Some people think that punishment should be used in class to achieve discipline and to make students study hard.

The use of punishments in the classroom is so controversial that it provokes an ongoing debate.

Some people believe that punishment helps teachers to create an effective learning environment

for students, while others are against using punishment at school. ls it really а good idea to

punish students for bad behaviour and low grades?

ln my opinion, punishment in the classroom has more positives than negatives. Firstly, it

makes students realize what kind of behaviour is inappropriate in the classroom setting.

Punishment can eliminate or prevent bad behaviour because students know that they will have

to face the consequences of their actions. Secondly, it is well-known that students find any

punishment unpleasant, so they try to bе well-behaved and to get good grades in order to avoid

receiving it. Thirdly, punishment teaches students to respect authority and their classmates.

However, some people believe that punishment humiliates students. It fills children with fear

and guilt, and they may lose interest in learning. Besides, students who are put in detention or

sent to the principal's office as а punishment are taken away from their lessons.

But Ithink that some punishments do not make students feel ashamed or embarrassed. For

example, giving schoolchildren some extra work as а punishment encourages them to improve

their knowledge of the subject and to become more disciplined.

То sum up, schoolchildren need to learn that those who misbehave deserve punishment, while

good behaviour is rewarded. There are different punishments that help teachers to improve

school results and to discourage students from breaking school rules. Ibelieve that schools

should bе strict about discipline and students' academic performance.

Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher.

Most people can learn to do something simple on their own with just a set of instructions.

However, to learn something more complex, it's always best to have a teacher. Teachers help

you find the way that you learn best. They help you stay focused on what you're learning.

They provide you with a. wider range of information than you might find on your own. In

short, teachers provide you with a lot more support and knowledge than you can usually get

by yourself.

Teachers can help students learn in the way that is best for each student because teachers

understand that different people have different learning styles. For example, some students

learn better by discussing a topic. Others learn more by writing about it. A teacher can

help you follow your learning style, while a book can give you only one way of learning


Teachers help you focus on what you are learning. They can help you keep from becoming

distracted. They can show you which are the most important points in a lesson to understand.

If you have to study on your own, on the other hand, it might be difficult to keep your attention

on the material or know which points are most important.

Teachers bring their own knowledge and understanding of the topic to the lesson. A book

presents you with certain information, and the teacher can add more. The teacher might also have a different point of view from the book and can provide other sources of information

and ideas, as well.

There is nothing wrong with studying on your own. For the best possible learning, though,

a teacher is the biggest help you can have.


Many teachers assign homework to students every day.

I believe that daily homework is not necessary. Students already spend most of the day in

school. They need their time outside of school to do other things. They need time to spend

with their families, to work, and to just relax. They can learn their lessons with homework

two or three times a week, but every day isn't necessary.

All students need to spend time with their families. They are still young and they need the

guidance and support their parents can give them. They need the companionship of their

brothers and sisters. In addition, many families rely on their older children to help out at

home. They take care of the younger children and help with the cooking and cleaning. If

students have too much homework, they won't have time for their families.

Many high school students have jobs. They go to their jobs after school and on weekends.

Some work in order to help their families. Others work to save money for college. Students'

jobs are important to them. If they have too much homework, they won't have time and

energy to go to work.

Students need time to relax. They study hard in school all day and many work at jobs after

school. But they are still young. They need to spend time with their friends and have fun.

When students relax with friends, they then have more energy for school and work. They have

a chance to develop social skills or to pursue their own interests. Having free time is important

for a child's development. If students have too much homework, they won't have time for


Homework is important for students, but other things are important, too. Some homework

is good, but daily homework can take time away from a student's family, job, and relaxation.

There needs to be a balance.

Is daily homework necessary?

There is much controversy about the necessity of daily homework for students. Some say homework is necessary since practice makes perfect, while others disagree because they believe a student should have the freedom to study whatever in whatever forms just as he/she likes to. Many teachers believe that daily homework is the key to education and school success.

In my opinion, daily homework is necessary for students. First, a teacher could assign homework as a measure for the students to study. A student needs guidance from a teacher because he/she does not have an overall understanding of the knowledge he is going to study from the teacher. This means, at the beginning, a student could not well plan his/her study, just as a kid who is for the first time in a swimming pool could do nothing but to play with water. A teacher could make a good study plan for him/her, so that he/she could learn efficiently.

Daily homework is the best way for students to review what he learned during the day, study on the problems that he does not understand, and prepare for the next day's work.

Secondly, even when a student has already understood what he/she should do in order to master some skill or knowledge, he/she is still unwilling to do this for the lack of motivation. Hey, do not tell me that you have never been lazy at all when you were young. Some homework could function as a task for the student to perform which is helpful to motivate him/her.

Daily homework is the bases of success in exams. This is especially true for those students who are not so bright, and the only way to succeed at school is doing homework each day.

Thirdly, homework is an important form of feedback for a teacher to understand the effectively of his/her teacher. As I have mentioned before, a teacher makes a study plan for the students; but does it really work? Or does it work for all the students? It's not difficult to know this only if the teacher pays some attention to the homework of the students. Then he/she may be able to find if there's some problems in his/her teaching, and make corresponding adjustment of his/her teaching, either for all the students or for a single one. Without some feedback, it is impossible for the teacher to do this. A test is also a good form of feedback, but obviously one or two tests are not enough, and sometimes this kind of feedback just comes too late.

Daily homework can help students develop good learning habits. Learning is not always an enjoyable experience and students always need to spend hard time on it.

However, this conclusion might be misleading that one may believe all forms of homework are necessary. Actually, only proper amount of homework in proper forms is acceptable; some homework may not only fail to help the students, but on contrary bore them, so much so that they may lose their innate interest to study. "Proper" homework, in my opinion, should vary in its forms; it might be some extensive reading, a paper, or even just a game, as well as other ordinary exercises. And it should leave enough freedom to the students so that they could do things they really like to do with self-motivation, rather than unwillingness. We should always remember that homework is something for us to guide the students, rather than drive them. Only if a teacher keeps this in his/her mind, the homework could be of most help to the students.

Life requires us to keep learning in order to catch on with this fast pacing society. A good learning habit and method that we developed when we are students can benefit us for the rest of our life.


Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 453; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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