The Book of the Epistle to the Son of the Wolf                                           CHAPTER SIXTY TWO 25 страница


What hath become of the light of Thy nearness, O Desire of every understanding heart?


The tormenting agony of separation from Thee hath consumed me.



Where is the effulgent light of Thy reunion,

O Well-Beloved of such as are wholly devoted to Thee?


Thou seest, O my God,

what hath befallen me in Thy Path at the hand of those who have denied Thy Truth,

have violated Thy Covenant,

cavilled at Thy signs,

rejected the blessings Thou didst vouchsafe,

disbelieved the verses Thou didst send down

and have refused to acknowledge the testimony Thou didst fulfil.




O Lord! The tongue of my tongue, and the heart of my heart, and the spirit of my spirit,

and my outward and inmost being bear witness to Thy unity and Thy oneness,

Thy power and Thine omnipotence, Thy grandeur and Thy sovereignty,

and attest Thy glory, loftiness and authority.


I testify that Thou art God and that there is none other God besides Thee.


From everlasting Thou hast been a treasure hidden from the sight and minds of men

and shalt continue to remain the same for ever and ever.


The powers of earth can never frustrate Thee,

nor can the might of the nations alarm Thee.


Thou art the One Who hath unlocked the door of knowledge before the faces of Thy servants

that they may recognize Him Who is the Day-Star of Thy Revelation,

the Dawning-Place of Thy signs, the Heaven of Thy manifestation,

and the Sun of Thy divine beauty.


In Thy holy Books, in Thy Scriptures, and Thy Scrolls

Thou hast promised all the peoples of the world that Thou Thyself shalt appear

and shalt remove the veils of glory from Thy face,


even as Thou didst announce in Thy words unto Thy Friend

through Whom the Day-Star of Revelation shone brightly above the horizon of Ḥijáz,

and the dawning light of divine Truth shed its radiance among all men, proclaiming:


‘The Day when mankind shall stand before the Lord of the worlds.’




And before Muḥammad,

Thou didst impart this glad-tiding unto Him Who conversed with Thee, saying:


‘Bring forth thy people from the darkness into the light and remind them of the days of God.’


Moreover Thou didst proclaim this truth unto the Spirit

and unto Thy Prophets and Thy Messengers, whether of the remote or more recent past.


If all that which Thou hast sent down in glorification of this Most Great Remembrance,

this Great Announcement, were to stream forth from the wellspring of Thy most august Pen,

the inmates of the cities of knowledge and understanding would be dumbfounded,

except such as Thou wouldst deliver through the potency of Thy might

and wouldst protect as a token of Thy bountiful favour and Thy grace.



I bear witness that Thou hast in truth fulfilled Thy pledge

and hast made manifest [Him] Whose advent was foretold

by Thy Prophets, Thy chosen ones, and by them that serve Thee.


He hath come from the heaven of glory and power,

bearing the banners of Thy signs and the standards of Thy testimonies.



Through the potency of Thine indomitable power and strength,

He stood up before the faces of all men

and summoned all mankind to the summit of transcendent glory and unto the all-highest Horizon,

in such wise that neither the oppression of the ecclesiastics nor the onslaught of the rulers

was able to deter Him.


He arose with inflexible resolve and, unloosing His tongue, proclaimed in ringing tones:


‘He Who is the All-Bountiful is come, riding aloft on the clouds.


Advance, O people of the earth,

with shining faces and radiant hearts!’


Great indeed is the blessedness of him who attaineth Thy presence,

drinketh the wine of reunion proffered by the hand of Thy bounteousness,

inhaleth the fragrance of Thy signs,

unlooseth his tongue in celebrating Thy praise,

soareth high in Thy heavens, is carried away by the sweetness of Thy Voice,

gaineth admittance into the most exalted Paradise

and attaineth the station of revelation and vision before the throne of Thy majesty.



I beg of Thee by the Most Great Infallibility

which Thou hast chosen to be the dayspring of Thy Revelation,

and by Thy most sublime Word

through whose potency Thou didst call the creation into being and didst reveal Thy Cause,

and by this Name which hath caused all other names to groan aloud

and the limbs of the sages to quake,



I beg of Thee to make me detached from all else save Thee,

in such wise that I may move not but in conformity with the good-pleasure of Thy Will,

and speak not except at the bidding of Thy Purpose,

and hear naught save the words of Thy praise and Thy glorification.



I magnify Thy Name, O my God,

and offer thanksgiving unto Thee, O my Desire,


inasmuch as Thou hast enabled me to clearly perceive Thy straight Path,

hast unveiled Thy Great Announcement before mine eyes,

and hast aided me to set my face towards the Dayspring of Thy Revelation

and the Fountainhead of Thy Cause,

whilst Thy servants and Thy people turned away from Thee.



I entreat Thee, O Lord of the Kingdom of eternity,

by the shrill voice of the Pen of Glory,

and by the Burning Fire which calleth aloud from the verdant Tree,

and by the Ark which Thou hast specially chosen for the people of Bahá,


to grant that I may remain steadfast in my love for Thee,

be well pleased with whatsoever Thou hast prescribed for me in Thy Book

and that I may stand firm in Thy service and in the service of Thy loved ones.



Graciously assist then Thy servants, O my God,

to do that which will serve to exalt Thy Cause

and will enable them to observe whatsoever Thou hast revealed in Thy Book.


Verily Thou art the Lord of Strength,

Thou art potent to ordain whatsoever Thou willest

and within Thy grasp Thou holdest the reins of all created things.


No God is there but Thee,

the All-Powerful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.


The Tablet of Splendours                                                                                            CHAPTER SIX

Divisions 156-185




O Jalíl!

We have unveiled to thine eyes the sea and the waves thereof,


the sun and the radiance thereof,

the heavens and the stars thereof,

and the shells and the pearls thereof.


Render thou thanks unto God for so great a bounty,

so gracious a favour that hath pervaded the whole world.




O thou who hast set thy face towards the splendours of My Countenance!


Vague fancies have encompassed the dwellers of the earth

and debarred them from turning towards the Horizon of Certitude,

and its brightness, and its manifestations and its lights.


Vain imaginings have withheld them from Him Who is the Self-Subsisting.


They speak as prompted by their own caprices, and understand not.




Among them are those who have said:

‘Have the verses been sent down?’


Say to them,

‘Yea, by Him Who is the Lord of the heavens!’



If they say,

‘Hath the Hour come?’


Say to them,

‘Nay, more;

it hath [already] passed,

by Him Who is the Revealer of clear tokens!


Verily, the Inevitable [end of days] is come,    [because the modern era has begun]

and He, the True [Lord], hath appeared with proof and testimony.


The Plain is disclosed, and mankind is sore vexed and fearful.


Earthquakes have broken loose, and the tribes have lamented,

for fear of God, the Lord of Strength, the All-Compelling.’





‘The stunning trumpet-blast hath been loudly raised,

and the Day is God’s, the [Lord], the Unconstrained.’


And [if] they say:

‘Hath the Catastrophe come to pass?’


then Say:

‘Yea, by the Lord of Lords!’




And if they say

‘Is the Resurrection come?’


Say to them,

‘Nay, more;

He Who is the Self-Subsistent hath appeared with the Kingdom of His signs.’



And of they say,

‘Seest thou men laid low?’



‘Yea, by my Lord, the Most High, the Most Glorious!’



And if they say,

‘Have the tree-stumps been uprooted?’


Say to them,

‘Yea, more;

the mountains have been scattered in dust; by Him the Lord of attributes!’



If They say:

‘Where is Paradise, and where is Hell?’


Say to them:

‘The one is reunion with Me; and the other thine own self,

O thou who dost associate a partner with God and doubtest.’



If They say:

‘We see not the Balance.’



Say to them:

‘Surely, by my Lord, the God of Mercy!

None can see it except such as are endued with insight.’




If They say:

‘Have the stars fallen?’


then Say:

‘Yea, when He Who is the Self-Subsistent dwelt in the Land of Mystery.


Take heed, ye who are endowed with discernment!’



The Tablet of Splendours                                                                                      CHAPTER SEVEN

Divisions 186-215




All the signs appeared when We drew forth the Hand of Power

from the bosom of majesty and might.


Verily, the Crier hath cried out, when the promised time came,


and they that have recognized the splendours of Sinai have swooned away

in the wilderness of hesitation, before the awful majesty of thy Lord, the Lord of creation.



The trumpet asketh:

‘Hath the Bugle been sounded?’


Say then:

‘Yea, by the King of Revelation!

when He mounted the throne of His Name, the All-Merciful.’



Darkness hath been chased away

by the dawning light of the mercy of thy Lord, the Source of all light.


The breeze of the All-Merciful hath wafted,

and the souls have been quickened in the tombs of their bodies.


Thus hath the decree been fulfilled by God, the Mighty, the Beneficent.



If They who reject the truth have said:

‘When were the heavens cleft asunder?’


Say to them:

‘While ye lay in the graves of waywardness and error.’



Among the faithless is he who rubbeth his eyes, and looketh to the right and to the left.


Say to him:

‘Blinded art thou.

No refuge hast thou to flee to.’



And among them is he who saith:

‘Have men been gathered together?’


Say to him:

‘Yea, by My Lord! whilst thou didst lie in the cradle of idle fancies.’




And among them is he who saith:

‘Hath the Book been sent down through the power of the true Faith?’


Say to him:

‘The true Faith, yea, and it is astounded.


Fear ye, O ye men of understanding heart!’



And among them is he who saith:

‘Have I been assembled with others, blind?’


Say to him:

‘Yea, by Him that rideth upon the clouds!’



Paradise is decked with mystic roses,

and hell hath been made to blaze with the fire of the impious.



Say to them:

‘The light hath shone forth from the horizon of Revelation,

and the whole earth hath been illumined

at the arrival of Him Who is the Lord of the Day of the Covenant!’


The doubters have perished,

whilst he that turned, guided by the light of assurance, unto the Dayspring of Certitude,

hath prospered.


Blessed art thou, who hast fixed thy gaze upon Me,

for this Tablet which hath been sent down for thee—

a Tablet which causeth the souls of men to soar.


Commit it to memory, and recite it.


By My life! It is a door to the mercy of thy Lord.


Well is it with him that reciteth it at eventide and at dawn.




We, verily, heard thy praise of this Cause,

through which the mountain of knowledge was crushed, and men’s feet have slipped.


My glory be upon thee and upon whomsoever hath turned unto the Almighty, the All-Bounteous.


The Tablet is ended, yet the theme is unexhausted.


Be patient, for thy Lord is patient.



The Tablet of Splendours                                                                                       CHAPTER EIGHT

Divisions 216-245




These are verses We sent down previously, and We have sent them unto thee,

that thou mayest be acquainted with what their lying tongues have spoken,

when God came unto them with might and sovereignty.


The foundations of idle fancies have trembled,

and the heaven of vain imaginings hath been cleft asunder,

and yet the people are in doubt and in contention with Him.




They have denied the testimony of God and His proof,

after He came from the heaven of power with the kingdom of His signs.


They have cast away what had been prescribed,

and perpetrated what had been forbidden them in the Book.


They have abandoned their God, and clung unto their desires.


They truly have strayed and are in error.



They read the verses and deny them.


They behold the clear tokens and turn aside.


They truly are lost in strange doubt.




We have admonished Our loved ones to fear God,

a fear which is the fountainhead of all goodly deeds and virtues.


It is the commander of the hosts of justice in the city of Bahá.


Happy the man that hath entered the shadow of its luminous standard,

and laid fast hold thereon.


He, verily, is of the Companions of the Crimson Ark,

which hath been mentioned in the Qayyúm-i-Asmá.




O people of God!

Adorn your temples with the adornment of trustworthiness and piety.


Help, then, your Lord with the hosts of goodly deeds and a praiseworthy character.


We have forbidden you dissension and conflict in My Books,

and My Scriptures, and My Scrolls, and My Tablets,

and have wished thereby naught else save your exaltation and advancement.


Unto this testify the heavens and the stars thereof,

and the sun and the radiance thereof,


and the trees and the leaves thereof,

and the seas and the waves thereof,

and the earth and the treasures thereof.


We pray God to assist His loved ones,

and aid them in that which beseemeth them in this blest, this mighty and wondrous station.


Moreover We beseech Him to graciously enable those who surround Me

to observe that which My Pen of Glory hath enjoined upon them.




O Jalíl!

Upon thee be My glory and My loving providence.


Verily We have enjoined the people to do what is meet and seemly

and yet they have committed such things as have caused My heart and My Pen to lament.


Incline thine ear to that which is sent down from the heaven of My Will

and the realm of My good-pleasure.


I sorrow not for My captivity,

nor for the things that have befallen Me at the hand of Mine enemies.


Nay, My sorrows are occasioned by those who claim to be related to Me

and yet commit that which causeth the voice of My lamentations to be lifted up

and My tears to flow.  


We have exhorted them at length in various Tablets and beseech God to graciously assist them,

to enable them to draw nigh unto Him and to confirm them in

that which would bring peace to the hearts and tranquillity to the souls

and would stay their hands from whatsoever ill-beseemeth His days.



O My loved ones in My lands!

Give ye ear unto the counsels of Him Who admonisheth you for the sake of God.


He hath in truth created you,

hath revealed before your eyes that which exalteth you and promoteth your interests.


He hath made known unto you His straight Path

and hath acquainted you with His Great Announcement.




O Jalíl!

Admonish men to fear God.


By God! This fear is the chief commander of the army of thy Lord.


Its hosts are a praiseworthy character and goodly deeds.


Through it have the cities of men’s hearts been opened throughout the ages and centuries,

and the standards of ascendancy and triumph raised above all other standards.



The Tablet of Splendours                                                                                         CHAPTER NINE

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