairs; staircase; ladder; landing; go upstairs / downstairs;

to be five minutes’ walk from; to be a five-minute walk (ride, drive) from;

to have a southern / northern /eastern /western aspect; to overlook a street, yard etc;

ten-storey (= ten-storeyed) building; on the ground floor (BrE) / on the first floor (AmE);         


1. Мы используем слово storey, а не floor, чтобы сказать, сколько этажей в здании.  

Мы чаще используем слово floor, чтобы сказать на каком этаже что-то расположено.

How many storeys does the block have? – It has 3 storeys.

What floor is your flat on? – It’s on the second floor.

2. Мы обычно не говорим слово house в адресе.

What number do you live at? –  I live at (number) 61 Oxford Street.


2. to move house; to move in; to have (arrange) a housewarming;

to have little (plenty of, a lot of) room; furniture; necessary things; to make housekeeping easy;


to be heated by a stove; to open (close) curtains; to raise (lower) blinds; 

to be covered with linoleum/ parquet/ laminate; to be whitewashed/ painted (blue)/ papered/ tiled


to help about the house; to find housework tiresome; to be (in) a mess; to be spick and span;

to be in its place; to make the room cosy, comfortable, dark etc; to match; to go with;


comfortable – комфортный; 

convenient – удобный для определенной цели;

nothing is more pleasant than to do smth. 

3. suite of furniture; wall-unit with several sections; glass-fronted bookcase;

chest; drawer; chest of drawers; cupboard – шкаф ;

sideboard – длинный и низкий шкаф для посуды в столовой;

closet (AmE) – встроенный шкаф, чулан ,кладовка;


single bed; double bed; twin beds; bunk beds; camp bed; bedspread; pillow; cushion;

sofa – диван; sofa bed; settee – диванчик; couch – кушетка; divan – тахта

dining table; desk; bedside table; bedside cabinet; dressing table; mirror; vase;


armchair, stool; carpet; rug; plaid; door mat; bath mat;

chandelier; wall lamp; standard lamp; desk lamp; candle; candlestick; fireplace; mantelpiece;


(desktop) computer; notebook / laptop; internet tablet; keyboard, touchpad, smartphone;

headphones / earphones; loudspeakers / speakers; webcam; software, hardware;


sewing machine; food processor; dishwasher; oven; microwave (oven); refrigerator (=fridge); freezer; sink; wash basin; washing machine; bathroom accessories; towel; bath house.    



1) Put the book on the table. The book is on the table. Take the book off / from the table.

Put the book into (in) your bag. The book is in your bag. Take the book out of your bag.

Give the book to him. (=Give him the book.) Give it to him. Take the book from him.


2) Look at the picture. Look at the blackboard. Look at me. Look (at yourself) in the mirror.

I looked into the room. He looked into her eyes.

Open your book at page 20. What is there on page 20?

What is there at the top (at the bottom) of the page?


3) What can you see in the picture (photo)? – I can see a family.

What is there on the picture (photo)? – It’s my pen.

4) He lives in Oxford Street. His house is at the beginning (at the end) of the street.

The school is in Lenin Avenue. The house is in Palace Square. It’s on the Neva Embankment

5) On the right (on the left) there’s a bed.

They drive on the left (=on the left-hand side).


The bed is to the right (to the left) of the door.

Turn to the left (to the right).


The television is in the (right-hand) corner of the room.

The public telephone is at /on the corner of the street.


6) There was a bench between these two pines. There was a house among the pines.

We live across the street (from you). Our house is opposite yours.

Right opposite the door is a large window.

In front of the house there is a lawn. The garden is behind the house. 


7) The photo is above (= над ) the desk.

The ball is under (=под) the desk.           (обозначают вертикальное расположение)


The picture is over (= выше ) the desk.

The picture is below (= ниже ) the lamp.  (обозначают уровень)


8) He sat at / near the window. (около, недалеко)

He sat by / beside / next to the window. (у, рядом с)

He lives far (away) from London.


9) We had dinner at the cafe. He is at the cinema. They met at Judy’s house. He is at university. ( где вообще )

It was very cosy in the cafe. There were a lot of people in the cinema.

The rooms in Judy’s house are small. Is he still in the university? ( внутри помещения )

10) He came to the door. They stood at the door.

They knocked at /on the door. There was a sign on the door.

They came into (in) the room. They entered the room.

They went out of the room. They left the room.


She went in. She is in.

She went out. She is out.

He went away. He is away. He is off.


Learn the proverbs and popular phrases. Use them in your conversation.

1. East or west, home is best.

2. Home, sweet home.

3. Home is where the heart is.

4. An Englishman’s home is his castle.

5. A skeleton in the cupboard.

6. Better late than never.

7. Better safe than sorry.

8. The more you get, the more you want.

9. The best things in life are free.        

10. The man travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.



Learn the chants.

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