Translate from English into Russian

1. While playing under her mother's eye, she felt a wind-up toy.

2. If one only could peel her, as one peels an onion, of pretence and insincerity.

3. Carefully she broke all the twigs from the branch, so that it became an almost straight stick, and as she walked, she peeled the bark from the wood until it was stripped clean.

4. You've got to scrape up some courage, some daring.

5. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.

6. Mary watched us both tensely, but I knew that however hard she listened, she was bound to miss the point.

7. He must have got mixed up in something in Chicago.

8.  Both she and Jane were rather conscious of their ages and conscious of having put their first youth behind them.

9. I think you've caught the tune admirably.

10. Old Thomas had never interfered to the smallest degree in the affairs of others.

11. I mean, why not take advantage of the sunshine before the fog comes back?  

12. He smiled at her unconscious admission that she would have been happy without Charles. 13. "Are you English?" I asked, perhaps tactlessly. "Rather. You don't think I look like an American, do you? British to the backbone, that's what I am."

14. The work was heavy and backbreaking, but it had to be done.

15. I kept going as I was until he was a decent distance behind me.

16. Please help instead of merely standing by.

17. I have never seen such hatred in someone's eyes before.

18. I can't stand people who laugh at other people.

19. He continued to pat her gently on the shoulder.

20. Her voice was level, dispirited and showed no interest.

Write English equivalents of the following words and phrases

Нарушить слово,

на белом фоне,

верить в…,


почесать спину,

линия наименьшего сопротивления,

пускать фильм в прокат,



сплетничать о,

стоять дыбом (о волосах),

задумчивые глаза, 

приспособиться к чему-то,

играть кому-то на руку,

иметь довольный вид,

владеть собой (контролировать себя),

скрывать что-то от кого-то,

блистать в роли,

соглашаться по некоторым вопросам,

само собой разумеется,

мыть посуду,

сильное течение,

собрать что-то (соединить),

соответствовать ожиданиям,

грубо шутить,

делать что-то у кого-то за спиной,

держаться в тени,

совместная постановка,

быть не в духе,

под подозрением,

пролить воду,

горький вкус,



попасть в беду,

собираться сделать что-то,


немой фильм,

военная киноэпопея, 

развести костер,

пол пуда гороха, 

грести вверх по течению,

яичница болтунья.

Supply prepositions where necessary

1. Frankly speaking, I don't see anything ... that idea. 

2. I can never talk easily ... him, we seem to have nothing ... common. 

3. Our preparation had to be made ... secret, which required caution.

4. The matter ... itself is not important, ... fact I was going to take no notice ... it, but he had acted ... such a way that I must take it into consideration. ... any case it can't affect you.

5. Come to our village ... a month or so. You'll see then how beautiful it is ... early June, all the houses smothered ... roses and not a cloud ... the sky.

6. Nobody dared speak about it ... him.

7. He knelt... her.

8. I'll give you a cup of tea... I explain to you what has happened.

9. He left in 1950 and has not been heard of....

10. ... we have no money, we cannot buy it.

11. The blackberries tasted ... rain.

12. You are... the few who will be equal to it.

13. Tom decided that he could be independent... Becky.

14. He planted the apple-trees ... the left and the pear trees... the right of the path.

15. There are goods ... sale in all the shop-windows. You are very slow, why don't you hurry ... a bit?

16. The garage was built ... a convenient site.

17. There was no objection ... the part ... the owner ... the car.

18. The doctor was ... the point... leaving.

19. He was arrested ... suspicion ... murder.

20. Come ...! Let's lock the trunk to be ... the safe side.


Comment on the given proverbs. Make up a situation centered round one of them

1. Borrowed garments never fit well.

2. An empty sack cannot stand upright.

Read the text and translate it into Russian

The Loneliness of Being a Genius

Many people think that it must be great to be a child prodigy. You're smarter than everyone - even your teachers. All your friends are jealous because you don't have to work in school. Your parents are really proud of you and they never complain about your schoolwork.

Unfortunately, for most prodigies, the statements above are incorrect. Many child prodigies have lonely, friendless childhoods. Why? Because their intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and chronological ages are very different. Even a very young prodigy may have the intelligence of an adult, but he or she still has the social and emotional level of a young child.

Research on the development of children's friendships shows that friends think of themselves as similar to each other. This means two children who are friends like the same activities and they act and speak in similar ways. Many highly gifted children can find no one who is like them, so they end up lonely and isolated.

For example, Ian is six. His IQ is over 200, and he is passionate about dinosaurs. Many children of all ages also like dinosaurs. However, Ian rarely finds someone to talk to about his passion.

Other six-year-olds know too little. Even older children don't know enough. And they don't find his knowledge interesting. In fact, they often don't like him because he keeps correcting them. Ian can only talk about dinosaurs to knowledgeable adults.

The adults are kind, but he is not their social or emotional equal. He's still a child. Therefore, Ian never feels he has a true friend because no one really shares his interests at the same level.


Analyze the text

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